Chapter 15 - 3 Years Ago

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)


Junhyung’s POV


‘Hello’ I answered the incoming call from my phone.

‘Hyung, you gotta come to the hospital now.’ Dongwoon said.

‘Why?’ I asked.

‘She’s erm dead.’ Dongwoon said.

‘Who’s dead’ I asked.

‘I ASKED WHO’S DEAD?’ I shouted on the phone when Dongwoon didn’t reply. I was anxious. I had a bad feeling. I didn’t know why but I felt something bad was going to happen today.

‘Reii’ Dongwoon said.

*Reii.. Reii’s dead*I dropped my phone when I heard what he said. Everything was in a blur.

I rushed out of the studio and drove all the way to the hospital Dongwoon had said.

‘May I know where Reii is?’ I asked the nurse.

‘Wait hold on for a sec, I’ll check for you.’ said the nurse.

‘Could you hurry up!’ I said in frustration.

‘Hyung, over here’ Kikwang said and led me the way.

I rushed to where the others were. They were all standing beside Doojoon hyung. I went in the room to see Reii lying there lifelessly.

‘Reii, wake up! Wake up Reii! Wake up!!’ Doojoon hyung was calling Reii again and again but she just lay there not moving.

‘Hyung, she’s dead. She wont wake up anymore. Let the doctor do their things. You had to let Reii go now.’ Dongwoon said trying to pull Doojoon hyung away.

*She’s dead.. Reii’s dead* I stared at the girl I loved in front of me. I felt my heart being stabbed seeing Reii lying lifelessly in front of me.

‘No! Im not letting her go, no! Reii’s will wake up. Just wait, she’ll wake up!’ Doojoon hyung said still holding onto Reii.

*No, its not true, its not true! I don’t believe it. No I don’t. This must be a joke. Its not true. No, they’re just joking. I gotta get out of here.* I shook my head, not believing what I see and ran all the way out of the hospital.

*No, Reii cant be dead. There’s no way she’s dead. No way!* I drove aimlessly on the road. Convincing myself that Reii isn’t dead. I stopped somewhere at the side of the road when I couldn’t control my emotions anymore.

‘Reii… Reii! Why? Why did you leave me?’ I felt my tears flowing out.

‘You’re still fine when I let you leave to Doojoon hyung, how could you die? How could you just leave me like that?’ I mumbled the words in between my sobs.

----End Of Flashback----



It was Reii’s funeral today. I didn’t want to go. Till now I still couldn’t accept that fact that she died. I’ve been at the studio all these time, I had never went back to the dorm. I couldn’t face Doojoon Hyung. I was angry at him. I knew he wasn’t at fault but still I couldn’t control myself not to be angry at him.

*You had to go Junhyung. This is the last time you going to see her.* I walked out of the studio and drove to Reii’s funeral.

I hid at one corner instead of going in. Doojoon Hyung was crying with Yeoseob and Kikwang at the side comforting him while Hyunseung hyung and Dongwoon attending to the visitors.

I take one last look at Reii’s photo before I left.

*Sorry Reii, forgive me for being a coward. I really couldn’t take it. I couldn’t bear to go in to attend your funeral. I couldn’t accept it.* I turn and walked towards my car.

I drove aimlessly on the road again but stopped to find myself in front of Reii’s apartment.

I stepped out of the car and walked into Reii’s apartment. Everything still looked the same as it was the last time I visit her.

Memories of Reii were back again. The times I spend taking care of her, the day where I told her I loved her, the times she cried in my arms because of him.

*Reii, where are you?*

‘Junhyung,’ I heard Reii’s voice. I turned immediately to where the sound comes from.

‘Reii!’ I ran towards her and hugged her closely to me but I was only hugging the air when I open my eyes.

*It was just my imagination* I dropped onto the floor.

‘You’re cruel Reii! You’re really cruel do you know that? Im fine when I felt in love with you, Im still fine when you said you couldn’t love me but I couldn’t be fine now that you have leave me, forever’ I shouted.

‘Reii, come back! Just once, let me see you once more. Let me hold you once more.. Please..’ I said looking at the empty and lifeless apartment without Reii’s presence.

----End Of Flashback----



It has been a week since Reii died. All I do everyday was to look at the pictures we had taken, she was still happily smiling at that time but she was already gone now.

*Reii.. Reii..* I drank the beer I had in my hand. I didn’t remember how many I had drunk. This was the only way for me to forget Reii, to forget the pain in my heart for the time being. I thought I could.

I drove my way to cube building. I made my decision. I needed to see the CEO.

‘Knock! Knock!’ I knocked on Mr Hong’s door.

‘Come in’ Mr Hong said after I knocked on his door.

‘Mr Hong, I have something to tell you.’ I said as I enter the room.

‘What is it Junhyung?’ He asked.

‘I want to take a break from B2st sir.’ I said standing in front of him now.

‘Why?’ he asked.

‘Please.’ I said. I didn’t want to say the reason out. Its both hard to say and explain.

He looked at me for awhile before agreeing to my request.

‘Okay, but on one condition.’ He said.

‘What is it?’ I asked.

‘You will have to continue to write songs for B2st album even when you’re away.’ Mr Hong said.

I just nodded as long as I could leave this place, any condition is fine. I needed to get away here badly. It hurts, it hurts to stay here. It hurts to stay at the place Reii once was at, where all the place I went remind me of her, the memories of her.

I went back to our dorm to collect my clothes and passport. I had to do it now. It was the only time I could where all the members are away for training and I wanted to leave here as soon as possible. Every minute here is making me crazy. Even though I know it was bad leaving the members just like that but I had to leave this place. I wanted to forget her. I want to forget Reii. Maybe if I could forget about Reii, my heart wouldn’t hurt that much anymore.

-----End of Flashback-----

I woke up immediately. Im having those dreams again. Its tiring. I wiped off the cold sweat on my forehead and looked at the clock in front of me. It was only 4 am in the morning. I was about to go back to sleep when I saw a figure standing by the window.


one question, do you all think the same as wandijunseob that it is better if i dont write lyrics chap? cause if you all dont like, i wont write it again. :)

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<