Chapter 12 - Spoiled Plan

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Key’s POV

‘Hello who is this?’ Reina answered.

*Wow, even her voice sound so sweet on the phone*

‘Who do you think I sound like?’ I couldn’t help teased.

‘Who is it?’ I heard Doojoon on the other side of the phone.

*With that guy huh?* I clenched my fist unconsciously.

‘Oh nobody.’ Reina said to him and the next moment I know the call had ended.

*She just hang up the phone?! Damn her! Nobody had hanged up my call before*

I called her back again.

‘How did you get my number?’ Reina asked once she picked up the call.

‘Well there’s no need for you to know how I get them. Don’t you wanna know why I called?’ I said smirking.

‘What do you want?’ She sound irritated on the phone.

*That feisty girl, changed her tone immediately once she heard my voice. Time for me to start my game.*

‘Meet me at the Prince café some distance away from the hotel at 9 pm later’ I said.

‘Nope sorry Im not going.’ Reina said and hanged up the call.

*She hanged up again! That girl! Aiish!* I called her again.

*Not picking my hone huh? I shall call until you picked up* It was the 5th time Im calling her.

‘I told you Im not going!’ She said and I could tell she’s really annoyed.

*Time for action*

‘You sure? Take a look at the photo I send you and decide after seeing that. See ya later’ I said and ended the call. I took a picture of her passport and sent it to her.

*I, Key, will get what I want and you’re my target now. There’s no way you can run away from me* I get up from my crouch, wore my black blazer and headed out to the café with the passport in hand.


Reina’s POV

I walked in to the Prince café and looked around the café to find Key. I glanced around the room and found that he was sitting at the very far end of the café, smiling at me.

*What is he planning again?* I didn’t like the smile he was putting on, he looks like he had something planned.

‘Hey’ Key said as I reached the table.

‘Where’s my passport’ I said, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.

‘Whats the hurry, take a seat first.’ Key said looking at the menu in front of him. He raised his hand to ask a waiter to come over.

‘Can you just give me back?’  I asked sitting across him now.

‘I’ll have Mocha Frappe. What about you Reina? What would you like?’ Key asked, totally ignoring what I said earlier.

‘Nope, I’ll be leaving soon.’ I said

‘Get the same for her too.’ Key said and the waiter left with our orders.

‘I told you Im going off soon, can you please give me back my passport Key-sshi?’ I whispered annoyed. I was angry, I wanted to shout at him but it will only attract attention which I didn’t want to have it happened.

‘This?’ he said holding my passport up. I quickly reached out my hand to get it but held it back before I could reach my passport.

‘Nuh-uh, not so easy Reina.’ Key said and smirked.

I was about to say something but the waiter interrupted us.

‘Here’s your sir and mam.’ The waiter said and left.

‘What do you want Key?’ I said in anger.

‘I want to make a deal.’ Key said with his fore finger playing with the rim of the cup.

‘What makes you think I’ll listen to you?’ I said

‘This of course. Don’t you want it back?’ He said holding my passport in hand.

‘You!’ I said, clenching my fist. I sear he’s seriously getting in my nerves

‘Don’t you want your passport?’ Key said.

‘Fine, what deal do you wanna make? Make it quick’ I said.

He took slowly took a sip of his Mocha Frappe.

‘Cant you just tell me already?’ I nearly shouted. This guy was really taking his own sweet time.

‘You’re really impatient aren’t you?’ Key said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and take a sip of my Mocha Frappe, totally giving up.

‘Sign this and you’ll get your passport back’ Key said while pushing a paper to me.

‘What?!’ I almost shouted looking at the contract Key had given me.

‘There’s no way Im gonna sign this’ I said

‘Well then you can forget about your passport then.’  Key said waving it in front of me.

Just then somebody walked past our table and had knocked onto Key’s hand. The passport flew at landed some distance from me. I went over to take but the person who knocked it had already picked it up.

‘Yeah that’s mine, can you kindly passed it back to me?’ Key said before I could.

*Oh no!* I was afraid that he would pass it to Key and I would have to sign that ridiculous contract of being his girlfriend in front of the media.

‘Here you go miss’ That man said passing it to me and walking away swiftly.

‘I guess I don’t need to sign it anymore?’ I said smirking as I face Key now.

*Ha take that!* I left the dumbfounded Key in the café while I went after the person who saved me just now.

*Where is he?* I looked around to find the person wearing black cap and white tee. I wanted to thank him but I couldn’t see his sign anywhere.

*Look like he’s already gone.* I sighed and started walking away from the café.

*At least I got my passport with me. That jerk must be super pissed now!* I walked happily back to my hotel.


Key’s POV

‘Aiish!’ I clenched my fist, wanting to hit onto the table.

*I cant believe it! I almost succeeded in getting her to sign the contract. Aiish! I swear I will get you one day Reina!’ The look on Reina’s face just now had totally pissed me off. No girl had ever done that to me. I stormed off the café after paying for the bill, thinking of my next plan.

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<