Chapter 7 - The Mystery Person Revealed

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reii’s POV

‘You okay?’ A husky voice asked me as the jacket was slowly taken away. I looked down at my feet afraid to face the person. It was awkward. I didn’t know how to face the person in front of me since we kinda kiss even though it was only a few seconds.

‘Hey I'm talking to you.’ said the person waving a hand in front of me, sounding annoyed that I didn’t reply.

 I just nodded my head in respond.

‘Don't you know it's rude not look at someone when they are talking to you?’He said clearly annoyed.

I looked up at him feeling a little annoyed by the way he is talking to me.

*This person definitely has no patience. I still thought that he was so nice guy since he saved me from the crazy crowd.*

‘Yah! Coming from someone who just stole my first kiss! If you're gonna talk about being rude, look at yourself first!’ I yelled at the Mr Impatient in front of me. My eyes soon widen as I realized what I had just said and the person standing in front of me.

*K..e…ke…! OMG! I'm so doomed! I just yelled at my ultimate bias who is first in my heart. And the clever me just decided to tell my ultimate bias that that was my first kiss. I just totally made a fool of myself in front of him. Totally how I planned our first meeting to be.*

*Just kill me now god!* I wanted to find a hole and hide myself in now.

‘Do you even know what's a kiss?’ Key asked with a raised eye brow.

‘I..I..’ I looked at him clearly confused.

He cut me off by kissing me on the lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist drawing me closer to him. I was shock, my eyes were wide open. One of his hands was behind my neck keeping me in place while I struggle to break the kiss when I came to my senses. I brought my fist up and tried hitting his chest so that he would release me but he didn’t even budge an inch.

*What do I do? What do I do?* I was screaming for help in my mind.

*That’s it!*I decided to bit his lips to stop him. Before I did, he had already pulled away from the kiss.

‘Now, this is what I called a first kiss. In case you didn’t know, nobody would call a few second of lip touching their first kiss.’ Key said and smirks while I glared at him.

I always thought he was different. I always thought that he was someone filial and kind since he often talks about his grandmother. But after today, I guess I was wrong. He is such an , I can't believe I like him. I felt like a complete retard to even have him as my ultimate bias.

‘What now? You finally seen the light and you wanna be in my bed?’ I looked at him wide eyed.

*How could he say such a thing?* He’s not just an now, he totally disgust me.

‘Too shock at my offer? I bet you saw it coming since you threw yourself at me.’ Key continued.

Before I knew it, I slapped him. I was too angry and offended by what he had said.

‘Well excuse me, if you think by saying such things you actually makes you really great, then you're wrong. For your own info, that was seriously the worst kiss ever.’ I spat.

I turned my back on him and tried looking for the exit.

*Great, I'm lost. Urgh!* Despite being lost, I wanted to get out of there quickly, I wanted to get away from that jerk. I walked away from him, heading towards a door I’ve notice. I was about to reach the door when someone grab hold of my wrist and spun me around. I met eyes with Key.

‘Hahhahas’ he chuckled.

‘Well, I see you're something different. Playing hard to get huh? I like games.’ He the side of his lip as he lifted my chin up and with his lips inches away from mine.

He whispered ‘If you are thinking of getting my attention, then you have got it.’

I was fuming in flames now. I pushed him back and glared furiously at him.

* I swear Im so gonna change the wallpaper of my handphone to somebody else*

‘Let me take you your hotel. I mean that's the least I could since I made a jerk of myself.’ Key offered sacastically. Suddenly, the door behind burst open.


‘You can't enter..’ I turn to see Doojoon behind me with a very angry face. It was my first time seeing him like that. It was really scary, it made me shiver from where I am. The security tried to hold him back but he was stronger and broke from their grips. He walked towards me and pulled him behind him while Key signaled the security to leave us alone.


‘Sunbae, I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll be taking her with me now. Thank you for keeping her safe.’ Doojoon quickly bowed and dragged me out of the room like a ragged doll. He threw me inside the van and told the manager to drive us away. He seems really pissed. I was afraid so I just stayed where I was while stealing glances of him once in awhile.

Throughout the whole ride to the hotel, silence filled the whole journey. It's getting really scary now. The expression he had on his face is really freaking me out. I didn’t did anything wrong but his expression tell me otherwise.

The car come to a stop when we finally reached the hotel.

‘Hyung, you can go up first, we’ll go up later.’ Doojoon said to Manager Oppa.

Now we were alone in the car and I'm starting to fear for my life.

‘Was that your first kiss..?’ He finally spoke but he wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were outside of the window. I didn’t know how to answer him. I held onto my bag and tried to come up with an answer. I shook in fear as he suddenly grabbed onto both sides of my shoulders.

‘Answer me!’ he yelled.

My eyes widen in shock and tears threaten to fall from the corner of my eyes. I never expect him to yell at me. I was too shock I just looked at him with wide and teary eyes. I looked away as I felt the tears flowing down my cheeks.

*Why is he acting like this? I wanna get out of here* I just nodded my head while looking outside the window.

 He turned me to face him and he crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss this time is so different from the first one I felt from Key. This kiss now is telling how hurt he is and it is a kiss filled with possessiveness. It was like he wanted me all to himself.

He pulled me closer by my waist and wrapped his arms around me. I lifted my hands and tried to hit him but instead of doing that, I felt myself wrapping my arms around his neck and brought him closer. I know that he doesn’t see me as Reina now, he sees me as Reii instead. The kiss tells it all. Even if he sees me as Reii, I'll take it.

After knowing about Reii, I felt sorry for him. I wanted to live in her place just so I could heal those wounds for him. I wanted to heal his arching heart. It hurts me to see him with a pained expression. I wanted that smile of his to comeback. I wanted the smile he had beside Reii to comeback. Even if I have to lose myself becoming Reii so that he could be happy, I would do it. Just as long as his heart doesn’t hurt anymore, everything will be fine for me. He leaned his forehead against mine and caresses the back of my head. 

He lips only inches away as he whispered against my lips. ‘Now you only have my scent on you and no one else. I know Im selfish but please, be mine?’



Hahahas got ya! You all forgot that there's addition character inside the story! Sorry to disappoint you all. Looks like Junhyung fans still gotta wait somemore.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<