Chapter 4

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

Few days had passed, I am currently now at Malaysia for B2st fanmeet. I had been traveling around with them to their fanmeets since I was their designer now. For now, I would be finding accessories to match with their costumes, observe their style and what type of clothings would suit them and had to work on their costume once we return back to korea.

‘Hey Reina, can you fix my tie?’ Kikwang asked.

‘Reina, I couldn’t find my ear studs’ said Hyunseung.

‘Wait guys. Let me finish fixing Dongwoon’s costume first.’ I said back-facing them while fixing Dongwoon’s costume.

I was busy running around the room fixing and finding the things for them. It was tiring running here and there thinking and finding what they need to wear but to see them wearing the accessories I chose for them, I was satisfied.

‘Hey’ I said smiling while walking towards Doojoon. We were close now ever since that night at the balcony. Well we’re not exactly very close, just as close as how I am with the other members. He wasn’t that cold towards me anymore.

‘You alright?’ I asked as he didn’t reply me unlike the usual where he would smile and greet me back. He was staring into space. His eyes were full of pained.

‘Hey’ I said nudging him.

‘Oh hey Reina’ Doojoon greeted back with a smile but I knew it wasn’t genuine. It was a forced one, his eyes had betrayed his smile.

‘The others are done. I need to check your costume.’ I said to him. He just nodded and stood up, letting me do my work.


Doojoon’s POV

Today was the day Reii died 3 years ago. The day I hate most in my life.

‘Hey’ I felt someone nudging me.

‘Oh hey Reina’ I said forcing a smile when I realized that it was Reina. My heart hurts more seeing Reina standing in front of me. I couldn’t bear to see Reina now, not today. She look too much like Reii.

‘The others are done. I need to check your costume.’ Reina said. I stood up, letting her do whatever she needs to do while my mind brings me to Reii again.

After Reina checked my costume, the members and I proceeded to the stage to perform for our fanmeet.

I tried my best to focus and sing throughout the whole fanmeet. The fanmeet ended smoothly and we were now on our way back to our hotel room.

‘Doojoon,’ Reina called out when I was about to enter the hotel room.

‘Yes Reina?’ I asked hiding my tired voice.

‘I need to talk to you.’ she said.

I just nodded and follow her to her room.

‘What do you want to talk about?’ I asked, wanting to go as soon as possible. I wanted to be alone for now, for tonight.

‘Well, its not about me, it about you’ Reina said looking at me in the eye.

‘What about me?’ I asked Reina, not understanding the situation now.

‘What happened? You know you can tell me.’ Reina said

‘Nothing happened, Im fine.’ I said, not wanting to tell her anything. I couldn’t. I didn’t know how to bring up the topic of Reii.

‘Doojoon, I know you’re not. You’re not yourself today. Why? You can tell me. Its better to tell someone than to keep it inside.’ Reina said, trying to convince me to tell her what happened.

‘Could you do me a favor?’ I asked as I couldn’t control my emotions anymore.

Reina just nodded but I could see that she was unsure about it.

‘Could you pretend to be somebody important to me? Just for now, for today? Please.’ I begged her, my heart could no longer take it. I needed to ease the pain. I needed Reii. It hurts, my heart hurts more than usual whenever it comes to this day. I couldn’t hide nor control my feelings as well as I did normally. She nodded her head but was clearly confused at what I meant. I pulled her close to me immediately and held her tight. Placing my forehead against hers. I need to feel this, even though, I know she’s not Reii but if this is as close as it can get, I'll take it. The tears that I had been holding in were now flowing uncontrollably.


Reina’s POV

I was surprised when Doojoon pulled me to him and held me tight, placing his forehead against mine. I was about to ask why when I saw his tears flowing.

‘Reii.. Reii..’ Doojoon called out the name continuously while his eyes fixed to mine.

‘You promised, but where are you now?’ Doojoon asked

‘Reii, I really miss you, can you come back? Come back to me Reii’ Doojoon said, mumbling things that I do not understand.

I held him closer to me. Even though I didn't know who he is talking about and I may not be her but if this can  help him ease his pain, I won't mind being someone else. I wouldn’t mind being her for now. I feel warm tears on my shoulder. He was crying. My heart aches as much as each tears that had landed on my shoulder. I mean he is my bias after all, I couldn’t help but felt my heart hurts to see him like that. My heart was in pain, full of pain. It was like I'm suffering the same as him. I slowly reach up and held him closer. I gently caress his head and pat his back to calm him down.

‘Pretend I'm her and let your feelings out’ I whispered as I felt water droplets roll down my cheeks.

*Did I just cried? Why? Why did I cry?* I asked myself as I felt hot tears flowing down my cheeks.

Doojoon continued calling Reii’s name out and held me tighter. It was so tight that I could feel myself breaking into pieces soon but I ignored it. He needs me now and I know I wanted to be there for him. I somehow felt a special connection with him.


Sorry people, emo chap again. I promised it'll be sweet and lovely chaps soon. Well, to be honest Im not sure of when but I only can say you gotta wait.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<