It’s Just Your Imagination…or is it?

I'm Your Man!!!


It’s exam week and I’m busy with my studies. I hardly saw Taecyeon, as he’s busy with his exams too. I was in the library doing some revision when Joon came and sat in front of me.

            “Someone is trying really hard to get the no.1 spot…” he chuckled.

            “No.1? Are you crazy? I’m not that smart. Min Woo said if I got into the top 10 he would buy anything I want.”

            “Lucky you…so, how have you been? Everything is doing great?” Joon asked.

            “Kinda…everyone has been busy with study, no one to play with.” I looked at Joon and smiled.

            “Why didn’t you call me? We could go out have some fun.”

            “Maybe I will…hey, I need to get some books.”

            “Can you get me History encyclopaedia?” he asked.


As I was busy searching for books I heard In Young talking with couple of her friends at the other side of the shelves.

            “Yaa, what’s going on with Taecyeon with that Soo Yeon girl? I thought he’s dating Hyun Jae from class 2.” Min Ah said.

            “Hyun Jae? That over-sized girl?” In Young crossed her arms.

            “Yeah… since that Soo Yeon moved here he got quite close with her…she even move her seat next to him.”

            “How do you know?” Hee Soon looked at her.

            “We’re in the same class…looks like Hyun Jae got a competition going on.”

            “If you asked me, I’ll go with Soo Yeon.” In Young smiled.


            “Well…she looks much better with Taecyeon than that hippo. Let’s face it…sooner or later Taecyeon will realise he made huge mistake dating that girl in the first place…”

            “Let’s get something to eat, I’m hungry.”

            “Hee Soon ah, don’t eat so much or you’ll end up like that hippo…” In Young giggled.

            “At least I get someone to date me even though it’s just for a short while.” All of them left.

I just stood there lost in my thought. Taecyeon is close to Soo Yeon? Is this true? It’s not like I can ask him directly.

            “Hyun Jae ah…” Joon’s voice snapped me out. “are you ok?”

            “Um…I’m fine…why?”

            “I wonder what took you so long…”

            “I was just going through the pages…here’s your encyclopaedia.”

After an hour, Joon and I decided to head back to our classes.

            “Thanks for accompany me in the library today…” I said.

            “No problem…I’ll see you later.” Joon walked into his class.

I looked over through the window and saw Taecyeon at his seat with Soo Yeon next to him. They were looking at a book together. Soo Yeon would occasionally touch his hands and they look so happy over a single book.

            “What are you looking at?” Jae Hee came from out of nowhere.

            “Jeez…you almost got me a heart attack!”

            “Spying on Taecyeon?”

            “No…why would I do that?”

Late evening…

My head was spinning from studying too much. I felt like I’m gonna throw up if I flip another page of the book. I need to get out. I tried to call Jae Hee but her phone was off. I dialled Taecyeon’s number.

Taec : What’s up baby?

Me  : What are you doing?

Taec: I’m on the way for study session with Khun and Junsu. Why?

Me  : Nothing…I was just thinking about you…

Taec: I’m sorry that I haven’t been spending time with you lately…I promise, once this exam week is over we’ll go out and have fun.

Me : Okay…

Taec: My bus is here…I’ll call you tonight…bye baby…

Me  : Bye…(hang up)

He’s busy with studies…who else can I turn to? After thinking for a while, I decided to call Joon.

Me  : What are you doing right now?

Joon: Nothing…just finishing up the laundry.

Me  : You have to help me…I need to go out…I think my brain gonna explode if I keep on studying right now.

Joon: Sure…I need to get some fresh air too…

Me  : Cool…I’ll meet you at the park in front of your apartment in 10 minutes.

I hang up the phone and get dressed. I could see Joon looking at his watch walking back and forth.

            “You’re 5 minutes late…” he glared at me.

            “Sorry…I had to take out the garbage…so, shall we?” I pulled his arm.

Taecyeon POV

I saw Soo Yeon standing in front of the public library. What is she doing here? Where’s Khun and Junsu?

            “You’re here…” she greeted me with a smile.

            “What are you doing here?” I asked.

            “Junsu said I could join this study session.”

            “Where’s Junsu and Khun?”

            “They were here but something else came up that they have to go. They tried to call you but it won’t get through. Let’s go inside.” She pulled my arm.

I was busy scanning through a book when I felt a leg crept at the inner side of my thigh. I looked at Soo Yeon and she was looking down at her book. I looked around and it was just her and me alone at the table.

            “What’s wrong?” Soo Yeon asked.

            “Nothing…” maybe it’s just my imagination.

End of POV

Joon and I decided to have a walk by Han River. Walking along the quiet street gave me a peace of mind.

            “Ahhh…this is good…I felt like my brain can breathe now.” It’s been a while since the last time I came here.

            “Yeah…getting stuck with the book can make you lose your mind.” Joon said walking next to me.

            “Joon ah…thank you.”

            “Thank you? For what?”

            “For going out with me today…I really appreciate it…”

            “No problem…I was bored too being alone at home…”

            “I told you to move in with us but you said no…”

            “I need to live on my own…I can’t keep relying on someone else…I have to be independent…”

            “Whatever you said Mr. Smarty Pants…”

            “I’m hungry…let’s get something to eat…” he pulled my arm.

Taecyeon POV

            “I’m done studying…let’s get out of here…” Soo Yeon said and closed her books.

            “But we haven’t discussed anything yet…”

            “It feels stuffy in here…I wanna go…” she pushed away my books and dragged me out from the library.

Once outside …

            “This is more like it…I feel like we’re on a date.” She linked her arms with mine.

            “If there’s nothing more to do, I think I’m gonna go now.” I tried to wiggle out my arm but she tightens her grip.

            “Let’s go eat something…I knew a place near the Han River…the food there is awesome.”

15 minutes later, we arrived at the café. After ordering the food, we sat at a table outside facing Han River.

            “The view here is great…don’t you think?” she said looking at me.

            “Yeah…” I wish Hyun Jae were here with me right now.

Then I felt it again, a leg creeping out at the inner side of my thigh. I looked down and it was Soo Yeon’s feet. I looked at her and she just smiled. It nearly reach my crotch but she stopped when the waiter came bringing our food.

            “Let’s eat…” I want to finish this as soon as possible.

            “Say ahh….” Soo Yeon was offering me her food. “Open up…”

            “What are you doing?” why is she acting this way? Didn’t she know I’m already have a girlfriend.

            “I’m feeding you…are you just gonna sit there and make me look like a fool holding this spoon?”

I took a bite and when I looked over I saw Hyun Jae standing at the stairs looking at me. Joon was there next to her.

End of POV

            “This place kinda nice…you wanna try?” Joon asked.

            “Sure…” as we’re walking to the entrance I saw a familiar figure sitting at the outside area of the café.

            “Hyun Jae ah…what’s wrong?”

            “I think I saw someone…” I took a few steps up the stairs and I saw Soo Yeon was feeding some food to Taecyeon. He looked over and our eyes met. I was right it was him.

            “Let’s go to another place, I don’t feel like eating here.” I walked away.

            “Hyun Jae ah…what’s wrong?” he looked and saw Taecyeon coming our way.

            “Hyun Jae ah…” I heard Taecyeon calling my name but I kept on walking. 

            “Baby stop…” he grabbed my shoulders. He spun me around to face him.”It’s not like what you have in mind.”

            “Let’s talk about this later. Joon ah…I wanna go home…” I walked away leaving Taecyeon behind.

While riding the bus home, the pictures of Taecyeon and Soo Yeon kept playing in my mind.

            “Are you ok?” Joon asked.

            “I’m…I’m fine.” I looked outside the window.

My phone rings and it was Taecyeon.

            “You’re not gonna pick that up?”

            “No…I can’t think straight right now.” I took my phone out from my pocket and ripped the battery off.

We arrived in front of my house half an hour later.

            “I’m sorry we didn’t get to eat because of me. You must be starving right now.”

            “It’s okay…I’ll grab some fast food on my home later…no big deal. Are you sure you gonna be ok?” Joon hold my shoulders.

            “Don’t worry about me…I’ll be fine.”

            “I’m sure he got an explanation for this.”

            “Maybe…I don’t know…”

            “Don’t think about it too much. Go on inside…I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

That night when I turn on my phone there’s 40 miscalls, 24 voice mail and 55 messages from Taecyeon.

Let me explain it to you, please pick up the phone, don’t do this to me, you’re driving me crazy, are you at home? Did you get home safely?

            “Hyun Jae ah…Taecyeon’s on the line…he wants talk to you…” Rae Won knocked on my door.

            “I’m tired…tell him I’m asleep.” I turned off the light and curled up in my bed.

another update!!!!!! hope my fanfic doesn't get anyone upset or dissappointed...^-^...if it does, i'll try to update better chapters next time....

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don't forget to read the oneshot sequel of this story


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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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