Chapter 49 - Oasis

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Please play 2 together-






Junhyung’s POV

I quickly hold onto Reina before she left.

‘This is a mistake Junhyung. I would’ve stopped you from the start if I know you would fall for me. Im not the girl for you Junhyung, Im not worth it. You deserve a better one.’ Reina said.

‘No!-’ I was about to argue when Reina stopped me.

‘Please Junhyung, let us just be best friend? I will have to lose you as a best friend if I had to. Please don’t force me to do that.’ Reina said. I felt my limbs numb when I heard what she said. I dropped the hold and let her go.

*There’s no way you would fall for me is there?*I stared at her leaving back.

‘Knock! Knock!’ the waitress came in.

‘Can we serve the food now?’ I just nodded and went to take the seat.

*How silly of me to think that I might actually have a chance* I stare at the empty chair in front of me while I ate the food serve by the waiter.


When I was standing at the end of the world and couldn’t see the path

I needed someone

When I was trapped in the darkness and couldn’t see the light

I was waiting for the helping hand


You wouldn’t know that you are the only one in the world

Who is the only one better than the world

I believe dream for you and me

You are the long waited rain in my draughty day. You soaked my heart and gave me courage

You make me fly and smile again

Coming into my arms and giving happiness silently just like a rainbow after a shower

I wanna make a love


*I still thought that all the efforts put in might make you fall for me or even like me a little bit* I laughed at how silly I was to think that she might see me one day if I tried hard. All these while I had been hoping that she will look at me the way I looked at her, thinking that my presence is important to her like how important she was in my life.

‘Looks like you’re no longer in use anymore. I crashed the disc I had originally written and compose to Reina. This was the secret I didn’t tell her that day when I told her about my plan. Reina was just like the lyrics in this song, the light of my life, the one that appeared in my life and gave me light when I was in the darkness grieving over Reii. She was the one that came into my life and gave me the hope and courage to love somebody again. Because of her I smile again, because of her, I was able to see the path and walked out of the darkness. Because its Reina, I want to love again.


Oh lonely night, it’s an endless and stuffy dark night

Those are the days when I cried alone during the dark nights

In lieu of the people

Who would only hurt my callow heart (thanks a lot)

And my heart was having a draught

But that’s okay you make a way

The person who will be always guiding me is you, you you you

The only reason of living on you

Within my desert you are my Oasis, the sweetest chocolate


I believe dream for you and me

You are the long waited rain in my draughty day. You soaked my heart and gave me courage

You make me fly and smile again

Coming into my arms and giving happiness silently, just like a rainbow after a shower

I wanna make a love


Because of her, I did many things I didn’t imagine myself doing.


‘Hi can I sign up for baking class?’ I asked the Ahjumma at the counter. I’ve research for a baking class so that I could bake a cake and cookies for Reina. I wanted to do something special for her just like how special she was in my life.

‘Sure, you just have to fill this up. There is a class an hour from now, you can start enjoying the class later.’ The ahjumma said as she passed me the form. I gave the ahjumma a little smile before handing back the form I’ve filled in. I had purposely came here to learn because people here are mostly ahjummas, I could learn at ease here without being recognized.

--------End Of Flashbacks-----


‘Aiish! Why didn’t it turn out the way it should be?!’ I threw the burned cookies into the dustbin. It was the tenth time I’ve thrown the cookies away.  I looked at the cookbook again and tried making them again. I had taken the time to try out what I had learned in my cooking class since I had no schedule today but there was nothing but burned cakes and cookies ever since the morning. I looked at my cookbook again and tried to bake my eleventh cookies.

*Why cant I get it right? Its been a week already!* I looked at my cookbook as I began to prepare making my cookies. I had tried out everytime when Im free but I failed every time I baked. Im beginning to lose my patience. I had never been so patient with things like this, the old me would’ve have given up by the fourth day atmost.

-------End Of Flashback------


* I once believe in dreams for you and me, I once believe that god wouldn’t be so unfair to me that’s why he send you to me, the one helping hand I was waiting for. You’re the one that guides me out, the one Im living for, the one that heals my hurting heart. But what do I do now when you’re gone? When you tell me we’re impossible?* I stared at the empty chair in front of me. I really thought that I would stand a chance, I thought that maybe just this once Heaven was finally kind to me but looking at the empty chair in front of me, Im wrong. Im wrong because it’ll never happen.

*You are the long waited rain in my draughty day. You soaked my heart and gave me courage. You make me fly and smile again. Coming into my arms and giving happiness silently, just like a rainbow after a shower but what do I do now when I know I cant rely on you anymore? When I knew you couldn’t give me the love I wanted. What do I do now when I can no longer make a love?* The path that Im walking and the light that shines brightly was gone. Now, where can I go? I couldn’t see the path in front of me anymore, the light is gone once again. I felt nothing but darkness and pain.


Oasis isnt a sad song so I decided to add rainy mood so that it would be a bit more sad than the original one. Im sorry if it spoils the song. I can already see people unsubscribing after this chapter but I've already made my decision. Well Im so sorry that Reina wont be ending with Junhyung. I wont blame you all if you all decided to unsubscribe or decided not to read anymore. One down 3 more confessions to go!

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<