The other guy..

Perfect Getaway..
~seunghyun's POV 


I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I can't sleep. Her face still lingering in my mind. 
Why can’t I get her out of my mind?. I still remember clearly her encounter with Mina and how 
we talk under the sky the other day. 


{ Flashback} 

I'm walking with jiyong to get some food in the cafeteria. But first, he wants to go to the 
sajangnim office first,he said he wants to talk about new song with me and sajangnim. 
When we get off from the elevator , I see Her encountered by Mina. That  is really looking 
for trouble , I thought when I heard her words to Hazel. As I start to walk and help Hazel, 
I saw jiyong already run to her and grabbed her hand then take her out of the scene.
Well that's right, she's jiyong's girlfriend now, I thought. Mina just stood there in silence. 
As I turn around and head to the elevator, mina called me. 


"What do you want?" 

"What's with that attitude? Why are you always so mean to me?"

"You wanna know why? Simple. Because you're a , that's why." I said than turn around. 


"Oh, and one more thing. Don't you even dare talk to Hazel like that again, if you did, 
be ready with the consequences." I said and get into the elevator. I just can't control my anger. 
Seeing Hazel treated like that is making me upset. Her expression when Mina said those 
things to her is heartbreaking.I know she try to hold it. 

"Hyuuung~!" Seungri said as I walk to the cafetaria 

"Oh! Seungri.." I said and sit beside him with yongbae and daesung. 

"What took you so long? Where's jiyong hyung?" Daesung said while munching his food.

"Mianhe.. Something happened, jiyong is with hazel now." 

"What happened?" Yongbae ask. 

"The  happened." I said. 

We talk while having lunch. After finished our lunch, the boys are back in the recording studio. 
Since I don't have to record anything, I walk to the rooftop. The rooftop is the place where I can 
calm my mind. I open the rooftop door and see a girl sitting on the bench. 
The girl that makes me worried sick a while ago.She sit there with earphone plugged into her ears. 
She fold and hug her feet on the bench looking at the sky. There it goes again that expression. 
The one that make my heart hurt and fluster at the same time. 
I sit beside her but she doesn’t seem to notice. 
“are you looking for a dragon that fly through the sky around here?” I said and she look at me 
then unplugged her earphone. 
“Seunghyun! You shocked me.” She said smiling. That smile, the smile that always make my heart skip a beat.
“you’re too busy trying to shot the sky with your eyes to notice me sit right beside you. So what are you looking at? 
A dragon?” 
“well if you’re looking for a dragon, the only dragon I know is in the studio burying himself in the sound of music.” 
I said and she laugh
“ha ha.. funny seunghyun.. well apparently , I live with that dragon and now I’m just admiring 
the beauty of the sky.” She smiles then looking at the sky again.
We sat there in silent just looking at the skies. I see her face and I can see the fear in her eyes.
I can see she’s insecure about her feeling because of what Mina said. She let out a sigh while looking at the sky. 
“Do you know why birds can fly straight to the new destination without even arriving in the wrong place?” I said
“because they have brain?”
“yeaah first because they have brain, and eyes. The thing is, they don’t have fear. People tend to be scared with 
everything that will come in their way of living.”
“do you?” she ask.
“Of course I do. I’m scared that my rap ability will fade away sooner or later.”
“that’s silly, no it won’t.”
“apparently I do scared it will happen. But one thing I know, and I’m going to tell you know.”
“what is it?”
“that you can’t let the fear overcome your heart and effecting your future. Fear is just fear, everyone has one. 
The only thing that can get rid of that fear is by proofing that it’s not happening.” 
“so, just do what you want to do and what you need to do, face the fear. It won’t happen unless you let it 
happened yourself. Don’t let fear hold you down.” I said, she look at me smiling.
“and the point why you telling me this is?”
“the point is, whatever Mina said that makes you scared about having relationship with jiyong is bull. 
I know all the things that she said makes your fear stronger seeing now that you sitting here thinking and those 
fear start filling up your brain.” I said and nudge her head with my finger. 
She start to show that sad expression again.
“how did you—" 
“I saw what happened. so just face that fear, like I said it won’t happen unless you let it.”
“but, it’s just that what she said… and the gap between me and jiyong..”
“See! Those fear start eating you now. Listen to me, it won’t happened. Talk to him. I know jiyong, he loves you so much. 
Tell him what you fear of, and face it together.”I said, then she smile again. 
Yeah, I know jiyong. He’s like my brother now. And I know he never love someone like he love her now. 
I can see it in his eyes. 
“okay, I will. Thank you again Mr. Choi Seunghyun for those wise words." 
“anytime..” I said. 
{end of Flashback}
Last night I can’t sleep. Her sad face keeps filling my mind. Her smile when we talked. 
Seeing her today when she come to the studio and left with jiyong for their date. 
The way she pout when jiyong  to call him oppa. Makes me realize that I can’t fall for her even more than this. 
She’s with jiyong now. I know that they love each other so much. I can’t ruin that. 
The only thing I can do is to be with her everytime she needs someone. Maybe I’m always gonna be the other guy for her, 
but for me she’s the best that I never had. And I promise to myself that even though I can’t have you, 
I will always got your back. I will always be the other guy who will protect, help and support you, haze.


the second update for today..
I try to add seunghyun's POV..
enjoy reading~

ps : WOAH 50 Subscribers!

thank you so much for reading , subscribing and leaving comments! :D

that means so much to me :]

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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.