Chapter 26 - Staying With Key

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

I looked up to see the person I least expected to see, Key.

*Why is that guy here?* I place my head in between my knees again when I saw Key. I didn’t want to see him, especially now. If it wasn’t him, my heart wouldn’t have broken into complete pieces now.

He knee down and tilt my chin up to face him.

‘What? Are you here to see the fun? You’ve succeed, now go away!’ I shouted at him with the tears still flowing. I was expecting him to smirk and laugh at how ugly I looked now but instead, he patted my head and wiped my tears away with his thumb. I stopped and stare at him. I was surprise by his action. He took off his jacket and threw it over my head, before picking me up and carried me bridal style. I don't know where I was going, where he is taking me. I was too tired to even care. Today was really a tiresome day. I wanted to forget everything that had happened today. I just know I want to get out of here, away from Doojoon, I want to get away from this pain. I didn’t care if the one carrying me was Key anymore. Even if Key was to hurt me now, I wouldn’t even flinch. No one would be able to hurt me this deep as Doojoon. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest.

Few hours later, I woke up to find myself in the unusual room. I looked across the room to see key standing in front of the window. I immediately pulled off the cover to check if Im still wearing my clothes.

*Phew! I still have my clothes on* I sighed mentally.

‘Just so you know, Im not really interested in that body of yours.’ Key said after looking up and down of me.

‘Yah!’ I shouted furiously.

‘Hahahas’ he chuckled. I ignored his chuckles and got out of the bed and head towards the door. There’s no way Im staying here any longer. He’s pissing me off every single seconds.

‘Are you sure you want to go off now? As far as I remember, you don’t have any place to stay now and that you didn’t bring anything with you from the house except that phone of yours.’ Key said smirking.

I stopped in my track when I heard what he said. Its true that I didn’t have any place to stay now.

*What do I do now?* I was worried inside but I keep on a pokerface and continue to walk out of the house. I couldn’t let Key know that what he said is true.

‘Look, why don’t we make a deal? I’ll let you stay here for the moment while you’ll have to do something in return?’ Key asked.

‘Whats the something in return?’ I asked after considering.

‘Well I haven think of it yet, I’ll tell you when I can think of one.’ Key said.

*Should I agree? Seems like a great deal since he haven think of one yet. But could I trust him? What should I do?* I was thinking hard to accept it or not. It was a difficult choice since he’s the one that got me into this mess.

‘Do you want it or not? I don’t like to wait.’ Key said annoyed.

‘Make your decision quick. 3,2’ Key said and started to countdown leaving me with no time to consider.

‘Okay I’ll accept it.’ I said quickly. I didnt have anywhere to go since I have no one here in Korea.

‘Great decision there.’ Key smirk.

‘Lets go now.’ Key said heading towards the door.

‘Where?’ I asked confused.

‘Dinner obvious, its seven now in case you don’t know.’ Key said as he walks towards the door.

‘Oh’ I replied and quickly followed.

Everything went off well, during dinner he didn’t teased me much. We just ate dinner in silence before returning back to his apartment. when I stepped into his apartment, I just realize that he had a lot of nice paintings hanging on the wall. It was also filled with nice furniture. I walked towards the window where he stood earlier. I looked outside the window to see the whole view of Seoul.

*How much did this guy actually earns?* I was really amazed to see the view.

‘Amazed much?’ Key asked. I could sense him smirking with satisfaction behind.

‘Don’t be cocky’ I said and began walking to the large white sofa he had.

‘Here wear this for now and the toilet is over there.’ Key said passing me his tee and a towel.

I took it and went to the bathroom for a shower.

After a shower, I came out with Key’s huge tee and my shorts. I sit on the sofa and grabbed a cushion and place it where I am going to sleep later.

‘You can sleep on the bed.’ Key said and went to the bathroom.

*Did I hear wrong?* I looked at Key who just went into the bathroom. I quickly got up  from the sofa and settle myself in bed. Since someone offered me his bed of course Im gonna accept it and further more that person is Key, the jerk.

‘Wa, this bed is so comfortable.’ I said as I lay on the bed. The bed was really comfortable.

*Maybe that jerk wasn’t a jerk afterall.* I close my eyes and began to sleep. Just then I felt someone’s presence beside me and a hand on my waist. I open my eyes to see Key laying beside me with only his boxer on.

‘Why are you here?’ I asked.

‘Do you see another bed here? Just because I said you could sleep on the bed doesn’t mean I am going to sleep on the sofa.’ Key said.

*I’ll take back what I said earlier on. He was a jerk afterall.* I remove his hands on my waist and get up, preparing to sleep on the sofa tonight. There’s no way I am going to sleep in the same bed with this jerk especially with his boxer on only.

‘Just sleep here.’ Key said and pulled me back on the bed just when I got up.

‘Who knows what will happen when Im asleep. This morning is a very good example. Its safer for me to sleep on the sofa.’ I said recalling what happen this morning.

‘Like I said Im not interested in your body so just sleep here’ Key said annoyed, his right hand still grabbing on my wrist.

‘Yah!’ I shouted, ‘Wait so you mean nothing happened between us this morning?’ I asked realizing what he just said.

‘Just sleep will you?’ Key said with his eyes closed.

*Nothing happen between us!* I grin wide. Even though he didn’t admit it but its seems like we really didn’t do anything since he didn’t said anything about it.

‘Still not sleeping? You know I can help you if you cant sleep’ Key whisper, his face just inches away from mine now. My eyes widened as my eyes met his. I quickly put a pillow in between us and turned my back to face him.

‘Im sleeping already.’ I said.

‘Hahahas’ I heard his soft chuckle before falling asleep myself.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<