Chapter 44 - A Day With Chunji Part 1

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

After 30 minutes of ride, Chunji pulled over.

‘We’re here.’ Chunji said and got down from his motorbike while I was still sitting on his bike.

‘Do you need me to carry you down like how I carry you up just now Noona?’ Chunji asked. I quickly get down not wanting him to let him get what he want.

‘Hahahas’ Chunji chuckled.

‘I still thought that you’ll let me carry you down Noona. What a waste’ Chunji said and pretend to be disappointed. I rolled my eyes at him.

‘I wonder how you get your license when you’re driving like that.’ I casually said, still angry at him.

‘I don’t.’ Chunji shrugged.

‘What?!’ I asked to confirm what I have just heard.

‘Yes you heard me Noona, I don’t have a license.’ Chunji said nonchalantly like it wasn’t important.

‘Does your company know that?’ I asked.

‘Yup’ Chunji said as he looks around.

‘What?! How could they! Is your company even sane? How could they allow you to drive when you don’t even have a license.’ I said in shocked.

‘Well its not like they could stopped me. Lets go and play instead of staying here talking about nonsensical things.’ Chunji said and pulled me again.

*Nonsensical things? My god! What the hell did this kid learn as he grows up?!* I totally couldn’t believe my ear today.

‘Noona, Im hungry lets go over there and eat shall we?’ Chunji asked.

‘Lets go eat then!’ Chunji said and pull me over to the streetstore without hearing my reply.

*Why did he even ask in the first place when he doesn’t bother to listen to my reply?* I rolled my eyes and followed him.

‘Ahjumma 2 set of Ddukbboki’ Chunji said to the Ahjumma in store and took 2 Odeng at the same time. He passed 1 to me but I didn’t bother to take it.

‘You’re the one that said you wanted to eat, not me. You eat it yourself and get me out of here.’ I said with my hands folded in front of my chest but without a warning Chunji shove the Odeng inside my mouth.

‘Isnt it nice Noona?’ Chunji asked despite my glares.

‘She’ll pay.’ Chunji said pointing at me when the ahjumma gives us the Ddukbokki Chunji ordered earlier. I stare at him in disbelief.

‘You should pay. You’re the one that says you wanted to eat and you pulled me out remember? I didn’t bring anything with me at all.’ I said glaring at him.

‘Oh okay fine with me then. But you owe me 1 date now since I paid for your food Noona.’ Chunij said and happily passed the money to ahjumma.

‘What?!’ I said almost shouting.

‘Yup!’ Chunji replied and before I could say anything he shove a piece of Ddukbokki inside my mouth.

‘Its nice isn’t it Noona?’ Chunji smiled brightly.

*I give up! There’s no way I could win this kid could I?* I sighed mentally and continue eating the Ddukbokki without another word, knowing that there’s no way I could get back to Key unless this kid decides to send me home.

After lunch, Chunji dragged me to a game store nearby while I just follow behind. We played a few games.

‘Here. Hit Here Noona!’ Chunji pointed while busy hitting the crocodile head that popped up in front of him.

‘You too, there’s one in front of you.’ I said to him. I didn’t know when but I didn’t hate him that much now and I started to relax around him.

‘Noona lets play this one.’ Chunji said pointing at a boxing machine in front of us. (You know the one that infinite played when they escape from their manager in sesame player? I forgot what the thing is called and im lazy to find out. I hope you all understand what Im talking . LOL! BTW forgive me if my words dont make any sense)

‘No, whats the fun of playing this? Im sure going to lose without a doubt.’ I rejected.

‘How about we set a rule so that its fair for you?’ Chunji suggested. I raise my eyebrow, curious about the rule he was talking about.

‘I’ll let you use 2 hands while I use 1 and both of us had 2 tries. We’ll take our own highest score to compete. How about it?’ Chunji asked.

‘And what do the winner get in return?’ I asked.

‘Whatever the winner wants?’ Chunji shrugged.

*I could request to go home if I win.*

‘Deal!’ I said, secretly hoping that I would win.

‘Ladies first.’ Chunji said and held out his hand, signaling me to go first. Chunji put in the coin and the game starts.

I was weak for my first try getting only 78 points but I gave all might my at the second try and got 108 points.

‘Here goes’ Chunji casually said after putting the coin and punched the thing. The thing went back down and Chunji had a score of 127.

‘Looks like I don’t need a second try.’ Chunij said casually and looked back at me.

‘What do you want kid?’ I said annoyed with the fact that he had win.

‘Well I want Noona to accompany me the whole day.’ Chunji said.

I rolled my eyes before I answer, ‘Are you serious? Arent I here with you?’ to be honest I got a bit surprise at what he had requested.

‘But you were thinking of going home if you win this right?’ Chunji said.

‘Yup but what have that got to do with this?’ I asked.

‘I want Noona to accompany me wholeheartedly’ Chunji said.

‘Fine, I got it.’ I said. What could I say, afterall I was the one that agreed to the bet.

‘Really?’ Chunji asked, his eyes brightened. For the first time since I know him, he finally looks like a kid to me now.

‘Yes. You’ll have my promise.’ I said. Chunji smiled happily upon hearing what I said. I couldn’t help smile back.

*Is he really the Chunji I’ve seen on that day?* I couldn’t help thought. This Chunji in front of me look so innocent and kind, not like the one I’ve seen on that day. Totally opposite to be exact.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<