Chapter 14 - Time

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)


Junhyung’s POV

I was sitting on the chair staring at the sky outside the window.   

*Reii how are you? I thought I really saw you today.. I really thought my wish had come true.*


Did time stop again?

Is it going to fall asleep like this again?

While staring blankly outside

I’m thinking about you with my two eyes closed


*Do you know how painful it was for me all these years? Do you? I lost myself the day I lose you. Everything change, my life was a blank now. There wasn’t anticipation anymore. I used to anticipate my everyday, anticipate seeing you everyday. Even though you don’t belong to me, at least I could see you, at least I could see you smile and laugh happily everyday. Although it hurts to see you like that but it was at least better than not able to see you anymore. The pain of losing you, its not describable.*


Even though time is passing by again

I’m going back to that time again

Although I try hard to find everything in your memories



These 3 years I tried hard not to think of you, I thought I could but nothing stops me from thinking about you. I tried hard burying them from time to time but everything goes back to their original place when I saw you or so I thought. All the pains and memory came back when I saw Reina standing in front of me.


I’m crying by myself there but

As my tears stopped I’m laughing but

I’m waiting again

Until I can breathe again


Im crying, this isn’t the me I know but I’ve became a crybaby ever since you couldn’t love me, ever since you left that day. You’re the only one that make me like that. The one that make me smile like the way I never did, make my heart beat like crazy, making me cry which I would never in my life do and making me go insane without the life of you. Although Im laughing as my tears stopped, my heart is still crying. Im waiting, waiting for the day for you to come back. Im waiting for the impossible but still Im waiting because it’s the only way I can breathe again.


Even though time is passing by again

I’m going back to that time again

I’m trying hard to find everything in your memories



I tried living my life normally but I couldn’t do that anymore. I know my life couldn’t be normal anymore ever since the day I met you but I never knew my life would be like this when you left. Every single day was hell, I even thought of joining you.


I’m crying by myself there but

As my tears stopped I’m laughing but

after leaving you alone

I’m wandering around here with memories I can’t erase


I was suffocating. It was tiring, to live in the life where no matter how many steps I take, I would always ended going back to the past. To the past where you were. Every night I was dreaming about you, but there weren’t good dreams, they weren’t dreams of you happily but dreams of you the day I saw you lying there lifelessly. They’re haunting me, I tried to tell myself to accept the fact that you died but my heart couldn’t, I couldn’t.  


Although I don’t have anything to say and I can’t hear you but

even so if I can find you like this

I’ll wait for you now until time stops


I miss your voice Reii, I miss you. There isn’t anything about you that I don’t miss of. I tried hard to remember how you sound like whenever I miss you, I would always close my eyes in defeat and let the memories I tried to hide to flow out. I would imagine you talking to me again, I would imagine you standing in front of me, asking me to go eat ice cream with you, to go the park with you. But no matter how I imagine you, that doesn’t heal my hurting heart. My heart would still hurt, in fact it hurts more.


I know well that I can’t say anything

even so I’m searching for you but

I know well you won’t change your thoughts but

I still can’t forget you


Seeing Reina was like seeing you. Her eyes, till now I still couldn’t forget how her eyes look like.


‘Reii’s dead.’ Doojoon hyung said.

‘Do you guys want to come in?’ Reina asked, trying to sound casual.

I was staring at her the whole time. I couldn’t help not to. She looks too much like Reii and I really missed Reii. Her eyes they looked hurt, it was full of pain. She only had the look when Doojoon hyung mentioned Reii’s name. I knew the look. Reii had the same look on her when she broke up with Doojoon. How could I not know the look when Im the one taking care of Reii the whole time when they broke up. Till today, there was still no way I couldn’t forget about how Reii looked like.

*Reina loves Hyung*

----End Of Flashback------


Although I don’t have anything to say and I can’t hear you but

even so if I can find you like this

I’ll wait for you now until time stops


Wait for me Reii, I tried my best to live my life but if I couldn’t, the day when I couldn’t breathe anymore, I’ll go find you. My heart yearns for you, not the imaginary you but the real you. I’ll meet you on the day my heart could no longer beat anymore.


If I can find you, I’ll wait for you now, until I can breathe again



*You’ll will wait for me right?* I stared at the sky once again and went towards the bed when I could felt my even breathing. My eyes are red and painful from the cries I had but I didn’t care, it was nothing compare to my heart. My heart hurts a lot. Its hurting until I couldn’t breathe anymore.

*Reii, when it be when my time stops? How I wish it comes soon so that I could meet you again* I could my eyes to let myself fall into my dream again.


Its been a while since i wrote lyrics chap, hope it doesnt .

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<