Chapter 6 - The Mystery Person

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

We could hear the screaming of all the fans as B2st and I walked through the crowd of wild fans. I felt many of them pushing us and we were had lots of difficulty passing through. Although I had been traveling with B2st for a few days, I still couldn’t get used to it. While I walking through the crowds, I felt one of the fans grab onto my wrist and tried to yanked me out. I tried to pull back but the fan was stronger. I could see the anger in her eyes and her friends were helping her too. I was really terrified and I tried to shake her off to break her grips on my wrist but I couldnt.

I was really scared and lost. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and yanked me toward his chest, breaking the hold of the fan's grips. I turned around to see that it was Doojoon, I sighed in relieve while he gave me an assuring smile. I could hear the fans screaming even more after what he did. I nodded at his smile and hurried my pace of out the place before any fans decided to kill me. Before we knew it we were already inside the departure hall. We were all escorted into a VIP waiting lounge.

*Wow that was close* I sigh mentally while I sit on the sofa.

‘Reina, are you okay?’ Hyunseung asked.

‘Yeah, Im fine’ I said assuring him.

I turned my head around to find Doojoon, I wanted to thank him for just now but when I finally found him, he was listening to his ipod with his earpiece.

*Well, I shall thank him later*

‘Hyunseung..’ I tapped on Hyunsueng he was sitting beside me playing angry bird on his iphone.

‘Yeah Reina?’ Hyunseung asked.

‘Can you tell me more about Reii?’ I asked. I was really curious about her, especially after last night.

Hyunseung was stunned by my question, we both eyed Doojoon before he speak, making sure that Doojoon didn’t see or hear anything.

‘Reii..’ Hyunseung started off uncomfortably.

‘I wasn’t clear about Reii. I only met her for once when Doojoon brought her to our dorm when Hyiung wanted to introduced her as his girlfriend.’ Hyunseung said and shrugged.

‘How about the other members? Do they know more about Reii?’ I asked. I was desperate to know about Reii.

‘Yeah .’ Hyunseung said quietly.

‘Who?’ I asked urgently.

‘Jun.. Junhyung. He was very close with Reii’ Hyunseung said and looked down at the floor.

I was about to ask more information about what happened to Junhyung since he was the only one who know Reii when something interrupted.

 ‘Passengers taking flight KE253 to Japan is now ready for boarding.’

*Junhyung? But he wasn’t here. How am I gonna get more information about Reii?*

 ‘Reina what are waiting for? Not moving?’ Kikwang asked pulling me along with him.

‘Ah yeah.’ I replied and followed him.

Once we were on board the plane, I took a seat by the window and settled down.

*Junhyung? He was gone for 3 years. What happened to Junhyung? Where is he now? I need to know about Reii. Why did Hyunseung looked sad when Junhyung was being mentioned? What really happened?*

‘Can I sit here?’ Doojoon asked.

‘Yeah sure.’ I said smiling at him. It was awkward. I didn’t know how to face him after yesterday night. When I woke up this morning he was already gone. We didn’t talk much on our way to the airport as well.

‘Doojoon?’ I called out.

‘Yes?’ He asked facing me.

‘Thank you for just now.’ I said when I suddenly remember the incident at the airport.

‘Its okay’ He replied and took out his ipod to listen to them again.

I looked outside the window while he listened to his ipod. It was too awkward, I didn’t know what to do. The trip from Malaysia to Japan needed at least 7 hours and I had nothing to do, I decided to take a nap. Just then I felt something on my right ear and there was music on. I turned to Doojoon with a confused expression but I was greeted by his smile in return.

Few hours passed, I woke up to see Doojoon already awake. No, he didn’t look like he had gotten any sleep.

*Didn’t he sleep?*

I wanted to ask him about it when I saw him staring at his phone.

*He must be staring at Reii again* I sighed mentally and pretend to be asleep with my eyes close until the plane landed in Japan.


When we reached Japan, we were welcome by whole lots of screaming fans. I was walking behind Doojoon with Yeoseob next to me. Suddenly, the barrier gates broke and the fans started pushing on us. I tried to stay behind Dojoon but it was hard to. The fans were crazily pushing and squeezing their way towards the B2st members. I was surrounded by crazy fan girls and they all were pushing me further away from the exit.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone's chest and turned around only to meet lips with the mystery person. Flashes were everywhere and I felt myself being swept around and a jacket was over my head. The person held me close to him and brought me away from the screaming fan girls with the help of the bodyguards who came at last! I could hear the fan girls screaming and cursing at me.

*What happened? Why are they cursing me?*

*Omo! My first kiss!! Who have I given it to?! My first kiss!* Everything happened too fast, I didn’t even had chance to see who the person was before I was being covered by a jacket over my head. I wanted to see who the person was but I was unable to. There were still pushings of the fans as we headed to somewhere which I totally had no idea of.


Hahahahs well who do you all think it will be? Kinda obvious is it? :)

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<