Chapter 50 - The Back Of My Hand That Brushes Against Yours

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)



Chunji’s POV

I walked beside Reina as we entered COEX Aquarium. I felt myself smiling like an idiot by just looking at how excited Reina was.



*Its been a week since I last saw Noona. I need an excuse to meet her but what excuse could I use?* I was pondering about it as I pace around the living room continuously.

‘Chunji, stop it will you?’ L.joe said.

‘Stop what?’ I said frustrated by the fact that I still couldn’t think of an excuse to see Reina.

‘Pacing around?’ L.joe said and rolled his eyes. I stopped in my track and glared at him.

‘Whats wrong with you hyung?’ Ricky asked with concern as he sat next to L.joe on the sofa.

‘He’s thinking of how to ask his Reina ‘Noona’ out’ L.joe said as he stresses the word Noona.

‘You knew it and you didn’t bother to help?’ I asked in disbelief while L.joe just shrugged. I cant believe it. How could I even have him as my best friend.

‘I cant believe you’re so stupid. What happen to the Chunji I know?’ L.joe said as I continued to glare at him.

‘What wrong with me?’ I spat. L.joe’s really getting on my nerve today.

‘She still owe you a date Lee Chunji.’ L.joe said.

‘No wonder you’re my best friend.’ I hugged L.joe while he just rolled his eyes in response.

*Now that I find an excuse, where should I bring Reina ?*

-------End Of Flashback------



Reina’s POV

‘Wow!’ I stared at the numerous sea creatures in front of me. This is the first time I’ve seen them so up close that I forgot that Chunji was beside me.

‘This is only the first section and you’re already so amazed?’ Chunji asked while I was still staring at the sea creatures in front of me.

‘Arent they beautiful and amazing?’ I replied without looking at him.

‘Oh man, I shouldn’t have brought you here. You wouldn’t even look at me now. Is this even a date?’ Chunji said sarcastically and faked his cries beside me.

‘Arasso arasso, stopping your fake crying, you’re getting attention.’ I said as I turned to look at him now.

‘That’s better’ Chunji said and smile almost immediately when he heard what I said.

*That kid* I shook my head and continue to look at tropical fish and cute otters in the second section. After awhile, we finally reached the last section of the aquarium where I could see people playing with the baby sharks. Chunji pulled me over so that we could touch the baby sharks too.


Chunji’s POV

I was sitting at the park, looking at the numerous couple that had passed by.

*I thought I could be like them too. This is the first time I felt this way for someone but in the end, I was told we don’t belong together.*



Do you know this? When we walk together, the backs of our hands keep brushing

They touch and then they part,

And in that short time of parting,

I miss you so much


I asked if you would be my girlfriend

Because I was afraid I would lose you,

I hesistated and confessed with fear


I felt something brushed across my left hand as we walked along the park. I looked down to see Reina’s hand brushing across mine again. I didn’t know why but I like the feeling of our hands brushing against each other. In fact I have a sudden urge to hold her hand as we walked down the park. I looked up to see Reina’s reaction but she seems ignorant about our hands brushing against each other. Her hand felt so warm against mine as our hands brushed against one another again.  In that instant when Reina moved to let a passerby walked past, the warmth was replaced with coldness.

‘Reina’ I called. Reina looked at me stunned at what I just called her.

‘What did you just call me?’ she asked, thinking what she had heard was a mistake.

‘I have something to say to you Reina.’ I said.

‘Will you be my girlfriend Reina? I like you.’ I said it out without giving Reina any chance to ask. I wanted Reina to be my girlfriend. In my eyes she was never a noona but a girl that I like. She’s the only one that can make my heart beat so fast, the one that I felt comfortable and warm to be with. I wanted her to be mine even though she’s a noona.

‘Chanhee’ Reina spoke and her eyes were different now. They weren’t shiny and bright but serious. I suddenly didn’t feel like hearing her answer anymore.

‘Reina its okay, you don’t have to give me an answer now. You can tell me after a week.’ I quickly stopped Reina before she tells me her answer.

‘Chanhee, look-’ Reina spoke but I quickly stopped her.

‘No, I don’t want to listen to your answer now. Lets continue walking shall we?’ I quickly said and walked away. Reina grabbed my hand to stop me.

‘Chanhee, Im sorry. I only think of you as a dongsaeng and I always will. Forget about me, I know you’ll find a better girl.’ Reina said as she looked at me in the eye. I felt my heart being crushed instantly as I heard her words.

‘Im sorry.’ Reina said once again before she left.

------End Of Flashback------

We looked at each other without saying anything

And hand-in-hand we walked along the street

I walk on this street all the time but why does it feel so strange right now? I'm trying to follow the sound of my pounding heart

And before my heart fades away, i will tell you

I will take courage and tell you

Be my girl now


I asked if you would be my girlfriend

Because I was afraid I would lose you,

I hesistated and confessed with fear


*So this is what it feels like being rejected* I placed my hand against my arching heart.

‘It hurts’ I felt my heart on fire. My heart is in so much pain that I felt like dying. I couldn’t breathe. I don’t know how to breathe anymore. The hand that I thought would go in sync with mine is gone. The confession I made because I was afraid that I’ll lose her eventually was a mistake. Before the confession, there’s still anticipation of her accepting me but now I couldn’t even anticipate anymore. I completely lose her. The scenario of us staring into each other eyes and without having to say anything to each other, we walked down the park hand in hand would never happened anymore.


No one could love you as much as I do

Your hands that keeps going out of sync with mine

I want to hold it and walked with you


I stood up from the bench and started walking as I felt the cold air hitting me. I looked at the empty space beside me then at my empty hand. As much as I wanted to hold her hand, I know it would never happen because her hand was never in sync with mine.


Here's Chunji's confession. One down, 2 more to go!

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<