Chapter 11

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

‘See you soon Reina’ Key winked and walked out of the room.

*See me soon? No way Im gonna see you again you jerk!* My thoughts were immediately broken when I felt people staring at me now.

‘What?’ I look at the members with confusion.

‘You and Hyung got some explanation to make.’ Hyunseung said while the rest of the members look at both of us waiting for our answers.

‘Me and Doojoon?’ I asked the members then looked at Doojoon whose standing beside me.

‘Well guys, we’re together.’ Doojoon replied pulling me close to him.

‘What?!’ The members shouted except for Dongwoon. He seem calm. Too calm. Its like he knew it before we even announced.

‘Yeah, we’re together’ I sheepishly replied assuring the members who were all looking at me for answer.

‘Hyung, we need to go back now. We only have half an hour to prepare.’ Dongwoon said and pushed the members out before they could ask any questions.

*Thank God* I wiped away the cold sweat form on my forehead.

‘Hey darling, you alright?’ Doojoon asked.

‘Yeah Im fine.’ I replied with a smile.

‘Great, I’ll leave you to prepare. See you later.’ Doojoon said and lightly pecked my forehead before joining his other members.

My smile grew wider as my hand unconsciously touched the place Doojoon kissed.

*No wake up Reina! You know he doesn’t love you* I shook my head and began to prepare.


Few hours later,

I was busy running here and there with the costumes. I am now preparing the costumes they were going to change later for their fanmeet.

‘Here, this is yours’ I said passing the costume to Yeoseob. I then proceed to pass the rest of the costume to the other members as their Japan Fanmeeting is about to start soon.

‘Don’t fall for him’ Dongwoon said as he took the costume from me.

‘Huh?’ I said not knowing what he was talking about.

‘You know what Im mean Reina, don’t fall for him. You know he doesn’t love you, don’t get yourself hurt by falling for him’ Dongwoon said and left to change his costume before I could even said anything.

*Why did he say it to me? What does he know? Do he know more about Reii than the others?* I couldn’t help ponder over the question in my mind.

‘Reina Im done!’ Kikwang shouted.

‘Oh okay, Im coming over now.’ I said and went towards Kikwang to check on his costume. After checking his costume, I went to check on the others.  After checking on Yeoseob and Hyunseung, I went to look for Dongwoon. I need to see him. I was hoping I could get information of Reii from him.

‘Dongwoon’ I called out and walked over to him.

‘Don’t even try Reina, I wont say anything.’ Dongwoon said while I was checking on his costume..

‘How do you know what Im going to say?’ I asked shocked that he already knew my motive.

‘I wont say anything to you. There’s no point knowing about her. Can I go now?’ Dongwoon said and left when I nodded.

*How could I not ask about her when everything around Doojoon was about her?*

I walked over to Doojoon dejected that I couldn’t get information I want.


Doojoon’s POV

‘What did you all talk about?’ I asked. I saw Reii and Dongwoon chatting there for quite awhile but it was like they were talking about something serious. Their expressions were weird and Reina looked dejected.

‘Oh nothing. Stand up, I gotta check your costume.’ Reina said. I stood up while she checked on my costume. I was about to ask her more when Manager Hyung came in and interrupted.

‘Guys, time for you all to go out now!’ Manager hyung said.

‘Okay you’re done!’ Reina said and went packing the costume neatly back to where they were.

‘What? Your costume’s fine’ she asked when I grabbed her wrist and spun her around to face me.

‘You forgot something’ I said. I was waiting for her kiss. How could she be so blur.

‘What?’ she asked.

‘My kiss’ I whispered into her ear wanting to a little bit.

‘Here?!’ she said shocked, almost shouting it out.

‘Yup’ I said, trying to hide my laughter. She looked so cute when she’s shocked.

‘No way’ she said.

‘Im waiting, and if you don’t hurry, Manager Hyung will come in soon.’ I said still waiting for the kiss and Im sure I wouldn’t leave until I get the kiss.

She glanced around to check if there was any person and gave me a peck on my check.

*That’s not the kiss I expected*

‘Now please go out now before Manager Oppa complained’ she said while pushing me out.

‘Arasso arasso’ I said chuckling and take the chance and gave her a quick peck on her lip before going out of the room.

*This is the kiss I wanted* I smiled and went to meet the others.


Reina’s POV

‘Guys packed everything and have a good rest tonight; we’ll be leaving tomorrow morning at 8.’ Manager Oppa said as we arrived at our hotel.

‘Yes Hyung’ B2st members answered while I nodded my head as we got out of the van.

‘Beep! Beep!’ My phone in my bag vibrated while I was on my way back to the hotel room.

‘Hello who is this?’ I answered and asked since it was a number I didn’t know.

‘Who do you think I sound like?’ the person in the other said of the phone teased.

*Key! But how did he know my number?*

‘Who is it?’ Doojoon asked.

‘Oh nobody.’ With that I ended the call, not wanting Doojoon to know that Key called.

My phone was vibrating again but ignored it. I couldn’t be answering the phone in front of Doojoon.

Once I reached my room I picked up the call and answered.

‘How did you get my number?’ I asked

‘Well there’s no need for you to know how I get them. Don’t you wanna know why I called?’ Key said.

‘What do you want?’ I asked irritated.

‘Meet me at the Prince café some distance away from the hotel at 9 pm later’ Key said.

‘Nope sorry Im not going.’ I said and hang up the phone before he could say anymore. I didn’t want to meet him at all. There’s no way Im meeting him.

I put my phone at one side while I started packing my bag so that I would be ready to go tomorrow morning.

*Where did I put my passport?* I simply ransacked my whole hotel room but I still couldn’t find it. My phone was vibrating again. It was the 5th time he’s calling me.

‘I told you Im not going!’ I said really annoyed since I couldn’t find my passport and the fact that he keeps calling me makes me irritated.

‘You sure? Take a look at the photo I send you and decide after seeing that. See ya later’ Key said and ended the call.

*How the hell did he?!*I opened the message he send me and saw my passport.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<