Disaster Double Date

I'm Your Man!!!


School...in class...lunch time

            “Hyun Jae ah...do you and Taecyeon got anything planned later today?” Jae Hee sat at the edge of my table.

            “Um...nothing I guess. Why?”

            “I want you to meet my new boy...tell me what you think about him.”

            “Like a double date?”

            “Yeah...it could be fun.”

            “Um...I have to ask him if he’s free or not. He might have other plans with Khun and the gang.”

I went to Taecyeon’s class and he’s not in there.

            “Your boy is not here...” Junsu said when I got in.

            “Where did he go?”

            “I think he’s on the rooftop taking afternoon nap. I wonder how he can sleep so much.” Khun scratched his head.

            “Tell me about it...thanks by the way.”

I went up to the rooftop and Taecyeon was there sleeping soundly on the old couch. I walked up to him step by step and then...

            “Earthquake!!!” I screamed.

Taecyeon got up in an instant.

            “Huh? Earthquake?” he looked around with puzzled looks on his face. I couldn’t hold it any longer and end up laughing my off watching him.

            “Yaa! Kim Hyun Jae!”

            “What?”I smiled.

            “I thought there’s a real earthquake.”

            “That’s the only way to wake you up.” I sat on the couch. He came sat next to me and put his head on my lap.

            “How do you know I’m here?”

            “Khun told me. Yaa...are you gonna sleep again?”

            “Yup...since I have a new pillow now...” he rolled left and right with his head on my lap. He could childish sometimes. Who could’ve guess behind all that tough image there’s a little child-like cuteness in him?

            “So, do you and the boys have anything planned later today?”

            “Um...no. Why?”

            “Wanna go on double date?”

            “Double date? With who?”

            “Jae Hee and her new guy. It could be fun. Wanna go?”

            “Sure...but you have to be my pillow until lunch time is over.”


That evening...at a park near Lotte World...

            “Jae Hee ah...what time did you tell your boyfriend to meet us?” we’ve been waiting for him for an hour. What kind of guy who’s late for a date.

            “I’ve called him...he’s two minutes away.” Jae Hee tried to call her boyfriend again.

I looked over and saw Taecyeon falling asleep sitting on the bench. I sat next to him and he woke up.

            “Is he here yet?” he said and rubbed his eyes.

            “No...Jae Hee said that he’s two minutes away.”

            “Didn’t she say that half an hour ago?” he put his head on my shoulder.

            “I’m sorry...”

            “For what? It’s not your fault. We came here to have fun. That guy must have his reasons.”

Finally, that guy arrived.

            “What took you so long?” I can see that Jae Hee is about to burst in anger.

            “Something happened...this is your friend?”

            “Yeah...that’s Hyun Jae and Taecyeon her boyfriend. This is Ho Soo.”

            “Hi...nice to meet ya...so, can we go now?” he pulled Jae Hee’s hand and walked in front of us.

            “He didn’t even apologise to her.” Taecyeon whispers to me.

We went into the theme park and get on a few rides.

            “I just remembered our first date here...” I said to Taecyeon.

            “I was thinking about the same thing.”

            “Hey guys...let’s go the ice rink. It’s been a while since we last skate here, right Hyun Jae?” Jae Hee pulled my arms.

            “You know I can’t skate that well.”

            “So? It can’t stop us from having some fun.”

            “Yeah...” Ho Soo agreed.

At the rink, Jae Hee and Ho Soo were ahead skating together. I was struggling to skate but luckily, Taecyeon was there to help me. He would hold my hands tightly preventing me from falling down.

            “I can’t do this anymore...my feet are hurting.” I felt like my ankles gonna fall off.

            “Come, let’s have a seat out there.” He held my arms until we reach a nearby bench outside the rink.

            “I should’ve asked for a larger size skates. My feet are killing me.” Suddenly Taecyeon kneeled in front of me and he took off my skates. He gently rubbed my foot and gave them a light massage.

            “Feeling better?” he looked at me.

            “Yeah...thank you. I guess I’m the luckiest girl here.” I could saw stares around us.

            “Stay here...let me get our shoes.” He went to the counter to return the skates.

An hour later...

We were hanging out at a cafe at the outdoor area.

            “How do you know Jae Hee anyway?” I asked Ho Soo.

            “Well...I always buy flowers from her store for my mother and I just asked her out and we started dating. Jae Hee told me you guys started dating recently.”

            “Yeah...almost a month now. Hey, you girls want something to drink?” Taecyeon said and looked at Jae Hee and me.

            “Sure...I’ll have soda.” I said.

            “Me too.”

            “Ok...wait here.”

            “I’ll go with you.”

After Ho Soo and Taecyeon left...

            “So, what do you think about my new guy?” Jae Hee said.

            “Um...not bad...kinda hot, seems like he’s a fun loving guy...”

            “I think this one is a keeper...”

We were chatting for a while but the guys are not back yet.

            “What took them so long? I thought the store was few metres away.” Jae Hee and I decided to look for them.

We were walking when we saw a group of people gathered around. I heard someone said a guy was beating the hell out another guy. We went closer and I saw Taecyeon grabbed Ho Soo by the collar about to throw a punch on his face.

            “What’s going on here?” I saw blood flowing out from the side of Ho Soo’s mouth.

            “Ho Soo ah!” Jae Hee was shocked seeing Ho Soo was bleeding.

            “Yaa Ok Taecyeon! What do you think you’re doing? Why did you hit him?” I never saw Taecyeon looked so mad like he’s now. He let Ho Soo off his grab and he fell down on the floor.

            “This punk deserved it. I should’ve shove his head in the toilet. If I saw your face again I’ll make sure you won’t recognise it in the mirror. I’m leaving.” He walked away.

            “Taecyeon ah!” I looked at Jae Hee and she told me to go after Taecyeon.


HoSoo and I are on our back with the drinks when suddenly Ho Soo received a phone call.

            “Hello...hey baby...I’m at the park with my sister... I didn’t forget our date...I’ll pick you up tonight...bye...love you too.” He hung up the phone and looked at me. “We need varieties in our life, you know that right?”

So, this guy was just playing with Jae Hee. I could feel something off with this guy. His eyes would wonder around checking out other girls when Jae Hee was not looking.

            “Tell me...is that over sized girl your girlfriend? Did she hire you for this double date?” he said and put his arm on my shoulder.

            “What? Could you say that again?”

            “Is that hippo your girlfriend? How much did she pay you to be her date?” he said trying to hold his laughter.

            “That girl has a name...and she IS my GIRLFRIEND!” I could feel a volcano building inside of me.

            “For real dude? Seriously? Man, what could you possibly see in her? She got a cute face but her body...not so much. Is she from a rich family?”

I just looked at him without saying a word.

            “You could go for someone better. You want me to introduce some girls to you? With your looks, I’m sure heaps of girls willing to be your toy.”

That’s does it. I can’t hold it any longer. This guy need a good beating once to get his mind straight. I threw the first punch right on his left cheek and he flung backward.

            “What was that for?” he looked shocked.

            “That’s for dissing my girlfriend and calling her names...” and I threw another punch that he couldn’t dodge. “And this for treating girls likes your personal doormat.”

He fell down on the floor and when I picked him up by the collar, I saw Hyun Jae and Jae Hee.

End of POV

            “Taecyeon ah!” I pulled his arms.

            “I’m not in the mood for this double date anymore. I can’t stand that punk.” This is the first time I saw him this mad.

            “Why did you hit him? You don’t have to do that even when you don’t like him. What’s got into you?”

            “He’s lucky that I didn’t throw him into that fountain.”

            “Let’s go apologise now...”

            “I won’t apologise to that good for nothing guy. I’m leaving!” he said and walked away. I’ll just let him cool off a bit. I went back and saw Jae Hee were helping Ho Soo wiping off the blood.

            “What happened? Did you say anything bad to him?” I heard Jae Hee said.

            “I just asked him if that oversized girl his real girlfriend. I just can’t believe a guy like him could hook up with a girl like that.”

            “What do you mean by that?”

            “Well, guy like him deserve someone better. I can’t see how you could be friends with her. It’s embarrassing.”

            “Yaa Min Ho Soo! You’re the lowest guy I’ve ever met. No wonder Taecyeon hit you. I wish he’d be here and beat you even more! Hyun Jae is the best friend I’ve ever had. We’re done! Don’t come looking for me anymore!” Jae Hee got up and smacked the back of his head. “Big jerk!!!”

JaeHee walked towards me and we left Ho Soo behind. So that’s why he hit him. He was just trying defending me. And I still wanted him to apologise to that jerk.

            “Where’s Taecyeon?”

            “He’s gone... I think he went home.”

            “You should go to him...”

            “What about you? I can’t leave you alone.”

            “I’ll be fine... I need some alone time after all this mess.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yeah...don’t worry about me.”

It’s already dark when I arrived at Taecyeon’s place. I took out my phone and dialled his number.

            “Hello...I’m at your place now...can we meet?”

            “I’m at the playground...”

            “Don’t go anywhere...I’ll be there in a minute.” I hung up and made my way to the playground.

I saw him sitting alone on the swing with his back towards me. I walked slowly towards him and gave him a back hug.

            “What are you doing here?” he asked.

            “I came to see you...I’m sorry.”

            “For what?”

            “Everything that happened today...I knew why you did it.”

            “I just couldn’t hold my anger. A punk like him should get a good beating to get his brain back on track.”

We sat on a bench nearby.

            “I wonder how Jae Hee could go out with that kind of punk. You know he got another girl waiting in line.”

            “Don’t worry, Jae Hee break up with him already.”

            “Good for her. Can we not go on these double dates next time? I like it better when we’re alone. No one else but just the two of us.” He held my hand.

            “I guess it’s better that way.”

He walked me back home that day. I told him that I can take the bus on my own but he insisted that he come along. Why didn’t I see all these great quality this guy have? He’s like the perfect boyfriend any girl could have. The most important thing that he’s mine!


Finally............here's an update to my beloved readers.....thank u for being so patients....I hope this chapter is worth the wait...(if not, i'll try harder for better chapter next time... T T) happy reading....keep those comments pouring in...luv y'al!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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don't forget to read the oneshot sequel of this story


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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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