Chapter 29 - Periods Part 2

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)



Key’s POV

‘You better thank me for this. I brought dinner home.’ I said as I walked in the apartment.

‘Yah what happened to you?!’ I shouted when I saw how pale she was. She looked sick and weak. Sweats were forming on her forehead. I was shocked to see her like that. I placed the dinner on the table before walking towards her.

‘Im fine just some menstrual cramps. Thanks for the dinner but I don’t have any appetite.’ Reina said weakly, her voice barely audible. She then continued to draw her designs. I watched her struggle as she tried to concentrate on her drawings.

‘Stop. You need to rest, you cant draw in this state.’ I said taking her pencil away.

‘I don’t have time. You only gave me 2 weeks remember? I cant be irresponsible.’ She said, taking the drawing pencil back in hand.

‘Just stop okay.’ I said stopping her from drawing but she ignored.

‘You left me with no choice.’ I said and carry her up from the chair.

‘What are you doing, put me down’ Reina struggle but her struggles were weak.

‘Rest obvious? You don’t even have the strength to go against me.’ I said as I place her down on the bed.


Reina’s POV

I wanted so much to go back to continue my design but the menstrual cramp Im having was really killing me now. I curl myself up to lessen the pain but it never did. I really hate being a woman when it comes to times like this.

‘It still hurts?’ Key asked worriedly.  I just nodded. I don’t even have the energy to speak now. Without any words Key dashed out of the house.

*Where is that guy going now? Strange guy. Ask me question and left like that*

*Ah its killing me* I sweat profusely due to the pain.


Key’s POV

*Pain reliever* I rushed out to the drug store but it was already closed. I then rushed to the nearby convenience store to look for Reina’s pain reliever.

*The convenience store would sell it right?* I run quickly towards it.

‘What?! Why is it now of all time? Damn!’ I shouted and kicked wall in anger. I cant believe it. The only 24 hour convenience store in our neighborhood is closed early today for some special reason of theirs.

*Aiish what do I do now? That girl’s in pain. I cant possibly let her suffer the whole night.* I quickly rushed back home to check on her.

I went towards the bed to look at her. Although her eyes were closed, she looked terrible. Her stomach was leaning on the bed and she was sweat profusely.

I took a towel and went to the toilet to wet it. I then used it to wipe away her sweat. Reina opened her eyes shock to see what Im doing.

‘Relax, Im just wiping the sweat away.’ I said to her. After wiping her sweat away, I took out my laptop to research on what I could to do to lessen her pain.

‘Relief for menstrual cramp.’ I type the words in to see what I could find on the net. The long list of results come out as I press the enter button on my laptop. I open the web one by one and read them. I finally decided on one that looks great and went to the kitchen to boil some water.


Reina’s POV

Key set me up slowly and held a cup towards me.

‘Drink this’ he said as he held it to my mouth.

‘What is this?’ I asked. It was weird to see him like that. He had never been so caring before. He even helped me wipe the sweat on my fore head just now.

‘Its Ginseng tea. I couldn’t find any pain relievers so drink this for now. They say it warms your body, so try drinking some.’ Key said and blow it to cool before putting it in front of my lip.

*So he went out to find some pain relievers for me?*

‘Its hot, be careful’ Key said. His voice was so gentle, you wouldn’t think it was him at all. I took the cup from him and drink a few sip of it before returning it back to him.

‘Drink a bit more’ Key said and put it in front of me again. I drink a few sips more before I return it back to him again.

‘Do you feel better now?’ Key asked.

‘Even though it still hurts, it nice. Thanks.’ I replied. The tea was indeed warm but it didn’t stop my menstrual cramps.

‘Now get some sleep’ Key said as he lay me back down before leaving. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep but the pain was getting in the way.


Key’s POV

I went back to the living room after I lay Reina back to sleep. I sit in the chair where Reina had previously sat and looked at her design. I remembered that she had to finish 3 sets of costume for all 3 of Cube singers. I looked through her designs. She had B2st and G.Na’s Costume done, the only one left now is 4minute’s. I began to draw the outlines and think of what to design for 4minute’s costume. I doubt that girl could do it anytime now so I might as well help her out. I’ve almost finished with 4minute’s costume. I only left with Jiyoon’s. I stretched from my chair before checking on Reina.

‘The tea wasn’t of any help?’ I asked seeing Reina still in pain.

‘I’ll just get some pain relievers in the morning when the drug store open’ Reina replied, her voice still weak.

‘Don’t you need any sleep? I wont make any noise, so get some sleep now.’ Reina said.

*Aiish that woman is keeping me so busy, its killing me.* I rush out of house and drove towards my mother’s house at top speed.

I pressed the password and quickly went inside.

‘Why are you here? Its so late already.’ My mom asked.

‘Mom, do you have any pain relievers? I have a bit of headache’ I lied smoothly.

‘Yeah’ My mom went to the kitchen and passed it to me.

‘Thanks mom’ I said and rushed out immediately after taking it from my mom. I drove at top speed back to the apartment again.

When I opened the door I saw Reina lying on the floor beside the bed. I rushed towards her.

‘What are you doing lying on the floor?’ I asked worried to see her like that.

‘Because the floor seems warmer.’ She replied, her hands holding tightly onto her stomach area.

‘Get up so that you could get some medicine.’ I said and set her up from the floor.

‘Medicine? Where did you buy medicine at this hour?’ Reina asked.

‘Just take it. Arent you in pain?’ I said and passed the medicine to her.

‘Thank you, thank you so much!’ Reina said warmly and hugged me after taking the medicine.

‘Thump! Thump!’ I felt my heart beat fast when she hugged me. I quickly pushed her away.

‘Now that you have taken the medicine, quickly go sleep now.’ I said and left to complete her designs.

‘Wait, could you do me a favor please?’ Reina said as she held onto my wrist.

‘What now?’ I asked, faking annoyance.

Few minutes later I was sitting beside her rubbing her stomach.

‘Aigoo, what am I doing?’ I said as I rubbed on her tummy.

‘Everytime I had periods, my mom will always did this for me’ Reina said.

‘Mom’s hand is medicine, baby has a potbelly. She’ll sing it like this but I’ll never get it anymore she isn’t here.’ Reina said. Her eyes had tears in them, she was on the verge of crying. She missed her mother.

‘Dad’s hand is medicine, baby has a potbelly’ I sang repeatly as I rubbed her tummy.


Half an hour later,

I looked at the Reina sleeping comfortably now. Her face no longer looked so pale anymore. I went back to the table to complete Jiyoon’s costume before turning in for the day. It took me another hour before completing her costume. I looked at the 2 sets of costume I had designed for 4minute. I was satisfied with them. Having a designer as my mother, I had inherited some of her talents. I looked at the clock, it was almost 3.30 am in the morning now.

*What have you done to me now Reina? I’ve done all the things I never expected myself to do today.* I looked at the designs in front of me, I place all the designs together neatly at the table before returning to bed.

I lay on the bed and looked at Reina who was just in front of me sleeping peacefully.

*She looks like an angel when she sleeps. I hope she doesn’t hurt anymore.* I smiled unconsciously seeing her sleeping so peacefully in front of me.

‘Thump! Thump!’ My heart beats quickly again as my hand reached out to her face.

*What are you thinking Key?* I shook my thoughts away and pulled my hand away.

*You’re just helping her today. Anyone who’s in your shoes will help her too. Its only today* I set mind and turned my back to face her before falling asleep.


Sorry no B2st today again. I promise there will be B2st on nxt chap

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<