Period + Coffee = ......................... PART 2

Perfect Getaway..

~Hazel’s POV

I turn my back on him. Because I can’t hold my tears any longer. I miss him so much that it might kill me. But remember on what he said that night really hurts me. . This period makes me more sensitive than ever. I starts crying hard. I just can’t hold this pain in my body, my heart. Suddenly, I feel the bed beside me sink, and a hand wrapped my body, pull me closer to him.

“Please don’t cry..” Jiyong said on my ear as he hold me tight.

“Don’t do this.. you can’t do this..” I said sobbing.

“please just leave jiyong.. you doing this only make it hard for me to let you go.. I have to let you go….. please…ji…” I said still sobbing but instead he turn me around to face him and hug me tight. I bury my face on his chest.

“shh.. please haze.. just let me take care of you.. it’s okay, I’ll be right here.. do you want me to take you to the hospital?” He said

“no.. I’m…fine..” I lied. I can feel my body is trembling. I feel so dizzy, my stomache hurts so bad, and weak.

“you’re obviously not.. let’s go.” Just like that he pick me up bridal style and take me to his car. He drove me to the hospital. After getting examined by the doctor. The doctor said I need to get proper rest and eat. I realized that all of this problem make me sleep less and lost my appetite. The doctor gave me medicine for my allergy , then jiyong take me out of the hospital and go to his car. He put on my seatbelt then start to drive. I look through the window.

“you’re staying in my house tonight..” Jiyong suddenly said.

“hm? Why? No.. just take me to Jieun unni’s ..” I said looking at his face.

“no.. you’re staying in my house so I can take care of you better..”


“no more buts.. just rest for a while, I wake you up when we’re home.” he said then turn his face at me. He said home as in our home. The home that I miss the most these days. The place that hold happy and sad memories of us. I close my eyes and start drift away to my sleep as the medicine start working in my body.

I wake from my slumber. I feel lying on a soft bed. I can feel a familiar scent, jiyong’s. it’s like I’m surrounded by it. I must be dreaming. Wait. I open my eyes and I saw the familiar room. Jiyong’s room. Then the he come into the room.

“oh! You’re awake.. how do you feeling now? Dizzy?anything?” he said as he sit on the bed beside me, placing his hand on my forehead.

“hmm.. wait. why am I here? what time is it?” I ask

“I carry you here because you fell asleep in the car and I don't want to wake you’s 11pm..why?”

“I need to go, unni must be worried about me.” I said as I try to get up from the bed.

“yah. Yah. I told you to stay here so I can take care of you..” he said try to hold me down. Then he’s phone ring.

“speaking of the person.. it’s jieun noona.” He said then answer his phone, with his other hand holding mine. As I feel his touch, I feel something in my stomache. It’s not the pain, but butterflies. I miss his touch. no matter how bad thing is going between us, but I still love him.

“ooh.. noona.. she’s with me in my house.. I took her to the hospital already, and the doctor said she need a lot of rest, so I’m taking care of her now.. hm? Neh she’s staying with me.. arasso noona.. you want to talk to her? Yeah, she just woke up.. here, noona wants to talk to you” he said giving his phone to me.

“unni..” I said.

“Hazel.. are you okay?? What happened? Is the period effect Is that bad??”

“aniyo, unni.. I’m okay.. I just need some rest.. I’m sorry for making you worried unni..”

“well, at least you said you’re okay.. are you gonna be fine staying at jiyong’s?”

“hmm..? I think so..”

“ me If you need nything, arasso?”

“neh, unni..” Then jieun unni hang up. When I'm about to give the phone to jiyong, I accidentally see the background on his phone. It's the picture of us. 

"oh! This.." I said then give the phone to him 

"hmm? Oh.. You haven't answer my question.. Do you feel dizzy or anything?" 

" a bit dizzy.. But my stomach still hurts.." I said then he place his hand on my forehead. 

"you're still burning up.. Yah. What kind of medicine did the doctor give?! Why didn't it work?!" he said ruffling his hair. 

"I've only drink it once.. It won't work that fast, ji.." I said then yawn, the medicine is still working now that I get sleepy again even when I just wake up. 

"really? Arasso.. It's late, you need to again.." 

"hmm.." I nodded and he help me to lay down again. 

"I'll be right here with you okay.. Tell me if you need anything." he said and I nodded again.  He swipe my hair gently with his hand as I close my eyes. It's amazing how a simple action from him can make me feel safe and calm. I miss this kind of feeling. As i sleep I'm having this dream again. It's more like a flashback about me and jiyong. From the happy times that we had until it become a nightmare. I open my eyes again and see jiyong lay his head on the bed, sleeping. He looks so tired and he will be hurting if he keep sleeping like that.

"jiyong.. Jiyong-ah" I said with a small voice an he wake up. 

"haze? What happen? Hurt again?" he said with a worried look in his eyes. 

"no.. It's just.." 

"what?you're thirsty? Let me get you some water.." he said as he get up from his seat. Then I hold his hand , he turn around looking at me confused. 

"aniyo.. It's just.. Can you.. Sleep beside me.. On the bed.." 


"I mean, your neck will in pain if you keep sleeping there.. And..." 

"and ?" 

"and I'm having a nightmare...." I said then let go of his hand. 

"arasso.." he said smiling then lay beside me. We just stay there laying side by side looking at the ceiling. 

"what nightmare did you have?" he said

"nothing.. just nightmare..”

“ooh.. it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me..” he said. I look at him and he close his eyes. I turn my body facing him. I miss looking at his face. He look wrecked, his beard unshaved, dark circles under his eyes. Suddenly he turn to face me and open his eyes.

“why are you not sleeping? You need to rest.. is it because the bad dream?” he said.


“is it always like this? The effect?”

“like what? What effect..?”

“I mean, when you drink coffee.. is it always happen like this? You’ll be like this?”

“usually it’s not up to this intens, it’s because today is that time of the month that make it worst..”

“what? What time of the month?”

 “it’s a girl thing…”

“aaahh… I know.. I know.. “ he said chuckling.

“Haze… can I say something..I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to hear it.. or maybe you should sleep..” He continue. I can se nervousness in his face. Eventhough my eyes starts to feel heavy, but my heart keep beating fast like it’s keeping me awake when I see his face like this.

“no.. just say it.. I’m listening, but don’t blame me if I fell asleep though.” I said.

“okay.. I know that I did everyting wrong, I messed up, and I’m so sorry. that slap that you gave me that day I know I deserved it. Even though I know that you still hate me for what I did and seems that my sorry not gonna help with anything, but can you promise me one thing.. never do this kind of thing again?”

“what thing?” I said, try to hold my eyes because it’s getting heavier. I don’t want to sleep yet, I want to hear what he’s saying.

“don’t drink coffee again, please I’m begging you.. no matter how the situation is.. you have no idea how it kills me seeing you like that. Promise me, please?” he said. I don’t know what to say, how to react. I just nodded.

“I promise.” That’s all I say before my eyes finally gave up and I drift into slumber. But the last thing I heard is jiyong’s whisper saying “thank you..I’m sorry.. I love you and I always will..”

~ No one's POV

“thank you..I’m sorry.. I love you and I always will..” Jiyong said looking at the sleeping figure beside him. all of his regrets piles up in his heart. How can he be so stupid and do such horrible things to this girl that he love the most in this world. he look at that beautiful sleeping face for a while. He saw her brows suddenly furrowed. Then he gently swipe her brows and kiss her forehead, and the brows back to normal again. "I won't do those things again, I won't make the same mistake and hurt you again, this is my promise and I will keep it." he said in his mind.



the storm of drama starts to calm... :]

welcome to the new subscribers.

thank you for subscribing and for all of your comments..

it really really make me happy ^^

PS :

I want to say thank you to Kwon Jiyong a.k.a GDragon for creating another beautiful song, THAT XX..

I love every single beat, and words of that song..

another masterpiece of GDragon..

I love you, Kwon Leader..

see you on Alive Tour. October 13th 2012, G.. <3

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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.