It Can’t Be You…

I'm Your Man!!!


Two months later…

            “Omma, can I help you?” I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom busy making breakfast.

            “Sure…just help me set the table…it’s nice to actually have someone I can talk to now…” she patted my head.

            “Didn’t you have appa for that?”

            “Sometimes I need female companion…and I believe your appa didn’t have that qualification.”

            “Did I just hear someone saying things about me?” my dad came. “Morning pumpkin…” he kissed my temple, went to my mom, and gave her a kiss too.

            “Morning appa…”

It’s been two months since I arrived in Toronto. The first week is quite hard because I got homesick a lot but luckily, Joon is here with me. He went back to Korea three weeks later as his new semester at Universal Dance Academy are about to start.

In a small café at Lake Shore Boulevard…

            “Good morning people!” I said as I entered the café.

            “Here comes our bubbly sunshine…” Tyler the senior waiter greeted me. I’ve been working as a part-time pastry trainee at this café for the past month and it was great. Everybody are nice and this really feels like a group of friends I have back home.

            “Stop calling me that Ty…you’re making me blush…” I cupped my face trying to be all cute and stuff.

            “Jae ah, Tyler won’t stop until you agree to go out o a date with him!” Missy yelled from across the room.

            “Shut up Missy! Jae ah…she’s joking! Don’t mind her…” he throws a towel toward her.

            “You said to me that you like her don’t you? Now you’re denying it?” Missy crossed he arms.

            “I better go do my work before Mrs. James gets mad at me…” I went into the pastry room.

I got an email from Jae Hee the other day and she was accepted into Ehwa Women University to study fashion. I’m sure she’s gonna be the best fashion designer one day…I bet Wooyoung would be glad with the news. I haven’t heard any new about Taecyeon…I guess he’s moved on and forgotten about me. Maybe it was for the best for him.

            “Mrs. James…the banana mini pie, cherry cheese cake and chocolate brownies are done and I made some extra batches today…” I said as I went to the sink to wash the huge mixing bowl.

            “I’m so glad I hire you here…Joon was right…you are a good worker…I should call you chef from now on…” Mrs. James is the owner of this café and head pattiesier.

             “Don’t call me that…I still got so much to learn…” the skills I learned from Min Woo oppa really helped me this time. I have to buy something for him when I got my pay.

            “Jae ah…can I ask you for a favour?” Kathy, one of the counter girls came into the pastry room.

            “Sure…what is it?”

            “I need to babysit my brother this afternoon so I need you to cover my shift only for two hours…if only you’re not busy.” She gave me that puppy eye look.

            “What do I get in return?”

            “A tub of Baskin Robbins Chocolate ice cream…so, will you help me?”

            “Sure…but don’t forget my ice cream…” I smiled.

            “That’s why I love you…” she hugged me. “I really owe you one…”

It’s late afternoon and since lunch hour is over there’s less people in the café.

            “Hey look, that hoodies guy again…” Missy pouted her lips to guy wearing a dark navy blue hoodies walking through the door. He sat at a table near the big window with his back towards us.

            “Hoodies guy? Who is he?” I looked and there’s a familiar vibe coming from him.

            “He’s been here for few days now…and he always orders the same thing everytime…dessert of the day and iced tea.” Missy went to his table, get his order and came back to the counter. “Just like I expected dessert of the day and iced tea.”

            “Coming right up…” I put his order on a tray and Missy sends it to his table.

            “He’s quite good looking for an Italian…” Jenny said. The three of us gathered at the counter staring at the guy.

            “Did you see his face?” I asked. His hoodies drooped low just like boxers coming out to the ring to fight.

            “Only a glimpse of it…but I can say with that kind of face, he would make any girl happy.” Jenny winked at me.

An hour later…I was at the counter, arranging some trays and coasters in the cabinet when Tyler came.

            “Jae ah…I get you some ice lemon tea…extra lemon…just the way you like.” Tyler put a tall glass on the counter in front of me.

            “Thanks…that is so sweet of you…”

            “Jae ah…are you free tonight? I thought maybe you and I could go out for dinner and movie or something…” he said with a grin on his face.

            “Are you asking me out on a date?”

            “Um…yeah…” he nodded.

            “Tyler…I know you’re a sweet guy and nice…but I have to say no…” I can’t go out with him when my heart still belongs to someone else. He never left even though I know he have erased me from his thought.

            “Are you seeing someone else right now?” he asked.

            “No…but there’s someone already here…” I tapped my heart.

            “I guess I never got the chance after all…he’s a lucky guy…” Tyler smiled and walked back to his station. I’m sorry…

I was washing some dishes at the back when I noticed the dragonfly keychain I had on my bracelet went missing. I tried to look for it in the sinkhole but nothing there.

            “What are you looking for?” Mario asked.

            “My dragonfly charm…I had it on earlier…” I was getting worried if I lost that only piece of memories I had left with Taecyeon. I remember he won that for me at the school festival the day I left.

            “Maybe you misplaced it…” Mario helped me searching for it around in the kitchen area.

I was on the verge of crying when…

            “Whose dragonfly is this?” Jenny yelled out from the counter.

I dashed out to the front and saw Jenny was holding my beloved dragonfly charm. I grabbed it from her and clutched it tight.

            “Is that yours?” she looked at me.

            “Yeah…thank you so much…” I hugged her. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if I lose this little guy.

            “I never saw someone got so emotional over some bracelet charms…” Jenny shook her head looking at me with puzzled expression.

            “This thing means the world for me…”

            “Did someone special give it to you?”

            “Well…yeah..very, very special…” the vision of Taecyeon and his cheeky smiles playing in my head.

            “Is he so special that you turned down Tyler’s offer for a date?” Missy raised her eyebrows.

            “You could say that…Mario, I found it. You don’t have to look anymore.”

It’s almost 6 o’clock and it’s time to close the café.

            “See you guys tomorrow…”I said making my way to the bus station situated two blocks away.

I walked through a small alley between two buildings and when I made a turn, someone blocked my way. I felt like my heart gonna fly out that very moment. I tried to walked pass him but he just stood there not moving an inch.

            “Excuse me…but I need to get through.” I said. As I looked closer, it was the hoodies guy at the café earlier. The area was quite dark so I can’t see his face well even though he was standing in front of me.

He walked slowly towards me covering his face…he took one-step forward I took two steps backward.

            “Don’t come near me…I got pepper spray with me.” I reached down my back pocket for the bottle but then I realised I forgot to bring it with me today. Aisshh! I’m not going to be someone else victim today! “I have green belt in taekwondo! So stop before I hurt you badly.”

            “Green belt? Are you kidding me? You don’t even finish the class!” the guy said and pulled off his hoodies.

            “You? What are you doing here?” I can’t believe the guy that was standing in front of me right now.

            “Surprised?” he said with a wide grin on his face.

            “What…what are you doing here?”

            “I came to see you…noona!” Chansung hugged me.

            “Channie ah…I…can’t…breathe…”

He broke off the hug and finally I can breathe again.

            “Noona, I can’t believe that you were all alone on this lonely alley…bad things could happen.” He said while we’re walking to the bus station.

            “I’m a big girl…I can take care of myself…anyway, how long you’ve been here?”

            “Almost 3 days now…”

            “And you didn’t even bother to tell me?” I smacked his head.

            “That’s hurt…”

            “You deserve it…all along…you know I’ve been working at the café?”

            “Yup…i called aunty and he told me...that’s  why I came over…and those pastries you made…it was delicious…how come you never make me some back in Korea?”

            “You never asked me to…so, where are you staying here?”

            “At the hotel…all expenses paid by my mom…final vacation before the senior year begins in two weeks.”

            “I can’t believe that my little bear has grown up…hey, you wanna come over for dinner?”

            “I’d love to but I can’t…I have someone waiting for me at the hotel…”

            “You do? Who was it?”

            “Someone special…”

            “A girlfriend?” Chansung is on vacation here with a girlfriend? That can’t be true…

            “Just someone…noona, don’t you wanna know about someone else back home?” he asked looking at me.

            “You mean Taecyeon?”

            “Who else could it be? Don’t you miss him? Don’t you know what happened to him when you left?”

            “I left for a reason…we’ve talked about that.”

            “He was devastated when you’re gone…but now, he’s getting better…”I was right…he moved on. That probably good for him.

            “That’s good to hear…”

            “Noona, let’s meet up tomorrow…I haven’t tour this city yet…”

            “Sure…you know HTO Park?”

            “Yeah…I’ve been there…”

            “Let’s meet there…I’ll take you to Centre Island…they got an awesome amusement park there…”

            “Cool…I’ll meet you there at 2pm.”

We arrived at the station just in time when my bus came.

            “Hey, you want me to take you to your hotel?”

            “It’s okay noona, I can take a cab there…”

            “So, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I get on the bus and waved Chansung goodbye. He’s been here for days and spying on me secretly…that little rascal. He did say about Taecyeon…does he really moved on? Did he forgotten about me? 

one more chapter...stay tuned...XOXO

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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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