Chapter 20

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Doojoon’s POV

I tried looking for Reina in the crowds but I couldn’t find her. I took out my phone to call her but I realized that I took her phone away for safe-keeping because of the members.

*Damn!* I quickly took out my phone and called Yeoseob.

‘Hyung! How could you take Reina away from us?!’ Yeoseob shouted over once he picked up the call.

‘Where’s Reina?!’ Kikwang said, most probably snatching the phone from Yeoseob.

‘Where are you guys now?!’ it was Hyunseung this time round.

‘Guys,Guys!’ I shouted to stop them from whatever they are saying.

‘I lost Reina, I need you guys to help me find her.’ I said once they were silent.

‘What?!’ All of them shouted.

*Grr!* my ear almost became deaf because of their shouting.

‘Yes, you guys hear me right. I lost her. Now hurry up and go find her now. Oh and don’t bother calling her because her phone was with me.’ I said.

‘What?! How could you hyung!’ they shouted once again.

*Damn they really need to learn not to shout over the phone.* I could feel my ear going deaf anytime now.

‘Call me when you found her’ I said my last word and hang up. I looked through the crowds to find Reina.

*Where could she be? She was just in front of me awhile ago* I walked through the crowds looking for Reina.


Junhyung’s POV

‘I lost Reina, I need you guys to help me find her.’ said Doojoon hyung.

*Reii  Reina’s missing?!* I walk off to find Reina once I heard what Doojoon hyung said.

I didn’t know why but a part of me was protective over her. I looked franticly among to the crowd to see if there is any sign of her.

I was wandering around without any direction. Its been half an hour now and I still couldn’t spot any sign of her. Just then I spotted a very familiar backview.

*Its Reina!* I walked quickly through the crowds and find her. It was impossible not to realize it was her since they looked alike. There’s no way I would not recognize Reii’s backview.

‘Junhyung?’ Reina said as I hold her hand while walking through the crowds.

 ‘Yeah, Doojoon hyung called us saying that he lost you. Come on, lets go find the others now.’ I replied still holding onto her hands as we walked through the crowds.

‘Oh okay.’ Reina replied while following behind me.

We were walking among the crowds when I felt Reina walking towards another direction.

‘Reina? Where are you going?’ I asked as I turned to look at her.

‘Look, isn’t it interesting? Lets go watch shall we?’ Reina said excitedly and pulled me towards a guy performing street performance.

*That girl, looking so excitingly like a kid. She looks so much like Reii* I smiled unconsciously and followed her.

‘Look isn’t he amazing?’ Reina said pointing at the street performer, her eyes still on the performer. We were standing among the crowds now, watching the street performer performing.

‘Yeah’ I replied as I stared at her. I wasn’t looking at the performer all this while. I was looking at her. She remind me so much of Reii. They looked too alike and I really missed Reii. I missed looking at her face all these years, I missed her presence. It felt so great to be able to see her again although it wasn’t really her. But looking at Reina somehow make me feel like Reii was still here, somehow my heart doesn’t hurt that much anymore. Reina was clapping happily when the performance ended. I quickly looked away from her and pretend to be looking at the performance while clapping my hands when I saw her turn to look at me.

‘It was great isn’t it?’ Reina asked.

‘Yeah, it was really great’ I replied, turning my head to face her.

‘Lets go there next shall we? It looks fun.’ Reina said pointing at the games store a small distance ahead.  I nodded and followed her.

‘I want to play this.’ Reina said as we stopped in front of a game stall. She picked up the gun and started shooting at the balloon in front. Reina’s expression immediately frowned when she couldn’t hit a row of balloon in front of her.

‘I really wanted that bear’ Reina sighed after her 3 attempts of hitting the balloon.

‘Hahahas’ I chuckled at her expression.

‘Let me try’ I said and paid the store holder before picking up the gun.

‘Fighting!’ Reina said as she pumped her fist up.

I smiled at her and turn back to the board with balloons, focusing on the balloons.

‘Pop!’ The balloon in front of me burst.

‘Its okay, you still got 3 bullet’ Reina said as I missed my second shoot. I nodded and focused on the balloons in front of me.

‘Uwa! You did it!’ Reina said when I managed to hit a straight row of 3 balloons.

I took the bear from the store owner and passed it to Reina.

‘Here, the bear you wanted.’ I said as I gave the bear to her.

‘Thank you!’ Reina said smiling.

‘Thump thump!’ I felt my heart beating fast when she hugged me.

*Its been a long time since my heart beats like this.* I shook my head and looked at Reina who was happily smiling at the bear in her hand now. I smiled unconsciously seeing her like that.

*Reii used to smiled like that too* I was still staring at Reina when my phone suddenly rings.

‘Hello?’ I said as I pick up the call.

‘Where are you hyung? Have you seen Reina?’ Yeoseob asked.

‘She’s with me, lets meet at the entrance of Shilin Nightmarket. I’ll bring her there’ I said and hang up the phone.

‘Is it the guys? Are they still finding me? Im so sorry, I was having so much fun that I had forgotten about them.’ Reina said.

‘Its okay. Lets go, I told them to meet us at the entrance.’ I said and we began walking to the entrance.

‘Darling!’ Doojoon hyung said and came running towards us when he saw us. I clenched my fist unconsciously when I saw them hugging.


Reina’s POV

‘Darling!’ Doojoon said and ran towards us when we were about to reach the entrance.

‘Don’t run off away like that again next time. Do you know how worried I was when you were missing?’ Doojoon said angrily.

‘Arraso I wont do it again. Don’t be angry.’ I said, trying to calm Doojoon down. I couldn’t help smile to see him so worried over me.

*I guess I couldn’t control my heart anymore*


I just had my exam paper today. Thought that my exam would finished on next wed but when i checked it just now, it ended on friday so i decided to post 1 chap for today. sorry for the wait ppl.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<