Chapter 31 - I'll Protect You

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)


Reina’s POV

I cant look at you even when I have my eyes open

I cant find your heart which had become cloudy amongst worn out memories

I cant do more because I’m tired and cried too much

No matter how much I think, I think I’ll be okay when if I see you


Even though you’re standing in front of me, but you’re not with me. Although you seems to love me but the one you actually love is still her. I tried doing more, thinking that you’ll love me back one day. Thinking that you’ll love me as Reina instead of Reii. I’ll try hard, I’ll protect you, even though you’ll taking me as her. I’ll protect you just so you wouldn’t be hurt again. Although it may be difficult, Im going to say I love you until the day you first come into my arm, the day where you would love me back. I’ll protect you, your hurting heart until the day it heal, until the day you finally see me. This was what I thought at first but no matter how I try, you couldn’t seem to fall in love with me. Everytime I thought you took a step towards me you could slowly forget about her but every single step you took, you took another step back. Im tired, I cant protect you anymore. I want to be love now instead of loving you. I want to be protected.

I looked at Key whose standing in front of me waiting for my answer.

‘But-’ My words were cut.

‘I know you still love him, I wouldn’t mind as long as you stay with me. I’ll wait for you. Just don’t ever cry alone without me. I wont let my girlfriend cry alone in the dark. If she wants to cry, I’ll cry with her. So don’t ever cry alone, this is the only thing I asked from you. So will you?’ Key asked.

What could I say? Instead of painfully loving him, there’s someone here who’s willing to love and wait for me. I just nodded.  


Key’s POV

I cant smile, I cant remember even when I smile.

Ever since you come into my life, I smile again. I started doing all the ridiculous things just to make you notice me, I have never gone so far just for one person, just for a woman like you. My heart aches to see you crying alone in the toilet.

I want to protect you… even your bad habits make me smile when I’m tired

Although it may be difficult, I’m going to say that I love you until the day you first come into my arms

Even though I know you don’t love me, although I know your tears were because of him, but I wouldn’t forgive myself if you’re suffering alone by yourself. I want to share you burden, I want to share your pain. 


Doojoon’s POV

Will you become happy when you leave me to find a different warmth?

Even so I can’t let you go baby

It’s going to hurt even more than dying

*She’ mine, no longer yours. Let go of her now.* *Its true* This 2 sentence had been constantly replay in my mind.

‘Sorry’ I said as I stepped onto Hyungseung’s foot.

‘Yah hyung what happen to you? You’ve wasn’t focusing after you came back. What happened?’ Hyunseung asked as he went to stope the music player.

‘Yeah what happen hyung? Is it because of Reina?’ Yeoseob asked as he plopped himself to the floor.

‘Speaking of Reina, where have you hid her hyung? We haven seen her for 2 weeks already. I missed her!’ Kikwang said while coming towards me.

‘Me too!’ Yeoseob said popping out of nowhere behind Kikwang.

‘Yeah, where is Reina now?’ Hyunseung asked standing beside Yeoseob.

‘Hyung, I couldn’t get this right the whole time, can you teach me how?’ Junhyung asked Hyunseung.

‘Hyung, Im thirsty buy drink shall we? My treat’ Dongwoon said to Yeoseob. Yeoseob’s eyes brightened and followed Dongwoon.

‘Kikiwang hyung, you not coming?’ Dongwoon asked.

‘No’ Kikwang said.

‘Oh okay’ Dongwoon replied but pulled Kikwang towards the door.

‘Lets stop for today.’ I said before leaving the room. I couldn’t take Reina off my mind and I wouldn’t know what to say when the guys asked me again.

I drove at top speed back to Reii’s apartment. This was where I want to be for now. I don’t know anymore, Im confuse. My heart hurts when I saw her leaving with Key. Is it because of my selfishness to keep her with me or do I really love her?

*What should I do Reii? Tell me* Im at Reii’s apartment now, wandering around the house full of endless memories.

‘Reii?’ I called out. Reii was standing in front of me with a plain white dress. She was smiling. She still looked so beautiful.  I went forward but I was cautious. Afterall she had disappeared everytime I tried getting closer to her.

‘It you right Reii?’ I said as I hugged her.

‘I missed you so much. You had no idea how I suffered without you by my side’ I said I nuzzle into her neck.

‘Doojoon’ Reii called.

‘Yes darling?’ I said still hugging her tightly in my hands.

‘You had to let go darling, Im gone remember?’ Reii said.

‘What are you talking about? Arent you with me now?’ I said.

‘No, I came to tell you our promise. You promise to let me go didn’t you? You have to let go now’ Reii said as she struggle to pull out of the embrace.

‘No I don’t want to’ I said holding onto her.

‘You have to. You need to stop holding onto the past. Im your past, she’s your future. You don’t love me anymore. The one you love now is her cant you see?’ Reii asked.

‘No I cant see anything! You’re the one I love, only you. She’s only a substitute’ I shouted looking away.

‘No darling, you love her. You’ve move on long time ago, its just that you didn’t want to admit it.’ Reii said holding onto my face to look at her.

‘No.’ I said looking at Reii.

‘Yes you do. Your heart hurts when you see her walking away with another person don’t you?’ REii asked. I hesitated.

‘See darling, you do love her. Forget about that day, forget about me, you promised. Now go find your happiness darling.’ Reii said fading away.

‘No Reii!!!’ I shouted. I went forward to grab her but she was already vanished into the thin air leaving me with the last words, ‘You promise.’

‘Reii!!!’ I woke up grabbing onto the bed sheets.

*I’ve fallen asleep*


Junhyung’s POV

I love you.. more than anyone… no, I’m next to you

I’m holding your hand

I can’t give you to anyone else’s arms

my heart cannot let you go…why


‘Reina’ I caught her wrist when she ran out of the apartment.

‘Don’t. You thought I was Reii too didn’t you? That was the reason why you were being nice to me all this time isn’t it? Im not her, let go.’ Reina hissed and tried to pull her hand out of my grip.

------End Of Flashback-----

I watch as Doojoon hyung left. I knew where he was going, Reii’s apartment. I had been recalling what Reina had said to be all these days. I knew Hyung too had been the same. But one thing for sure, I clear of my feelings now. Im not like hyung, I know clearly myself that I had never seen her for Reii. Although I had to admit they do look the same sometime but I sure that I have never took her as Reii. If I had took her for Reii, my heart wouldn’t have hurt the day she said this to me. I love her, I love Reina. Although I didn’t know when but I know it now. I love her. Till now I still couldn’t forget her hurt face that day. Im going to be true to my feelings from now on. Im not going to hid my feelings like how I used to be for Reii. Im not going to be the kind Junhyung, the coward Junhyung that give up without even fighting for the girl he likes. I lose Reii once, Im not going to lose anybody anymore. I’ll fight for my love, I’ll fight for Reina. No matter who I face now, I’ll never give up my love again without a fight. Nobody will and nobody can stop me now. Im not going to make the same mistake as I did 3 years ago.

*Im going to fight for you Reina*


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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<