Chapter 1 - 3 Years Later

忘れないで ~ Don't Forget (Sequel to Back To Me)

Doojoon’s POV

3 years have passed since Reii died. I kept my promise. I continued living my dream and try my hardest to live happy. But my life was getting more and more meaningless without her by my side. We were now in Singapore for a fanmeet for our new song Fiction. However B2st was now promoting the song with 5 people instead of 6. Junhyung had asked for a break from B2st temporary and the companied agreed since Junhyung promised that he would continue to write songs for our album and sent it to the company while away.

‘I wonder how Junhyung hyung is now? I missed him.’ Kikwang said while we were waiting in the room for our fanmeet.

‘Me too! I missed singing together as 6’ Yeoseob replied.

‘Guys be prepared, we’re going out soon.’ Manager hyung opened the door and said.

I took one last look of Reii in my phone and stood up to join the others out of the room.



3 years ago,

I walked into the practice room as usual. It had been a week since Reii died. I didn’t want to do anything, I wanted to quit b2st and leave this place forever. But I couldn’t, I promised Reii that I wouldn’t give up on my dream.

‘Hey guys!’ I said forcing a smile.

‘Hyung!’ they called out and continued with their stretching.

I went over and joined them.

‘Where’s Junhyung?’ I asked. I hadn’t been able to see Junhyung ever since Reii died. He didn’t attend Reii’s funeral as well. The rest of the member too, didn’t get to see him often ever since Reii died.

‘Hyung!’ we called out when our Manager Hyung walked in.

‘Everyone, I had an announcement to make!’ Manager Hyung said.

‘What is it hyung?’ Yeoseob asked.

‘Junhyung will not be joining us for the next album. He’ll be taking a break from b2st for now’ Manager hyung said.

‘Why? What happened?’ I asked. I didn’t understand why Junhyung need to do that. He wasn’t himself nowadays and to take a break from b2st worries me.

‘I had no idea. Mr Hong was the one who approved it and told me.’ Manager hyung replied.

‘How long will he be away?’ Kikwang asked.

‘Mr Hong never said’ Manager Hyung replied and left the room.

-----End of Flashback-----


The curtain of the stage closed as we position ourselves. The curtain open and I started singing.


I still can’t forget you

I still can’t trust everything

Even today I can’t send you away like this


It is true, I had never once forgotten Reii. I know it had been 3 years since she died but my heart still couldn’t let go, I still couldn’t let go of her. I dance as the others started singing their parts.


I kiss you as if there is nothing wrong

I can’t leave your sweet presence

There is no such thing as an end for us


Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)

I can’t forget you (Fiction in Fiction)

I am writing the story that will never end in my heart


I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)

I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)

Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction


Till today I was still hoping that she will come back to me. I was still hoping that I could get to see her again. My heart is still waiting for her. I wrote this song while waiting for miracle to happen, waiting for the day where Reii stood in front of me and tell me that she’s never leaving me again. I know Im foolish to wait for someone who has died but I still couldn’t accept the fact that she died, in front of me.



2 months ago,

‘Guys, you all had to write a song each for your upcoming album’ Manger hyung said while we were practicing like usual.

‘Why? I thought Junhyung was the one that writes for our album?’ Hyunseung asked.

‘Well, Mr Hong didn’t want you all to always depend on Junhyung for the songs. You all had to try and make one yourself too.’ Manager Hyung replied.

‘But hyung..’ Yeoseob said

‘No excuses. Hand your song up by end of next week.’ With that, Manager hyung left the practice room.

We stopped our practice the whole 2 weeks to make our own song. The members were all so frustrated thinking of what to write for their own song.

I visited Reii’s apartment that day. I brought the house after Reii died. It was the place that Reii once lived in.  It contains a lot Reii’s memory so I didn’t want anyone to live in there. I didn’t make any changes to the place, leaving it the way it is. Afraid that once I made changes to the place, I can no longer felt Reii’s presence. I like going to Reii’s apartment, visiting the apartment is like visiting Reii.

‘Joonie,’ I heard Reii’s voice called out. I turned towards the voice.

‘Reii!’ I called out, seeing Reii standing in front of me smiling.

I ran over to embrace her but Reii was slowly fading away in front of me.

‘No!! Reii!’ I ran over but she was no longer there anymore.

‘Darling!’ I touched the air where Reii was standing.

I closed my eyes for awhile before returning to the table.

*Reii, when can I see you again? I really miss you*


I settled down and began writing the lyrics after taking out a piece of paper.


Right now, there are only happy stores here

The very happy stories of just the two of us (Different from reality)

Is written here, it’s slowly filling up


I run towards you and embrace you

I can’t never let you go from my embrace

There is no such thing as an end for us


Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)

I can’t end it (Fiction in Fiction)

I am writing the story that will never end in my heart


I wrote the lyrics thinking of Reii, thinking of us. As long as Reii still stay inside my heart, she isnt dead. She’s still alive, forever, in the world of mine.


I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)

I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)

Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction


I will say this again, one more time

Right now you are next to me

I’m believing like that


Tears started b my eyes, blocking my vision. Memories of Reii were out once again. Reii was staring at me now, laying her head on top of the table with her hand below her head.

‘Reii..’ I lean my hand towards her.

Reii just smiled at me before fading away again.


(But Fiction)

I’m the writer who lost his purpose

The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it

(My own Fiction)

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words

(Everything is Fiction)

Setting the warn out pen on the old paper strained in tears

(Everything is Fiction)

This story can’t be happy or sad


*Darling, you’re making things harder for me. Can I not keep my promise anymore? Its hard darling, its hard to live happy, its hard to live my dream when you’re not here anymore*

I stared at the empty space in front of me where Reii once was.

*Darling, how are you?*

I finished the lyrics and began making my way out. I took once last look before making my way out.

*Darling, I’ll be away for awhile, I’ll be back soon. I promise.*

 -----End of Flashback-----


I began singing my part,


Right now I’m writing such a happy story

But it is all just a wish still


I looked at the crowd in front of me, trying my hardest to control my sorrow.

*Reii, when can I see you again?* I stared aimlessly at the crowd in front.


I’m happy (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)

We are together (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)

Now is the start (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)

There is no end (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)


The performance and fanmeet went on for next 3 hours. I tried my hardest to smile at the camera, answer the questions, doing aegyo when needed.

*Reii, I tried my best to keep my promises but there is one thing I couldn’t promise you. I cant forget you. Never will I forget you and I will never stop loving you. I miss you Reii, are you happy on top?* I take a look at the sky before leaving the stage with the members.


Sorry people, its only first chap and im making it an emo chap again. Okays shall start replying all your comments from this one and back to me :)

cathycat94: Well what happened to Junhyung will only be explained later in the story so you gotta wait.

bananatofucheesecake: so how is it?

hcheartjkpop: Reii's died, she wont come back again. Its just that she will be mentioned quite often inside the story. Btw i love you too! hahhaas

janixzgloom: i love you too! hahahas. and yup the jap characters is 'wasurenaide'

iheartmydj: ahhahaas yeah. i cant believe that no one notice the title and if i didnt do that, there wont be any fun anymore.

cyzuka_dj: hahahahs thanks

sungyoung: Nope Reii is dead.

Thanks you guys for subscribing! :) Your comments just made my day :) Im gonna thank my friend crystal too for giving me the idea. She help out in the story too.  Btw if you all are wondering if Reii is coming back, the answer is no. She's dead. I wrote back to me so that you all can better understand Doojoon, Junhyung and Reii.'s relationship, the pain they all go through to better understand this story. Thanks once again for all your support. I hope you enjoy the first chapter :) <3  

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Chapter 53: Late reader here!

I should say that this story are surely daebakk!
FINALLY!!!! CONGRATS ON FINALLY FINISHING THIS FANFICS!!! =DD... Waiting for the next one~~~ keke
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas thanks for reading and commenting! :)<br />
neliangie: thanks! i really appreciate it! :)
neliangie #4
oh god!!! I thought she was going to end up with Key, that was soooooo unexpected??? <br />
But i like it *thumbs up*
kpopfanficsfan: sorry Reina didnt end up with Key like how you wanted it to be.<br />
bananatofucheesecake: hahahas i bet you didnt expect this, have you?<br />
iheartmydj : Yeah she still loves him even till the end
so sad~ poor Doojoon T^T deep deep deep down she still loves him...
Yay! now only key is left right, i want reina to be with him.. but, poor dujun >.<