Chapter 24 - What Happened?!

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

‘You would never be me…’

I woke up and the strong sun rays hit my face and block my vision. I used the back of my palm to block out the sunlight. But I felt the cold air brush against my body and looked down to see myself . I quickly took the duvet and covered myself. I looked around the room in panic.

*How did I get here? I remember I was drinking beer and and what happened next* I tried to recalled what happened last night but the more I think, the more serious my headache was. I tried to get out of bed but my head was killing me so badly. I slowly got myself to sit up and looked around searching for my phone.

‘Looking for this..?’ I turned towards the direction of the voice. I saw the person I did not want to see the most in front of me.

*Key?!What is he doing here?*I held the covers closer to myself as he approaches me slowly spinning my cell phone in his hands. As he sat on the bed, I moved back until my back hit the head board of the bed. As he moved closer, I pulled the covers further up to my chin. I was trapped between him and the bed. He inch closer to me and our lips were only inches away. I saw him only in his bath robe and his hair was wet. I was blushing then it hit me…could something had happened between us..?

‘Last night was…’Key said while moving closer.

‘Awesome’ he whisper, his face just inches away from mine. I looked at him wide eyed when I heard his last word.

‘Shall I remind you..?’ he continued to say without moving away. I gripped the sheets tightly close to me.

‘SLAP!’ I slapped him across his face. I pushed him away and got up from my seat and made my way to my clothes that were neatly placed on the chair next to the bathroom. I was about to leave but his next sentence stopped me from where I was.

‘He will be coming over. I'm sure you would not want him to see you like this do you?’ I turned around to face him with shocked eyes while he smirk at me.

*I cant believe this!* I rushed inside to change.

*How am I going to face Doojoon? How could I hurt him after all he has been through?* After gaining enough courage, I walked out of the bathroom. Key was sitting on a chair looking outside of the window with a cup of coffee in hand. He seems so much in daze, if only he was always this peaceful maybe we could have gotten along better. I guess he noticed me looking at him, he turned around and gestured for me to take a seat beside him. I hesitantly took the seat and looked down at my feet thinking what should I tell Doojoon when I see him later. Key pushed a glass of tea over for me to drink. I looked at the tea then at him. I couldn’t trust him afterall. Who knows whether if there is anything added inside the tea.

‘Don't worry, it's safe to drink’ Key said still looking out the window. I took up the glass of tea and took a sip of it.

*Ah, its so refreshing, just what I need for my hangover.*

I saw my cell phone in between me and key. I took a glance at key and when I thought that he was still looking outside the window, I reached for my phone.

‘Do you really think that I wouldn’t notice?’ Key smirked and quickly took it away. I pouted and looked out the window thinking what's so interesting that has got him so fascinated.

‘Interesting isn't it?’ he asked still looking out the window and I looked towards the direction he was looking at. I saw screaming fan girls holding beast's banner and screaming for them.

‘How crazy they are. How a mere gesture like waving and smiling could cause them to scream and even faint. They like puppets, easy to control. They get affected so easily. Anything you do or say can either make them like you or hate you. When they hear bad things about you they change to like someone else or when you grow older they will change. They will not be loyal to you. They are superficial. Women are all the same.’ he looked back at me with those unreadable pair of eyes.

In the mist of it, I saw hurt in his voice like he has been badly by someone to see things this way.

‘Aren't you the same? Aren't idols all the same? They may appear nice and caring on the camera. Having use the magazines and media to publicize all the "good acts" that the company had created for them to make it look like they are all that.’ I said angrily after hearing what he said.

‘Oh really?’ Key just smirk at me, giving me the oh-carry-that sounds interesting look on his face.

‘To make fans believe that image that the company has created for them in which they have to follow and make fans believe that's the real them. Even if it's not the real them, they have to create it and live with it for the rest of their lives. To put it in short, aren't you also living like a puppet? Yes, fans may be superficial and they may not be loyal but that's just some of the fans. Not all fans are like that. There are fans who really like you for the real you, not the REEL you that the company had created.’ I said glaring at him now. His expression was pissing me off.

‘Hahahas! You really amaze me, Reina’ he smirked at me again. I lifted my head and was about to say something when his manager came in and interrupted us.

‘Key, Doojoon is here.’His manager said. When I heard the name Doojoon, I froze in my seat whilemy whole body tensed up. After his manager left, Key got up and turned around in his seat. I heard footsteps coming in and I knew it's Doojoon. I know that scent, only he has it and not to forget his deadly aura when he’s angry.

‘Well well well,’ Key said and clap as Doojoon walked in. ‘Look like the main male lead is finally here’ Key said and gave Doojoon a smirk despite Doojoon’s deadly glare.

*What do I do now?* I was still seated in my seat and grip the hem of my shirt. I couldn’t keep calm like Key with Doojoon deadly aura around.

‘Thump!’ I quickly turned around to find Key on the floor with blood flowing out his nose and Doojoon looked dangerously at me. He walked towards Key and pulled him up by the collar of his robe and punched him in the stomach. He grab my cell phone from before pulling me towards him. He stared dangerously at me and before he turned back to Key who was trying to get up. I wanted to help Key but I know I shouldn’t with Doojoon’s deadly aura around.

‘Stay away from her.’ Doojoon warned before dragging me out of the room. He speeded down the road and never once spoke to me after I was being dragged out of the hotel room. I knew he was seriously mad this time. I knew there was no way I could be forgiven even if I looked like her.

He yanked me inside once we got back to Reii’s apartment and threw me to the bed. He took off his shirt and walked towards me with a seriously pissed off face. I moved further away and I was once again trapped between him and the bed, his eyes filled with fire.

‘Did he touch you..?’ he ask, his voice dangerously low and husky.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<