Chapter 22 - I Love Him

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)


Reina’s POV

I just love that one man

I love him wholeheartedly

I follow her around like a shadow everyday

That man is laughing and crying


I have finally sorted out my feeling for Doojoon. I really do love him. Even if I have to live in someone else's place, I still love him wholeheartedly but he doesn’t love me, the one he always sees me as is Reii. I was sitting at the bar now drinking the beer I had in hand. I went out of the house immediately after he seeing him drove away. I wanted to be out out the house, to stay away from Reii. I needed a drink, I wanted to be drunk. I need to drown my sorrows away, to drown my pains away.

I never thought that I would fall for him. I never thought that I will fall so deeply for him. I always thought that I would just stay by his side and heal his hurting heart. Even when I fall for him, I thought I could endure being her but I couldn’t anymore. My hearts hurt so much when he asked me not to touch Reii’s belongings as I moved in to her house.



Doojoon asked me to pack my bag and told me that he had found a place for me to stay in temporary. When asked about the reason, he said that he didn’t like how the guys cling onto me and that he couldn’t have some alone time with me. For once I thought that he was jealous of the guys and I was really happy about it.

‘Here’s the kitchen, the toilet’s over there and the pin of this house is 0128.’ Doojoon said pointing the kitchen and the toilet after we enter the house. I looked around the house, it seems like someone was still living in here. Books, magazines can be seen and there is even make ups on the dressing table.

*Is it really okay if I live here? It seems like there is already a person living here already. A woman to be exact.* I was confused seeing the things in the house but nonetheless starts to unpack my things.

‘Oh yeah darling, try not to touch or move the things here, not even the makeups on the dressing table.’ Doojoon said pointing to the dressing table.

*So this is Reii’s house? Im going to live here?* I just nodded. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t expect anything anymore. I thought he might have come to like me as the days passed but I was wrong. I felt so silly of myself now to even think that he was jealous of the guys being with me all day.

‘Oh yeah, go out and eat instead if you’re hungry or we’ll eat together outside so don’t use or touch the kitchen, especially the aprons. You can use the boiling water, Im fine with that.’ Doojoon said.

‘Arasso’ I replied. It was the only thing I could manage to say for now.


Just how much more do I have to

Gaze at you alone

This love that came like the wind, this beggar like love

If I continue this way, will you love me?



‘Here you go darling, your favourite Cookies and Cream Ice cream.’ Doojoon said while passing me a cup of ice cream.

*My favourite Cookies and Cream? Since when is it my favourite?* I frowned at his statement. I didn’t remember telling him my favourite ice cream was Cookies and Cream and it was definitely not my favourite.

‘You still remember the time when we ate it in the middle of the night 2am at the park near your house? It was so blur of me to do that in the middle of the night. At that time I only thought how happy you would be to be able to eat your favourite ice cream and bought it without thinking of the time.’ Doojoon said happily. My face immediately dropped when I heard him.

*So he really thought I was Reii all these times. He really looked at me thinking Im Reii.*

‘Sorry, its just that its been long since I ate ice cream with Reii and you really looked like her so for a moment I got carried away.’ Doojoon said apologetically.

‘Its okay.’ I said faking a smile to assure him but my heart hurts.

-----End of Flashback-----

It hurts cause we look so much alike and I hated the fact. But what else can I do? I love this man. I know he could never forget her and I could never replace her but a small part of me wish that a miracle would happen. Just how much longer can I keep up with this act? I was like a beggar now, begging for his love. I was waiting everyday, waiting for the day where he could finally see me. I never knew I would go all the way to such extent. If I played along with this act, will he one day come to love me? I doubt so but Im praying for it. Im praying for the day where he fall for me, the real me – Reina instead of Reii.


That man is cautious

That’s why you have to learn to smile

What he can’t tell his best friend

His heart’s full of tears .


I tried to get informations about Reii through Dongwoon but he wouldn’t tell me anything. When I asked Junhyung about her, I couldn’t get much information too. The look on Junhyung’s face on that day was like Doojoon’s. Their faces were both full of pained.  Whenever I looked at Doojoon, I would always have to keep my feelings aside, telling myself again and again never to fall for him, telling myself to only heal his arching heart. I tried to smile even though I know he doesn’t love me. I told myself that’s its okay even if Im the one that hurts, as long as he isn’t. I want to protect him, protect his heart that is full of tears.

At first, I only had one glass of strong heavy beer but the pain was still there. I ended up having about 5 glasses but that was what I remembered because I couldn’t really keep up with the surroundings after my 5th glass. I'm not really sober anymore but I still asked for another glass.

‘Don't you know? I really love you?! I really do! Do you?’I grab the sleeves of the bartender who passed me another glass of beer. I raised my voice at him. He tried to break free but I held on tighter.

‘It hurts when I have to pretend to be her knowing I can never be her! Why can't you see?! Why cant you see that I can love you?!’ The tears that I held in earlier just came rolling down my cheeks as I snubbed harder.

‘When you asked me not to touch her things, it was like my heart was ripped out of me. When you talked things about her and mistook me as her today, I felt my heart being stabbed hundreds of times before coming back to me. At first, I did it out of pity and my love for you but as time went back I loved you wholeheartedly for you. Why..why can't you see...?’ I asked and pulled him by the collar. I felt someone trying to help loosen my grip on the bartender’s collar and turn for me to look at him.

*Doojoon? Could he have heard everything..?* I tried focusing on the person in front of me.

‘Doojoon?’ My head was spinning and I could barely recognised the person in front of me.

‘I know, I'm sorry. I will love you better..’ He sounded like Doojoon.

‘Doojoon.. do you mean it..?’ I asked the blurry figure in front of me.

‘Yes’ When I heard what he said, I smiled, truly in happiness for the first time and let drowsiness overtook me.

‘Yes but sadly, I'm not Doojoon. I'm Key, you just brought the game to a whole new level Reina’


Sorry guys this song again and another emo chap! Cant help, really loved this song! hahhaas! Hope you all like it :)

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<