Chapter 35 - The Grand Opening

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Reina’s POV

It was about the time of the grand opening. Key and I were busy walking around greeting the guests. It was awkward at first since I don’t really know people there except for the idols Key had invited.Key had invited a lot of the idols but mostly from his SM family like Super Junior, SHINee, F(x) etc. I walked around there room with Key beside me, introducing me to them.

‘Hey guys, this is Reina, the designer of my female clothings here.’ Key introduced me to SHINee.

‘Hello Im Reina’ I said and bowed while SHINee did the same. After a few rounds of greetings, I parted with Key to get some drinks while he chats along with s and his SM family. I took a glass of white wine from the refreshment area and take a sip while scanning around the room.

*This is awkward! I wonder how long more do I need to stay here?* I mentally sighed as I scan around the room. Other people would have screamed if they were in my place since it was rare to see a lot of idols here. All the idols were busy talking with one another while some others were looking at the designs in the second floor. Key and I had cleared the first floor for tonight since a lot of people will be coming.

‘Reina!’ I heard familiar voices calling me. I turned to see Yeoseob and Kikwang coming towards me.

*Key had invited B2st too?* I hug both Yeoseob and Kikwang.

‘We missed you so much!’ Kikwang said as I hug him.

‘Me too!’ I replied as I release the hug. The truth was I do miss them and had wanted to meet them. I was glad that they had come since they could accompany me but if they were here, he must be here too.

‘Hey Reina,’ Hyunseung and Dongwoon joined in.

‘You look beautiful tonight’ Junhyung said as he walks towards us. I release the hug from Hyunseung and went over to him.

‘Thanks’ I said as I hug him. I release the hug and look up to see the person I least to see most.

‘Hi’ Doojoon said.

‘Hi’ I awkwardly greeted and turn my gaze back to the guys.


Key’s POV

‘Hyung, Reina’s beautiful. Do you know if she had any boyfriend?’ Minho asked.

‘Yeah does she have any?’ Jonghyun asked as he his bottom lip.

*Gah! Not again?!!*

‘Sorry guys, she’s taken and she’s mine.’ I replied extremely annoyed now. I’ve been asked a lot about her tonight. Almost all the guys here were asking me about Reina. I had just replied the same thing to SuJu hyungs, Big Bang, MBLAQ and Infinite before the members asked me.

‘Damn!’ the guys shinning expression from just now turn into a sour one.

*Yeah damn! I shouldn’t have made the dress for her. All the guys here are eyeing for her now.* I mentally scolded myself.

‘Key oppa, did you make that dress over there?’ Krystal asked as she came up to me with the rest of the members. I didn’t need to look over to know who she’s pointing at.

‘Yes.’ I replied.

‘Wow, its beautiful. How much is it? I want one too’ Krystal said excitingly.

‘Sorry Krystal, there’s only one piece for that and it’s not for sale.’ I said to Krystal.

‘Oh’ Krystal replied sadly after knowing. Female celebrities were all asking me about that dress and I was happy about it, since it was my design afterall. But the ideas of guys in here all drooling over Reina still make me regret making the dress.

After talking with Krystal, I went over the side to look for Reina. I didn’t want any guys to go after her while I wasn’t there. I quickly went over when I saw Doojoon grabbing onto Reina’s hand and leading her away from the rest of the members.

*Where is he going with my girlfriend?!* I rushed towards them, blood boiling inside me at the sight of Doojoon. I invited B2st because I knew Reina will be awkward around all these guests that she didnt really knew of and that she really missed the B2st members but who would had knew that that stupid Doojoon is going somewhere with my girlfriend?!  I grabbed Doojoon’s hand to stop him.

‘Let go’ Doojoon hissed as I glared at him.

‘No’ I hissed back.

‘Stop the both of you, people are starting to take notice.’ Reina whisper but both of us didn’t bulge and continue glaring at him.


Reina’s POV

I was busy talking with the guys while trying my best not turn to the direction where Doojoon was.

‘I need to talk you.’ Doojoon said suddenly and pulled me towards the backdoor. I wanted to pull out of his grip but I didn’t want to make a scene since there are a lot of people here. I reluctantly follow him behind. A hand held on and we were both stopped in our path. I looked up to see Key glaring at Doojoon.

‘Let go’ Doojoon hissed as he glared at Key.

‘No, you let go’ Key hissed back. The anger between them was so huge that people started taking notice of us.

‘Stop the both of you, people are starting to take notice.’ I whisper not wanting to attract anymore attention but none of them move. Both stayed in that position glaring at each other.

*We’re getting more and more attention* I could felt more and more pairs of eyes looking at us now.

‘Key its okay. Go entertain the guest, I’ll be right back.’ I turn to Key and said. As much as I didn’t want to, I don’t have a choice knowing how stubborn Doojoon can be. Key however still didn’t move an inch.

‘Please? I’ll be fine.’ I assure Key. Key sighed in defeat and gave Doojoon a warning look before leaving.

‘What do you want now?’ I said folding my hand in front of my chest as soon as we were outside. I wanted everything to end quickly, I didn’t want to face him. Afterall, my heart still hurts seeing him.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEY!!! hahhahas! Its his birthday and i didnt really wrote anything good, forgive me peeps!

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<