what should I do?

Perfect Getaway..

I walk out of the office with everything clouding my mind. What should I do know? What’s best for us? I walk out of the building when I bumped into someone.


“HEY! WATCH IT!” the voice said. Probably the last voice I ever want to hear in my life. Mina.

“Sorry.” I said and start to walk away.

“Saw the headlines. It’s really over now, don’t you think?” her words makes me stop.

“what is?”

“your pathetic relationship? Are you really that stupid to know that all of this will effect his career? His fans become anti-fans, do you think your pathetic puppy love worth his lifetime career? And do you really think you’re good enough for him?”

“it’s none of your business so stop meddling other people’s life, and start worrying about yours”

“oh! And one more thing, have you seen the comments now? well you should, the web is on fire.” She said smirking.

“whatever.” and with that I walk away from her.

I walk and walk and walk. Then I stop to a café, order a hot chocolate and sit on a table near the back. There are barely anyone there. Just 2 girl students busy with their phone sit on the next table and an old couple sit in front of me. The place is quiet. Perfect for me to think. Suddenly my phone ring. It’s a call from jiyong.


“Hazel, babe where the hell are you?? I go to hyung’s office and he said you already left, I ask jieun noona she doesn’t even know that you came to the building. I called your phone but you’re not answering until now. I’m ing worried! Where are you??”
“ calm down ji.. I’m fine. I’m in this café not so far from YG.”

“I told you to text me when you’re done talking with hyung right?”

“I know, I’m sorry..”

“are you okay? Something’s wrong?”

“nothing.. everything’s perfect.”

“who are you with?”

“no one, I’m alone.”

“you want me to go there?tell me the name of the café then.. I’ll be right there.”

“hey, have you finished the songs?”

“no but I can do that later”

“yah. How can you leave your work just to accompany me drinking hot chocolate? Just do your work and call me when you’re done.” I said. It’s not that I don’t want to see him, it’s just I need to think alone.

“really? You’ll be fine alone there?”

“yes ji.. I’ll be fine, I’m as healthy as a cow remember?”

“wel, if you keep drinking that hot chocolate every single day you’ll definitely look like one, babe.” He said laughing hard.


“I’m sorry.. just kidding babe..”

“don’t babe me.”

“baby, you are the most perfectly beautiful girl in my life and no matter what happen I will always love you.”

“you and your sweet talk. Remind me why am I fall in love with you again?”

“because I’m that awesome, irresistible, undeniably handsome..”

“Cocky bastard, go do your work and finish it soon..”

“arasso arasso.. I love you babe, see you later”

“I love you too.” I hang up.

I take another sip of my hot chocolate. All those questions popped into my mind again. What Mina said earlier is right. Those are the million dollar question in my life right now. Am I worth all of these troubles for him? I look at my phone again and open the news website. And just like she said, it is on fire. The comments are war. Most of the comments are bad things, and when I say bad I mean all the bad words can describe like “this only want oppa’s money!” “she’s a pregnant ” etc. Well there’s good comment too but it’s like one in a million. The headline’s also getting worst.



Those news and comments really hurts me. But the thing that hurts the most is the fact tht all of this will be effecting jiyong. His career. His life. The boys. Their new album supposed to be the moment where they can get back up. I witness how they work hard for this. I want them to be happy not giving them another trouble. Suddenly someone sit on the chair in front of me.

“hey, y….” That voice. Maknae.

“Seungri? What are you doing here?”

“How did you find out it’s me so fast? Aaah no fun.”

“that ‘hey y’ thing really blew it off seungri-ah. You should’ve used another word.”

“aww man!” he said taking off his hat and ruffle his hair.

“so, what are you doing here?”

“nothing, I just walking to YG from my schedule and I see you here so here I am talking to you.”

“aren’t you supposed to be recording or something?”

“nope, jiyong hyung said I can do my part tomorrow for the last song.”


“your turn. What are you doing here haze?”

“Drinking. Sitting. Thinking.”

“Thinking? About?”

“nothing.” I said and look down. Then he suddenly take my phone and see it.

“I know now. just ignore all of this. This kind of news will fade away. What did jiyong hyung said about this?”

“well, he said he want to tell the truth i.e telling our relationship to public.”

“Really?? AWESOME. That’s great!”

“you think so? I mean….” My sentence got cut out when I suddenly hear the conversation between the 2 girls that sit near us and I know seungri hear it too.

Girl 1 : “hey, have you seen the news abot GDragon oppa??”

Girl 2 : “neh! That girl must be just random girl that oppa met in a club or something.”

Girl 1 : “I think so. She’s not even pretty. She must be a that wants oppa’s money.”

Girl 2 : “it’s really disappointing if that girl is oppa’s girlfriend. I mean, she’s far from good enough for him.”

Girl 1 : “true. I think oppa looks good with Jung Mina. You know her right?”

Girl 2 : “I know I know! Daughter of the owner of Jung’s Company right?”

Girl 1 : “yup! That one. She’s rich and beautiful just a prefect match for oppa.”

Girl 2 : “Yeah. Definitely.”

My eyes start to get teary. My vision is blurry. Those words sting my heart so bad. I have never cared this much on what people say before.

“Hazel.. Hazel.. Look at me. Hey.” I hear seungri keep saying my name. I turn my head to see him.

“Hey, don’t listen to them. People like them think that they know you but the fact is they don’t. Those words that come from their mouth is far from true. You’re the best for jiyong hyung and sooooo much better than Mina. Jiyong hyung loves you more than his love and I know you love him too, nothing else matters. Don’t let that unreasonable words get into you. Okay?” Seungri said and I nod.

“since when did you get this wise?” I said.

“hmm.. since birth?” he said smiling.

“yah. But do you think I’m getting fat or something because they keep saying I’m pregnant. Do I look like a pregnant woman?” I said.

“what? Pfft.. right now, no. but sometimes..well..”


“uuuhh… you called my real name.. cute. Now I know why jiyong hyung fell head over heels in love with you” He said laughing hard.

 “..and seriously, you’re not fat nor look like a pregnant woman. You’re beautifully y.” He said smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

“uuhh.. jiyong will scold you hard if he knew you’re flirting with his girlfriend right now.” I said laughing looking at his darkened face when I said that.

Thanks to seungri, I’m laughing now. But those words that the girls said already got into me. It makes me think even harder. What seungri said is true, I love him more than my life too. That’s why I don’t want him to face another problem in his life because of me. I want him to have a happy life. What should I do now. should I agree with jiyong, stay with all these troubles and date publicly? Or finding another choice to take?. I don’t know.




enjoy reading~

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WISE SEUNGRI is here ^^



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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.