We’re Dating Now?

I'm Your Man!!!

After school...in class...

            “Someone’s in cloud nine right now.” Jae Hee said and winked at me.

            “Yaa, could you stop?” I was already embarrassed as it is.

            “Remember it was today that you and Taecyeon become an item. I those girls that have crush on him would cry their heart out.”

            “What if this thing doesn’t last like I thought it would be?”

            “Yaa, nothing lasts forever my friend...even relationship...all you have to do is protect, make it work and enjoy the moment together...let the rest lay in fate...I’m really happy for you.” Jae Hee hugged me.

I guess she’s right. Now, I’m with the guy I like...there’s nothing better than that.

            “I gotta go...I let you go home with Taec alone today...see you tomorrow...don’t do anything extreme ok?” she said and ran away.

            “Yaa!!!” I walked out from the class and Taecyeon was outside.

            “Let’s go...” he said and held my hand.

On the way to the stairs, we bumped into Chansung and the rest of the gang.

            “Hyung...” Wooyoung looked at us.

            “Why are you guys holding hands? I thought you two can’t stand each other.” Chansung said with puzzled looks on his face.

            “Dude...are you and Hyun Jae...” before Khun could finish his words...

            “We’re dating now...now, will you excuse us...” Taecyeon said and we walked away from them.

            “Noona...” I heard Chansung calling my name but I decided to ignore him.

            “Junsu hyung...is this true? Taec hyung and Hyun Jae noona...”

            “Yup...they’re dating now...”

            “Since when?”

            “Third period...just leave them alone for today.”

From afar...

Joon POV

I wish it was me who’s holding your hands...I can’t do anything when he’s the one that your heart belongs to...Hyun Jae ah...please be happy...don’t ever let me see your tears when you’re with him...

I can only see you from a distance and protect you without your knowing...I’m happy as long as you’re happy...

End of POV

Taecyeon and I decided to take the subway because there were many people taking the bus that day. I could see a lot of eyes were on us all the way to the station. I tried to wriggle my hands from his grip but he held my hands tighter.

            “People are watching.” I whispered to him.

            “So what? I’m holding my girlfriend hand. They can watch all they want.” He said and smile. I never thought I’d ever heard a guy would call me his girlfriend. I felt butterfly in my stomach when I heard he said that.

We thought that it would be less people using the subway...boy, did we think wrong. In the train, we had no choice but to stand up because there was no empty seat left.

I was standing by the door and Taecyeon was in front of me. As people getting on the train we got closer...my face was 2 cm away from his chest... I could smell his perfume and it was GOOD! Masculine yet gentle with a hint of iness, very intoxicating... I wonder what brand he used...

It was Saturday and it was our first official date. I was walking back and forth in my room racking my brain out on what to wear. At the end, I decided to wear what I normally wear when I go out with Jae Hee.

I heard knocking on the door and it was Dong Wan.

            “Hyun Jae ah...your date is here...”

            “I’m coming...” I looked at the clockand he’s early...I thought he’d come in half an hour.

Taecyeon POV

I got a phone call last night from one of Hyun Jae’s brother telling me to come half an hour earlier. Chansung told me about them and he said that they can be a little bit scary when it comes to things about Hyun Jae. I just crossed my fingers and hope everything went well.

I arrived and a tall, dark haired guy opened the door.

            “Come on in...” he said. I walked in and there’s two more guys waiting inside. Chansung told me about her brothers so these must be them.

            “Have a seat...I’m Min Woo, that’s Dong Wan and Rae Won...” I sat on the couch and they gathered around me.

            “I’m Taec...” I couldn’t finish my words when Rae Won took out a clipboard from his back.

            “We know who you are...name Ok Taecyeon, born on 27 December, height 186cm, weight 81kg, blood type AB, lived in Busan until the age of 10 then migrated to USA, transferred here from Boston two years ago, live here with an older sister...” how did he know all of this?

            “Hobbies including wake boarding, surfing and music, specialty beat boxing...we know everything about you.” Is he a detective or something?

            “We’ve seen your school records...not bad...no major problems...couple of detention and since you’re one of Chansung’s friends I guess you’re ok...” Rae Won stared at me.

            “I’m Hyun Jae oldest brother...so, you’re going out with my sister today huh?”

            “Err...yes, hyung.” I can’t believe these three are related to Hyun Jae.

            “Where are you taking her?”Dong Wan sat next to me.

            “Um... I haven’t decided yet...”


            “Oppa! Are you guys investigating him?” I said as I walked down the stairs. I looked at Taecyeon and he wore a green hoodies with a pair of jeans...simple but still kinda y...

            “No...we’re just getting to know your date...”

            “Let’s go...” I pulled Taecyeon’s arm and head to the door. “I’m leaving...bye!”

            “Don’t get back too late!!!”


            “Is your brother a detective or something? Did he work for CIA?” he asked.

            “I’m sorry about my brothers...they didn’t do anything to you do they?” I can’t believe my brothers even did background check on Taecyeon.

            “I understand why they did that...you’re they’re only sister...”he said and held my hands.

            “So, where are we going today?” it still feel surreal walking holding hands with him.

            “Um...I haven’t been to the theme park quite some time...”

            “That sounds fun...let’s go”

The theme park was crowded since it’s the weekend. I normally hate places with a lot of people but the truth is, theme park date has always been a fantasy of mine.

I never thought Taecyeon could be such a gentleman...he would always let me go on the rides first...holding my hands whenever I had to stepped over a gap. We were watching the parade and he would stand behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

It was late afternoon when we decided to have a lunch at a restaurant inside the theme park.

            “The food here is great...we should come here with the boys soon.” He really enjoys his food. I wonder if he got that appetite from Chansung.

            “Yeah...it would be fun...so, what did they say about us dating?” being the enemy that we used to be and now we’re dating kinda weird.

            “Well...they were surprised. But after Junsu did all the explaining they can understand.”

We were talking and it seems that we have something in common after all. I could saw there were stares from the corner of my eyes. Why are they looking at us like that? Haven’t they seen a couple before? Am I being paranoid? These things were lingering in my mind. We were about to leave the restaurant when my stomach made an urgent request to the bathroom.

As I’m about to walked out from the cubicle, I heard two girls talking outside.

            “Yaa...did you that hot guy in that green hoodies?”


            “And that girl with him...they’re such a mismatched couple. How could a hottie like him be with a XL sized girl like her?”

            “I know...he could go for someone better...could you imagine how embarrassing for him to walk next to that girl? I wouldn’t do that if I was the guy.”

            “Neither do I...I wonder what he sees in her...”

            “Maybe her money?”

“Looks like she the beast and he’s the beauty.” they walked out from the bathroom laughing their heart out. I felt like a herd of moose stepped on me. I walked out and Taecyeon was outside waiting for me.

“Are you ok? You don’t look too good.” He put his palm on my forehead.

“I’m...I’m fine...” I said and smiled.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing...so, what’s next?” I tried to forget what I’ve heard but it seems so hard to do.


I'm sorry for the late update...happy reading and keep those comments come in...it really make my day....luv y'all!!!!!! muah!!!!

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don't forget to read the oneshot sequel of this story


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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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