Chapter 17 - Dongwoon

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Dongwoon’s POV

*Both Hyung still couldn’t forget Reii* I looked over my side still lying on the bed pretending to be asleep. I had been awakened by the sound of Doojoon hyung just now. He was having nightmares about Reii again. I was a light sleeper so I would wake up more easily compared to the other members and besides that, Im naturally more sensitive compared to the other members. I tend to noticed things others don’t even the smallest action made I could sense it too.

3 years when Doojoon hyung stopped suddenly and returned back to the stage when we were leaving Seoul High I sense something wasn’t right. The following action next few days told me that he was dating. I was just guessing but it was confirmed when Doojoon hyung introduced Reii to us that day. I didn’t hope that it would be true though. In fact I was afraid that it would be true.

Junhyung hyung was also different ever since that day when we went to Seoul High. Both of them were smiling to themselves on the van. I knew that Junhyung hyung also liked Reii when I saw the pictures they took in the Lotte World. It wasn’t the Junhyung hyung I knew. Junhyung wasn’t close with any girls as far as I know. He usually found them bothersome and he would never take cute pictures like these. The next day when he knew that Reii was Doojoon hyung’s girlfriend, his face dropped almost immediately and he was so quiet throughout the breakfast.



Note: Chapter 9 from Back To Me

‘Hey, I thought both of you have a date to go? Why are you still here? Both of you should get going, I'll do the work here.’ Junhyung hyung said and pushed both of them towards the door and waved goodbye to them and give them a smile so that they could go on their date.

‘Goodbye!’ both of them said and waved to the others members and left the dorm. I went to the kitchen after they leaved.

‘Hyung,’ I patted Junhyung hyung’s shoulder and went to help him with the washing.

‘What? Im fine.’ hyung said to me. I looked at his eyes for awhile and continue with the washing of bowl and utensils.

------End of Flashback----

That day I saw Junhyung hyung walking into the kitchen where Doojoon hyung and Reii were, I was worried. I stood up and followed. I heard overheard their conversation and enter the kitchen when Doojoon hyung and Reii left. I wanted to console Hyung. I didn’t know what to do. He seems like he really like Reii when I looked at his eyes.

I thought that he would give up on her since Doojoon hyung and Reii was together now but I was wrong.



‘Dongwoon’ Reina called out and walked over to me.

‘Don’t even try Reina, I wont say anything.’ I said while she was checking on his costume.

‘How do you know what Im going to say?’ Reina asked shocked that he already knew my motive.

‘I wont say anything to you. There’s no point knowing about her. Can I go now?’ I said and left when I nodded.

-----End of Flashback----



 ‘Can you tell me more about Reii?’ Reina asked.

Hyunseung hyung was stunned by her question, so am I. They both eyed Doojoon hyung before hyunseung hyung speak, making sure that Doojoon didn’t see or hear anything.

‘Reii..’ Hyunseung hyung started off uncomfortably. I pretended looking at my phone while continue to listen to what the say.

‘I wasn’t clear about Reii. I only met her for once when Doojoon brought her to our dorm when Hyiung wanted to introduced her as his girlfriend.’ Hyunseung hyung said and shrugged.

‘How about the other members? Do they know more about Reii?’ Reina asked, sounded desperate.

*Why do she want to know about Reii?*

‘Yeah .’ Hyunseung hyung said quietly.

‘Who?’ Reina asked urgently.

‘Jun.. Junhyung. He was very close with Reii’ Hyunseung hyung said and looked down at the floor.

*I wonder how Junhyung was now?* I couldn’t help think about Junhyung hyung when I heard Hyunseung hyung mention his name. I was the only one in B2st that knows that he too loved Reii.

-----End Of Flashback-----

I had overheard her conversation with Hyunseung that day. I was still wondering why she would asked him that question and I finally realized why when Doojoon hyung said that Reina and him were together now. She wanted to know what kind of person Reii was to make hyung fall hard for Reii. That was the reason why I warned her not to fall for Doojoon hyung that day. I was afraid that another person would get hurt.

I looked over my shoulder to see both of my Hyungs, one standing in front of the window silently sobbing while the other looking in pained as well. I sighed mentally and go back to sleep again. There is nothing I could do about it. I just hope that Reina would keep in mind what I had said to her that day.


Reii’s POV

I had just woken up not long ago. It was only 6am. I had woken up early to check if I had missed out anything yesterday and to pack the remaining things inside.

I walked towards the door when I heard the door bell rang.

*Is it Doojoon?* I smiled at the thought thinking that it was him outside.

‘Junhyung?’ I was surprise to see the person standing in front of me.

‘Yeah its me.’ Junhyung said he scratched the back of his neck.

‘How can I help you?’ I asked. It was weird seeing him here and its awkward too. Afterall he thought I was Reii and that he just came back yesterday, I don’t really know about him.

‘Well I want to say sorry to you once again. Im sorry’ Junhyung said.

‘Its okay! Don’t worry about it.’ I said smiling awkwardly at him.

‘Then I guess I should go now. Its nice meeting you’ Junhyung said and turn to leave.

‘Wait!’ I called out.

‘Erm yes?’ Junhyung ask as he turn back to face me.

‘Do you want to come in for coffee? I have something to ask you.’ I asked. I wanted to ask him about Reii, since I assume that he’s my only hope left when Dongwoon didn’t want to say anything.


Did a bit of explanation on how Dongwoon know things. Do he still sound like a pyshic? Actually he did explain about how he knew things in chapter 30 from Back To Me. Lol sorry to people who thought that they get to see Junhyung or Doojoon here. Btw is it confusing? Do tell me if its confusing cause if it is i might delete this chap away.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<