I’m Leaving You

I'm Your Man!!!


Taecyeon bowed to the audience and took his seat at the piano. A loud applause followed behind. “You’re so hot Taecyeon ah…” “Dude get off the stage!” were among the chants from the audience. Our eyes met and a smile formed on his face.

            “Annyeong hasaeyo…due to some technical problem it will be only me doing the performance.” He said. Another wave of applause echoed in the main hall.

            “The song I’m gonna play today is called ‘River Flows In You’…” he started hitting the piano keys. “One of the most important people in my life is absolutely in love with this song…”

            “Isn’t that one of your favourite song?” Jae Hee looked at me.

            “Yeah…”  Taecyeon ah…please don’t make it even harder than it already is for me…

            “Hyun Jae ah...I just wanna say…having you in my life makes everything a lot better… you made me a better man, a better friend and most of all…your love made me stronger.”

I could see stares fixed on me. His words made my eyes swell up with tears. I had better leave now.

            “Channie ah…I gotta go…” I stood up wiping off my tears before anyone saw it.

            “But Taecyeon hyung is still playing…”

            “I’m gonna miss my flight…Jae Hee ah…take care of this little bear for me ok?” I said and ruffled Chansung’s hair.

            “Noona…” he hugged me.

            “I gotta go…” I walked out from the hall. My steps become quicker just like the tears flowing down my cheeks.

Soo Yeon POV

I need to get out from here. “Somebody let me out!” I keep on banging the door hoping that someone will hear my cry.

            “Is someone in there?” a voice from outside.

            “I’m in here…let me out!”

The door was open and I stormed out heading right to the backstage. When I got there, Taecyeon was already on the stage playing the piano.

            “Hyun Jae ah...I just wanna say…having you in my life makes everything a lot better… you made me a better man, a better friend and most of all…your love made me stronger.”

            “I thought you’re going to perform with him…I guess he left you out…” one of the girls said as she walked passed me. I heard some snickering at the back.

How dare he humiliate me like this? This is not what I’ve imagine it would be. Why everything didn’t go the way I wanted it? So annoying!

End Of POV


            “I hope the love that we shared together will take us further and I'm sure that I want you to be with me during present and in the future.”

I keep on playing another song from Yiruma and when I looked at her seat and she’s not there anymore. Where did she go?

The song ended with a huge applause from the audience. “I hope you could say that to me Taecyeon ah!” “You’re so cool!” “Dude, get off the stage!”

I took a bow and walked to the backstage.

            “Man, that was something else.” A guy patted my .

            “She’s a lucky girl…” another girl said.

Then Soo Yeon stood in front of me. She pulled my hands and dragged me to the hallway.

            “What the hell was that? It’s supposed to be our performance!”

            “I’m sorry Soo Yeon ah…but there’s a change in the plan…what’s done is done. Since the show is over now, will you excuse me? I need to get back to my girl.”

            “Yeah, right…as if she would be here.” She scoffed.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I saw Chansung came running towards us.

            “This is all your fault! Why did you have to interfere with our life and make my noona miserable? Ever since you arrived everything is going upside down!” Chansung lashes out his anger. I never see him raising his voice to a girl before.

            “Chansung ah…relax ok?” I tried to calm the situation.

            “How can I be relaxed when she’s the one that make my noona leave the country just because of that stupid deal she forces her to agree?”

            “What did you say? Leave the country?” I hope I heard it wrong.

            “Hyung…I’m not supposed to tell you this but she’s leaving the country today.”

            “Leave? But why?”

            “Because of this witch…” he points his finger at Soo Yeon.”She made noona a deal for you to be able to have that interview for Seoul U admission…in return she will have to leave you.”

            “Is that true?” I looked at Soo Yeon. She was getting restless. “I’m asking you a question woman!”

            “So what if I did? You got your precious interview that you’ve always wanted…I did all this because I love you. She left on her own will. I never force her.” Soo Yeon held my hands.

            “Really? You told her that if she didn’t leave, Taecyeon hyung will never get that interview.” Chansung crossed his arms looking at Soo Yeon with disgust.

            “I never thought you could go this low Park Soo Yeon…I regret that I even helped you…I should’ve left that day.”

            “Taecyeon ah…please listen to me…I did this for you…” she tried to hug me but I pushed her aside.

            “Hyung, you can stop her…it’s not too late.” Chansung said.

I saw the group making their way here.

            “Taecyeon ah…where are you going?” Junsu asked but I was too busy to answer as I running my off trying to stop Hyun Jae. You can’t leave me!

End of POV

I was in the train heading toward the airport. My phone rings and it was Taecyeon. I might turn around if I hear his voice…I must do this for the sake of his future.

After 20 minutes ride, I arrived at the airport. My brothers and Joon are already at the departure hall waiting for me.

            “Oppa!” I said running to them.

            “You’re here…so, aren’t your friends coming?” Rae Won asked.

            “No…I told them not to…”

Joon pulled me to the side not far away.

            “You’ve been crying don’t you?” he looked at me.

            “That obvious huh? I thought no one would notice.”

            “I told you…you don’t have to do this.”

            “It’s too late to turn back now…” my tears flow again.

            “Sometimes you’re just too nice for your own good…” Joon patted my head. At least I have someone that can lean on during these times.

            “Hey…why are you crying?” Min Woo my hair.

            “It’s just that I’m gonna miss the three of you…”

            “Hey, we’ll be visiting soon…” my three brothers gathered around and gave me the biggest group hug ever.

            “You guys made me cry again…”

            “Hyung, this is all your fault!” Rae Won said wiping off my tears.

            “Me? What did I do? Min Woo hyung started it…”

Taecyeon POV

Taxi ride has never been this long before. I keep on calling Hyun Jae’s number but she never picked it up.

            “Ajusshi…could you speed up a bit? I need to get there fast.” I said to the driver.

            “Why are you such in hurry anyway?”

            “I need to stop the girl I love from leaving me…ajusshi you have to help me.”

            “Why didn’t you say it sooner?” he stepped on the gas at full speed weaving through the traffic just like a professional rally driver.

My phone rings and it was Hyun Jae.

End of POV

            “We should be at the gate right now.” Min Woo looked at the plane tickets.

            “Oppa, I have to call someone…you guys go ahead…I’ll catch up with you later.” I said walking to a corner.

            “Joon ah…we’re counting on you to look after Hyun Jae…” Dong Wan slung his arm around Joon’s shoulder.

            “Nae hyung…I’ll do my best…” Joon nodded his head.

When my brother’s and Joon were a few metres away, I took out my phone and dialled Taecyeon’s number.

            “Hello…Taecyeon ah…”

            “Where the hell are you? Don’t you even dare thinking about leaving me.” he’s practically yelling at me over the phone.

            “Taecyeon ah…all these time being with you is the happiest moments in my life…I’m sure you gonna hate me for doing this but it’s for your own good.”

            “My own good? How could it possibly be when I lose you? Baby, please don’t leave me.”

            “Be happy Taecyeon ah…” my tears started to flow again. “Don’t forget to eat well…just remember that I love you…with all my heart.” I hung up the phone and took off the battery.

I’m sorry Taecyeon ah…you can hate me if you want to…I hope you can achieve your dream even though I can’t be with you every step of the way. You’ll always have my prayers and best wishes.

            “Hyun Jae ah, hurry up!” Dong Wan waved at me.

Taecyeon POV

“Hyun Jae ah…” I couldn’t continue my words when she hung up the phone.  I dialled the number but it went into the voice mail. Baby, you can’t leave me like this…we’ve gone too far for it to end this way. Wait for me Hyun Jae ah…I’ll be there…

I arrived at the airport 15 minutes later. After paying the cab fare, I dashed into the lobby. I was running around like some crazy man looking for Hyun Jae. I decided to call Chansung.

            “Chansung ah, did she tell you where’s she’s going?...Canada? Ok, thanks.” I went to the information desk.

            “Excuse me miss…flight going to Canada…which gate was it?”

            “Let me see… gate 23. I don’t think you can make it. It’s already taken off 10 minutes ago.” The counter girl looked at me.

She left me.

I felt like there’s a dark cloud forming on top of me getting ready with thunderstorm rain to pour. With a heavy heart I dragged my feet back to the exit door. I can’t believe she actually left me…      

TT TT she left....stay tuned....2 more chapters to go....     

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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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