Joon, What Have You Done?

I'm Your Man!!! class...

            “Where were you yesterday? I went to your house but no one was there... I tried to call you but no answer...” Jae Hee sat at the edge of my desk.

            “I went out with Joon...and I left my phone at home.”

            “Went out with Joon? Like on a date?” she smiled.

            “No...just two friends hanging out together...he wanted me to show him around...that’s all...”

            “Yeah right! I could sense something is about to happen eventually... sooner or later.”

            “Jae Hee ah...are you psychic or something? Joon and I are friends...not more than that...” Joon and I having a relationship? That’s impossible when Taecyeon is the one living in my heart. Yup, no matter how hard I tried to forget him he’s the only one that kept getting back to me.

PE lesson took place after History and the whole class gathered in the gym. Taecyeon’s class were there too...looks like it will be another joint PE class today. Joon ran towards me as soon as he saw me walked through the door.

            “Ok...get in pairs...we’ll be having your mandatory physical fitness level test today.” Mr. Choi blew up his whistle and the students start moving around searching for their partner.

            “I’ll already get mine.” Joon hugged my shoulders.

Taecyeon POV

Great...joint PE class...that mean I got to see Hyun Jae for an hour and half. I saw her walking into the gym and Joon went straight to her. Why is he always hanging around her? Hyun Jae looked so happy whenever he’s around.

            “I think Hyun Jae likes that new guy...” I heard Khun talked to Junsu.

            “Maybe...he’s nice to her...any girl would fall for that.” Junsu looked at me.

When Mr. Choi told everyone to partner up I was heading towards Hyun Jae when Joon make her his partner.

            “You have to move faster than that my brother.” In the end, Junsu was my partner.

End of POV

            “Ok, first round, sit up. I’ll give you 2 minutes and do as many as you can. Start now!”

Taecyeon and Junsu were next to Joon and me during the test. Joon hold my feet while I was struggling to do the sit up.

            “C’mon baby, you can do it! Just a little bit more! That’s right! Like that.” Joon was like my personal trainer. I manage to do 10 sit-ups and I felt like dying.

            “Are you ok?” Junsu asked.

            “I’m fine...another two minutes and I’ll be dead.” I laid down on the floor trying to catch my breath. I felt like my stomach gonna explode.

            “You’re doing great...” Joon reached out his hands and helped me to get up. Taecyeon just sat there looking at me doing nothing. I think he’s been raking his mind to find nasty things to say to me. I don’t know why I like this guy even though I know he’s mean to me.

            “Ok, change partner with the person on your right.” Mr. Choi’s order almost makes my heart stopped. This mean I have to be Taecyeon’s partner.

Taecyeon POV

 I almost jumped when Mr. Choi gave the new order. Hyun Jae will be my partner after all. Long live Mr. Choi!!!

End of POV


We changed position and it’s Taecyeon’s turn to do the sit up. He just lay there with his arm on his chest.

            “Yaa, you’re not going up?” time is ticking and he just lay there doing nothing.

            “You gonna regret it if I do that.” Taecyeon was still lying on the floor with his hands behind the head.

            “Get up or you’ll be in trouble.” I almost lose my patients with this guy.

            “Fine, you asked for this.”

His face was an inch away from mine when he gets up. He lies down and when he gets up again, his face got a lot closer than before. He stopped and looked at me.

            “Is this what you want?” he said and smiled. His minty breath is all I can smell.

I could swear the entire gym could hear my heartbeat the moment Taecyeon said those words. I think my face got deeper shade of red and I couldn’t even looked at him.

            “Yaa!!! Do it properly will you?” I think my heart gonna explode anytime now. The two minutes felt like an eternity for me. If we’re alone in his gym, only God knows what I’m going to do to him. And these dirty thought starts flooding my head... I would push him on the floor and kiss...stop! I was slapping my face in my head. Wake up Hyun Jae ah! Keep your head straight!

            “Ok, next test...push up...” Mr Choi’s voice woke me up. I couldn’t be happier when the test were done. I found myself getting more attracted to Taecyeon every single moment he touched me. If I just can tell him that I like him and he liked me back...but I that’s impossible since he already got a girl that he likes...I’m just a girl that he likes to make fun of...what a big difference.

            “Free activity!!!” Mr.  Choi left the gym. Joon and I sat on the viewers’ bench.

            “Hey, you wanna hangout at my place today?” Joon said.

            “Why don’t you just come and live with me? My brothers said they’ll be glad if you move in with us.”

            “It’s ok...I want to be independent...but I can always come for Min Woo’s cooking. He made the best kimchi stew ever!”

While we were talking, I saw In Young with a few of her friends came towards us.

            “Hey Joon...” she said.

            “In Young ah...what’s up?”

            “Hey, wanna go out with me tomorrow? It’s an honour for you to go out with someone as popular as I am y’know... I don’t usually ask the guy first but for you I’m willing to make an exception.” In Young and her popularity disease, it’s something that cannot be cured even with the strongest medicine you could find.

            “Well, I’m glad to be the first but I can’t go out with you.” The expression on In Young’s face changed with Joon’s words.

            “Why not?” she tried to look cool but everyone knew In Young have a low tolerance with rejection.

            “I don’t think my girlfriend would like the idea of me going out with another girl. I hope you understand.”

            “You got a girlfriend. Who?” 

I was shocked to hear that Joon got a girlfriend. He’s been here less than two weeks and already got a girlfriend? That’s fast.

            “This is my girlfriend... I think you two already met before.” Joon put his arm around my shoulder. I’m his girlfriend? Since when?      

            “She’s your girlfriend? This over sized girl?” In Young’s eyes almost popped out from its socket hearing that.

            “So I don’t think it’s a good idea we’re going out.” Joon looked at me and smiled.

In Young left with unsatisfied looks on her face. I turned to Joon and he was smiling from ear to ear.

Taecyeon POV

Why is he always around her everytime I saw Hyun Jae at school? I wish I could beat up that kid if I got the chance.

            “You’ll end up with nothing if you don’t say anything to Hyun Jae even if you beat up Joon.” Junsu sat next to me. “It’s about time for you to tell Hyun Jae how you really about her.”

            “What if she didn’t feel the same about me?” Being rejected are the scariest things in life...and being rejected by the girl you like is double the pain.

            “You wouldn’t know until you do it...what if she feels the same? Have you ever thought about that?” Junsu the love guru and his advices...

            “I’ll think about it.”

            “Do it quickly if you don’t want to lose her to someone else.” Junsu looked at Hyun Jae.

End of POV

When In Young left...

            “Since when that I’ve become your girlfriend?”

            “I wanna go out on a date with me?” he smiled.

            “Stop joking around...if you don’t want to go out with In Young just tells her that you’re not interested instead of dragging me into it.”

            “What done is done she know that I belong to someone else.” He laid his head on my shoulder.

            “I could imagine what would happen next.” 

Another chapter for you guys...happy reading!!!!

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don't forget to read the oneshot sequel of this story


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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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