Between Friends And Lover…

I'm Your Man!!!


            “So, when X equal to 6 then Y equal to 16…bla…bla…bla…” Mr. Han did some equation on the bored…my eyes gradually got smaller along with the numbers. I hate Math…it makes me sleepy, not to mention the way Mr. Han teaching…he’s a great teacher but he’s more to the boring side.

            The bell went off and instant, my eyes sprang back to life. I looked at Jae Hee and she was stretching her neck…she must be fighting with sleepiness just as I did.

            “There would be a quiz on this chapter next week…be prepared.” A wave of sighs echoed in the class as soon as Mr. Han said those words. Another quiz…yay! Not!

            “I hate quizzes…especially Math…”I laid my head on the desk facing Jae Hee on my right. She did the same facing me.

            “Me too…if exam wasn’t hard enough for us…yaa…we got half an hour until next the class start…you wanna go grab something to eat?”

            “I don’t feel like eating…”

Somebody came and squatted between us.

            “Noona, what are you doing staring at each other?” it was Wooyoung. He looked at the both of us with puzzled expression on his face. “Jagiya, did I miss something?”

            “No…what are you doing here? Don’t you have P.E now?” Jae Hee caressed Wooyoung’s cheek. Aigoo…this two look so cute together.

            “I did…but it ended early…Channie and Junho went straight to the cafeteria…they’re waiting. Jagiya, I need chicken fix right now…”

            “Fine…Hyun Jae ah, you want anything?”

            “No thanks…” I said with my head still on the desk. I just wanna stay like this until school is over.

            “Let’s go…I’ll see you later…” Jae Hee walked away.

            “Jagiya, is Hyun Jae noona ok?” I heard Wooyoung asked.

            “She’s fine…but there’s something troubling her lately…leave her alone…she needs her ‘me’ time…”

I took a deep breath and before I know it, I was drifted away falling asleep. I didn’t know how long I slept but when I opened my eyes slowly, Taecyeon was at Jae Hee’s seat with his head on the desk looking at me and smiled.

            “You’re awake…” his deep soothing voice is like a warm blanket on cold night.

            “How long you’ve been here?”

            “Long enough to see that you mumble in your sleep.” He chuckled.

            “I did? I thought Min Woo oppa said that just to make fun of me. What are you doing here?”

            “Looking for you…I was at the cafeteria but Jae Hee said you’re not coming down for lunch. Are you ok?” he put his palm on my forehead.

            “I’m fine…just not in the mood to eat.”

SooYeon POV

I was on my way to the teachers’ office when I passed by Hyun Jae’s class and saw Taecyeon in there sitting next to her. Their head was on the desk facing each other.

Seriously, what did he saw in that girl? She’s not that pretty…smart? Maybe, but she got more flaws than good. I can’t believe he actually going out with that hippo. I have to do something…

End of POV

I was chilling out watching the TV when somebody called me. I looked at the phone and it was Joon’s number.

            “Hello…Joon ah…”

            “Hyun Jae ah…why did you do this to me?” there’s something wrong with his voice. “I’ve been thinking…” I heard something dropped at the end of the line.

            “Hello! Joon ah! Yaa Lee Joon!” my brothers looked at me.

            “What happened?” Min Woo asked.

            “Shhh…Joon ah…” I was getting worried. Joon ah…where are you? What are you doing?

            “Hello…are you a friend of this young man?” an ajumma was on the line. Ajumma?

            “Yea…I’m his friend…” why did she pick up Joon’s phone?

            “Your friend seems like he had too much drinks right now…can you get him because I got other customers waiting.”

            “Can you tell me where the address is? Ok…ok…I’ll be there…” Joon ah…what happened to you…

            “Did Joon just called you? Something happened to him?” I just ignored Rae Won’s question, ran straight to my room, and grabbed my purse.

            “Oppa, I’ll be back in an hour…”

            “I’ll drive you there…” Dong wan went to look for his car key.

            “It’s okay…I’ll be fine…I’ll call you if you need anything…”

            “Be careful…make sure to call us…”


I’m on my way to the door when Taecyeon called.

            “Hello…hey…I can’t talk right now…I’ll call you later…bye…” Joon…wait for me.

Taecyeon POV

HyunJae’s house was a block away and I’m sure she’ll be shock to see me at her door. I brought some porridge that I made myself earlier for her since I saw that she’s not feeling well this afternoon. Maybe my specially made food could cheer her up.

I took out my phone and dialled her number.

            “Hey babe…”

            “I can’t talk right now…I’ll call you later, bye.” and she hang up the phone before I could say anything. What just happened?

 I was a few metres away when I saw Hyun Jae walking out from her house. I called her name but she didn’t hear me. Where is she going at this hour? I decided to follow her. Seems like she’s in hurry. I called her again but she didn’t picked up the phone.

End of POV

My phone was ringing but I decided to ignore it. I tried to catch a cab but no one would stop. I looked at the address again…it’s a few blocks away from Joon’s apartment… just walk there…besides, I could do some night exercise…

After a long 15 minutes walk, I arrived at the stall the ajumma said. I walked in and saw Joon at a table drinking alone. There’s at least 3 bottles of soju in front of him.

I went to his table and sat in front of him.

            “Joon ah…what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be drinking…”

            “Oh…Hyun Jae ah…when did you get here? Come, I’ll pour you a glass…” he tried to pour the soju but it end up falling on the ground. “Aishhh…ajumma! Another soju here!”

            “No…it’s okay…he already had enough…” his eyes were droopy and obviously drunk.

I went to the counter and after paying the bill,  I slung his arm around my shoulder and dragged him out from the stall.

            “What are you doing? I’m not done yet!” he said trying to head back to the table.

            “Yes, you are!” I dragged him out. These are the times that I actually thankful of my size. He look skinny but I bet he weigh a tonne.

            “Hyun Jae ah…what are you doing here? I can go back on my own.”

            “Go back in this state? You’ll pass out on the pavement. Thank god your apartment is near here…”

We were walking to his apartment and it feels like an eternity getting there. If only I was strong enough to lift him up on my shoulder.

            “Hyun Jae ah…why are you being so kind to me?” I guess he’s sober up a bit.

            “Because you are my friend…that’s why.”

            “You know that everytime you said that I was just a friend, it really breaks my heart…I felt like someone kicked me off a cliff.”

            “Joon ah…you’re drunk. You’re not thinking straight.”

Suddenly he stopped walking.

            “What’s wrong?” I looked at him.

            “Kim Hyun Jae…I…love…you….” Next thing I know his lips were pressing hard on mine. I tried to push him away but he tightens his embrace not letting me go.

I heard heavy footsteps coming from behind.

            “You son of a !”

Taecyeon POV

I was following Hyun Jae when she walked into a stall and then came out with Joon. What is she doing here with him? I looked around and realise that Joon lived near here. Joon looks like he was drunk and Hyun Jae are practically dragging him with her. My girl actually pretty strong…

I followed them from behind and suddenly he stopped. Did he want to throw up? Joon turned around and our eyes met. He smiled and before I could do anything, he kissed Hyun Jae…on the lips! The porridge I was carrying fell off from my grip and spilled on the pavement.

That’s it! This punk is dead! He saw me here and he had to do that in front of me with a smile on his face! I walked towards them, pulled him away and gave a nice solid punch. Take that for a change.

End of POV

When did he get here? Did he saw what Joon just did? I looked at Joon and he was lying on the pavement with trail of blood coming out from the side of his mouth. I guess he did saw what had happened.

            “What the hell you think you’re doing?”  I could see the rage aura coming out from Taecyeon that moment. It feels like a lion eyeing a deer in the safari.

            “I just kiss her…is there a problem?” Joon struggled to get up. It must’ve been quite a punch.

            “You’re kissing my girlfriend!”

            “She’s your girlfriend? Oh yeah…I forgot about it…”

            “I guess I should give you another reminder.” Taecyeon grabbed Joon by the collar and clenched his fist.

            “Taecyeon ah…stop it…he’s drunk. He can’t think straight.”

He shoved Joon again making him stumbled and fell down on the ground.

            “Let’s go…”Taecyeon grabbed my hand and dragged me.

            “I can’t leave him alone here…look at him…he can barely walk straight.” I pulled my hand away.

            “You can’t be serious.” He stared at me.

            “He’s my friend…”

            “Fine! Do whatever you want! I don’t care!” Taecyeon walked away without turning back.

            “Taecyeon ah…wait!” I ran to him and grabbed his arm. “The thing happened just now, it’s a mistake. He didn’t know what he just did.”

            “You really think that? I know he’s clearly sane when he kissed you.”

            “It didn’t mean anything…he probably won’t even remember it tomorrow…”

            “I doubt that…so, are you gonna come with me or stay with him?”

            “Can we not do this?” I’m really torn apart inside. One being the love of my life and the other one is a good friend of mine.

            “Take your pick…it’s either me or him.” Taecyeon said crossing his arms.

I looked at Joon and he walked up the stairs but stumbled after a few steps.

            “I guess you already make your choice…fine. He’s more important than me.”

            “It’s not that…Taecyeon ah…listen to me.”

            “What’s the use? You just put him above me, your own boyfriend. Go to that jerk, he needs you more.” I could sense sarcasm in his words. I could only watch when Taecyeon walked away.

            “Taecyeon ah…”

I took out my phone and dialled Min Woo’s number.

            “Oppa, I’m staying at Joon’s place tonight…he’s fine…just a little drunk…ok…I’ll call you later."


I hope this chapter doesn't upset any of my lovely readers. ENJOY!!!

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don't forget to read the oneshot sequel of this story


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muneka10 #1
Authornim Im becoming addicted to your stories... Ottokke!!!! bbyong! XD
3500++ views!!!
3400++ views!!!
3300++ views!!!
3200++ views!!!!
Woooowww eve thooo!! It was LONG it was sooo worth it spending less than 2 days non stop!! OMGG!!! Thank you for sua a beautiful story!!!
3000 views!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marikrismas #8
ahhh i just started reading this and now i have to go :(
i'll read it when i come back!
so i made it chapter 16 and oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard when it came to taec meeting the brothers. and then the whole background check?? how do they find out this stuff?? it was so funny though hahhaha i'm kinda jealous though. i don't have any brothers so i won't ever get that overprotectiveness that Hyun Jae has, even though she may not like all the time haha
54 chapters I'll try to finish it xD
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