Chapter 40 - A 'Friend' Outing

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)


Junhyung’s POV

I stood nervously in front of the Trick Art Museum in Seogwipo City while waiting for Reina. Since I came early, for the past half an hour I had been constantly checking on my watch for time and look out for signs of Reina.

‘Did you wait long?’ I look up from my watch to see a gorgeous Reina standing in front of me. Reina was wearing at white mini dress with a black bow belt. Even though its simple, she still look pretty and sweet to me.

‘No, I just arrive not long too.’ I lied.

‘But what are we doing here anyway?’ Reina asked looking around with both curious and excited face.

‘We’re going to for an art show. Lets not waste time now shall we?’ I showed her the 2 tickets and jokingly held up my arm for her to hook onto. Reina looked surprise.

‘Just joking.’ I was about to put it down when she hook onto my arm. I raise a brow at Reina. It was my turn now to be surprise by Reina’s action.

‘Ssh..  It’s a secret between us. You cant let Yeoseob and the others know. If not they’ll be taunting me for a date with them the whole day.’ Reina said and wink. ‘Lets go best friend!’ Reina said and pulled me towards the entrance. I smile in delight. I didn’t expect Reina to hook arms with me even though I held my arm up.

*Let the date begins* I smile brightly and walked into the museum with Reina beside me.

‘Wow’ Reina said in awe, instantly turning into a 3 year old kid once we enter the exhibits. She was all excited, pulling me here and there to look at all the amazing drawings.

‘Look at you turning into a 3 year old kid now.’ I teased seeing her all excited.

‘Im not. Its just so cool here that Im turning all excited.’ Reina said.

‘Whatever’ I said and rolled me eyes purposely to further.

‘Hmph!’ Reina  pouted.

‘See? Still claim that you’re not a kid.’ I raise my brow at her. Reina immediately unhook my arm and walked away.

*Did I go too far with my joke?’ I grew worried immediately and after Reina quickly.

‘Hey, you’re angry?’ I poke her arm but she ignored me.

‘Don’t be angry with me, Im sorry’ I said with aegyo.

‘Don’t be angry, pretty please? Please, Please?’ I said with more aegyo and my puppy eyes. Seeing no reaction from her, I give up.

‘Aiish I give up! Im getting goosebump all over.’ I said in annoyance. I had never ever used aegyo on anyone and for the sake of asking Reina for forgiveness, I used aegyo. I swear B2st Yong Junhyung is officially insane.

‘Hahahas’ Reina grabbed her tummy and a hand over to control her laughter.

‘You should have seen your face!’ Reina said as she controls her laughter.

‘Yeah I know, totally not me at all and its all thanks to you.’ I muttered slightly annoyed but was glad that she wasn’t angry with me now.

‘I know its not your style but you should have done it more. I swear your B2uty fans would appreciate and go crazy all over you.’ Reina said smiling.

‘So are you one of them? One of B2st rapper’s Yong Junhyung’s fans?’ I asked with my hush voice, our face dangerously close now and with another mistake made, we would’ve kissed each other.

‘Nope. So hurry up now, I have so many to see and pictures to take.’ Reina step back and quickly walked away with her blushed face.

‘Hahas! Oh Really? I still thought that I might have charm you. Damn!’ I said casually but my heart was actually beating fast inside.

‘You wished.’ Reina rolled her eyes at me. ‘Hurry up, lets take a picture of this’ Reina said pointing at the angel wings on the wall. Reina stood in between the wings while I take the picture for her.

*Wow! She really looked like an angel with those wings on* I couldn’t help be smitten by her.

‘Hey hurry take this with me.’ Reina said and pulled me over to take pictures with me.

After a round of phototaking I took Reina to a park nearby for our lunch.

‘I thought you’re taking us for lunch? What are we doing here?’ Reina asked. I took out the map and a basket of food I prepared from the back of my car. I had planned for this for a long time already. Although I told Reina it was just a simple outing, I wanted it to be a perfect date, I wanted Reina to enjoy whatever I have prepared for today. Only this way I could stand a chance to be inside her heart.  I even went to look for cooking books and sign up for cooking classes just to learn how to bake cookies and muffins for today.

‘We’re having picnic here. Some help please?’ I said and pass Reina the mat.

‘A simple friend outing huh? You made it look like a date my friend.’ Reina said. I immediately paused what I was doing.

*Am I busted?* I was in a frantic mood now, finding all excuses I could make up in my mind.

‘Just joking’ Reina said and I sighed in relief upon hearing. Reina raise a brow at my reaction.

‘Hurry up and eat, what are you waiting for?’ I urged Reina to eat as I place the muffins and cookies out.

*Phew!* I wiped off the cold sweats on my forehead.

‘Yummy!’ Reina said as she took a bite at the vanilla muffin I made.

‘Really?’ I asked in delight.

‘Yup! Where did you get it from?’ Reina asked.

‘I made it girl, just for you’ I said sincerely.

‘Wow, I might consider to be Yong Juhyung’s fan now.’ Reina said while munching off her muffins.

‘You should.’ I said, jumping in joy inside that Reina like my cooking.

‘Here try this too.’ I said while I pass the chocolate cookies I made to Reina.

I clear the cookies and muffins to one side, leaving some space for us to lie down.

‘Im full now!’ Reina said while rubbing her tummy as she lie down. I chuckled softly while lying beside her. Both of us quietly enjoyed the sound of the gentle breeze blown every now and then while looking at the blue sky.

‘Reina, did you have fun today?’ I asked after awhile of silence while still staring at the sky.

‘Reina?’ I asked again seeing no reply from her. I turned to see her sleeping beside me.

*Hahahas that girl* I smile while watching her sleep. Reina slightly frown and stir while sleeping.

*Is it because of the sun?* I quickly use my hands as shade to prevent the sunlight from hitting her face. Reina stopped stirring immediately. Her frown was replaced with a smile and sleep peacefully instead now.

*Looks like all those cooking classes and research was worth it afterall* I smiled happily while continue to shade the sunlight off her face. I recalled the times I bake the cookies and muffins. Failing miserably for countless time before succeeding. Its was like having a great achievement knowing that Reina like my cookies and muffins.

‘You’re the only one that can make Yong Junhyung like that you know?’ I whispered to Reina even though I knew she couldn’t hear me.


Junhyung for today!! Wohoo!! Any objection? hhahahas! Sorry for the really late update!

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<