Stop Messing With My Head!

I'm Your Man!!!

When I opened my eyes, there’s someone sitting next to me. I looked over and it was Taecyeon sleeping. What is he doing here? When did he get here anyway? As I was trying to figure out the questions, he woke up.

            “What are you doing here?” as far as I could remember, I was alone.

            “Yaa... I guess your head weigh a shoulder are numb now...” Taecyeon rubbed his shoulder couple of times.

            “No one ask you to come here...” I guess his jerk disease won’t go away anytime soon.

            “No wonder you like being up one would hear your loud snoring...” he smiled.

            “Yaa Ok Taecyeon...if you’re just to get on my nerve, then you better leave...” I wonder how I could even like this jerk. Yea, continue being a jerk so I could erase you from my head a lot easier.

            “I won’t leave...this is a free country...” he stood up and stretched his body. “It’s so refreshing here...”

            “If you’re not leaving then I will...” as I want to walk away, he grabbed my hands.

            “Is something happened at lunch? Did anyone make you mad or anything? Chansung said something bothering you.” He looked at me with a gaze that would melt a huge iceberg in the Antarctic.

            “Are you bipolar or something? First, you make these nasty comments about me and now you’re concerned? Stop messing with my head!” I snatched my hands away and left.




I just stood there watching her walked away. I’d rather have her mad at me like this than seeing her looking so sad. I wanted to chase after her but I decided to let her alone. It’s not the suitable time yet for me to say what’s really in my mind...

End of POV

The school is over and I was outside at the bus stop waiting for Dong Wan. I told Jae Hee about my so-called crush on Taecyeon and she was in shock.

            “For real? Taecyeon? The Ok Taecyeon?” I’m sure her jaw is about to drop any moment now.

            “Yup. The one that always making me mad for no reason.”

            “Well, sometimes love could come from the least expected person and in your case it’s Taecyeon.”


            “Noona!” it’s Chansung and...Taecyeon. I’ll just think him as the invisible man. It’s making my head hurt thinking about him.

            “What happened to the rest?” Chansung sat next to me.

            “Junsu hyung have music class, Khun hyung is at the library...Wooyoung and Junho are missing in action...”

Taecyeon just stood there doing nothing. I wonder what other nasty things he’s thinking right now to say to me.

            “Noona, we’re going for a camping this weekend, you wanna come along?” Chansung always love camping.

            “Camping? I dunno... I’ll go if Jae Hee goes too.” I looked at Jae Hee signalling her to say no so that I don’t have to go just because I know Taecyeon will be there.

            “Sure...that sounds fun...” aishhh... she doesn’t get the signal.

            “Cool! It’s all settled...we’ll bring all the stuff, you just have to prepare the food...” the kitchen...

I was busy making the food when Min Woo came into the kitchen.

            “Hyun Jae ah...are you making food for the whole class?” he was surprise to see the amount of food I made.

            “’s for 8 people including me. I’m feeding a group of beasts...besides, you know how much Chansung could eat.”

            “That kid has an alien living inside his stomach.” Min Woo took a bite of the kimbab. “Hmmm...nice...just the way I thought you before.”

            “Make sure your phone always on...if anything happened, call us ok?”Rae Won is like my very own bodyguard. He worried about me more than his final exam.

            “Is this all your stuff? Nothing’s left behind? Where’s the first aid kit? Did you bring it?”Sometimes Dong Wan can be a little paranoid. My brothers....

            “Oppa, I’m coming back’s not like I’ll be gone for a week. Don’t worry... I’ll be fine.”

At the train station...

Rest of the pack was there when I arrived. I got two bags full of food in my hands. And that’s the first thing Chansung took from me...

            “Noona, you made all of this for us? I never knew you love me this much.” Chansung hugged me.

            “Can we go now since the princess is here?” Taecyeon pick up my bags and head to the train. Oh’s gonna be a long weekend for me.

            “Are you ok?” Jae Hee whispered at my ears.

            “We’ll have to wait and see. At least you’re here with me.”


The train ride was fun. We arrived at the camping site and that place was beautiful. The river is clean, the air was fresh and the water was crystal clear. I was carrying two bags full of stuff, when Taecyeon came and gently took it away from me.

            “I’ll carry this.” He said and walked away.

            “Wow...awesome! Junsu ya, how did you know about this place?” Jae Hee put down all of her stuff. For a two-day trip, she does pack a lot of things.

            “My cousin brought me here couple weeks’s time to play.”

I was sitting by the river when all the boys start taking off their shirts and my eyes caught Taecyeon’s body. That moment, everything became slow motion... I never knew his body look that good. His flat six-pack abs is a thing of beauty...that lowered board short pants showed his toned oblique. When he turned around, his back view making me think dirty thoughts...wake up Hyun Jae ah! Get your head straight!

            “You’ll get double nose bleed if you keep staring at him like that.” Jae Hee’s voice snapped me out.

            “Yaa! I’m... I’m not staring at him... I was looking at the body... I mean river..yes, river!” stupid mouth.

            “You can’t fool me you know that right?” she just laughed looking at me.

Wooyoung came from behind and signalling me don’t say anything...he walked slowly towards Jae Hee and then lift her from behind.

            “Noona, time for a dip!” he said and run straight to the river.

            “Yaa JANG WOOYOUNG!!! Put me down!!!” before she could do anything Wooyoung throw her into the river. Chansung and Khun came and pulled me to the water. I haven’t had this much fun for quite some time. I have to come here again with my oppa.

It’s was late afternoon when we stopped playing in the river. Jae Hee and I were busy making lunch while the boys start to set up the tents.

            “Hyung, you have to grab that side so it won’t collapse.” Junho’s getting annoyed.

            “What do you think I’m doing right now?” Taecyeon and his usual sarcasm.

With loads of ruckus and chaotic scenes finally the tents was up.

            “Boys, time to eat!”

That night

I was tossing and turning in the tent trying to sleep but my eyes have a mind of their own. Jae Hee already passed out from having so much fun playing in the water with Wooyoung...they looked really close for some reason. I decided to get out from the tent and went to a platform not far away.


I should’ve brought my earplug if I knew I would be sharing a tent with Junsu. His loud snores could’ve waken up a hibernated bear in a cave. I wonder how Chansung could sleep near this snoring machine. I have to find somewhere else to sleep. When I get out of the tent, I saw Hyun Jae was sitting at a platform alone. What is she doing there at this hour?

End of POV

The sky was full of stars and the moonlight makes it even more beautiful. I heard footsteps getting nearer and when I turned around, it was Taecyeon. Why does he have to be here when I need the time alone? He was wearing a loose sweat pants and ped hoodies that show a white tank top underneath. Damn, he looked so y! For a moment, I wished he were mine. Snap out of it Hyun Jae ah!!! He belongs to someone else.

            “What are you doing here at this hour?” he said and sat next to me.

            “Can’t you see? I’m cooking supper right now.” His smell was intoxicating. I wanted to erase him away from my head but it’s hard when things like this happened.

            “Sarcasm? Not bad.” He giggled.

            “My turn to ask you the same question.” I knew he would answer sarcastically.

            “I can’t sleep next to a snoring machine like Junsu.” That a surprise. He actually answered with no hint of sarcasm at all. “But Chansung could.”

            “Chansung could sleep anywhere, anytime in all condition. You could’ve put him in the middle of a rock concert and he could sleep the entire time.”

            “Your cousin is kinda weird.”

            “I know...” for the first time our conversation doesn’t end in an argument.

We were chatting all night long and I don’t even remember when I fall asleep.


When I opened my eyes I found myself in Taecyeon’s embrace and I was hugging his body. His arm was around my shoulder wrapping me tightly.

“I’m having that dream again...” I said to myself and closed my eyes back.

Suddenly I heard chaos around me and it turned out the others were gathering around us. Taecyeon opened his eyes and our gaze met. He quickly pulled away his arms and we got up almost at the same time.

            “Could you tell me what’s really going on here?” Chansung looked at Taecyeon trying to figure out the answer.

            “Hyung... I didn’t know this gonna this guys should’ve at least gone on date first...” Junho are teasing us.

            “’re blushing right now...and Taecyeon hyung, your ears...they’re red as chillies. You like this huh?” its Wooyoung’s turn teasing us.

The boys kept teasing us all day until we got back. I felt like my face got 5 inches thicker that day. Aigoo...when will this embarrassment will end?

Sorry for the late update...kinda hard to update when ther's no internet connection....anyway, happy reading


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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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