
You're Special

Yoonmi looked up at Lu Han and smiled, "you should go home." she whispered, making Lu Han blink and look at her weirdly. "Why?" he asks, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Yoonmi just patted his chest and smiled weakly, "I - It's just that ..." "do you not want me here?" he cuts her off, pouting playfully. Yoonmi blinked and took it seriously, "h - huh? N - No!" she squeaked a bit and blushed. Lu Han smiled and chuckled, "I was just teasing you." 

It's been four months that they were together and dating - yet they still felt their hearts flutter and their cheeks go red.

"So ... can you explain why you wanted me to go home?" Lu Han asked, combing his long fingers through the girl's soft hair. Yoonmi blushed and bit her lip, "w - well it's almost 11 and it's dark outside a - and it's cold so ..." she started off stuttering. Lu Han blinked, "so you want me to freeze and get lost outside?" he raised a brow - making Yoonmi blush and shake her head once more, "N - no ..." she mumbled and reddened as Lu Han laughed, "Again, I was just teasing you." he softly said, making the girl press her lips into a firm line, "you always." she muttered, a small smile tugging on her lips.

Lu Han sighed happily and hugged her close to him, "I love you." he whispered, planting a long kiss on her forehead. Yoonmi reddened but smiled softly, "I - I love y - you too ..." she whispered back, clutching the boy's sweater. Lu Han felt his heart flutter - again. He smiled sweetly at her and laced her hand with his, "I really do ... " he mumbled, cheeks turning pink. Yoonmi smiled and nodded, "I believe you." she whispered. 

In the four months they've been together, nothing big ever happened. All the things that happened were rather they went on several dates, talked to Sehun, played with Insu, and surprise gifts from Lu Han. 

Lu Han smiled at the memories and placed the girl's hand on his cheek, "Can I stay over?" he mumbled, his eyelids slowly drooping. Yoonmi nodded and leaned to his touch, "do you want the usual blankets?" she asked, making Lu Han smile, "hm ... sure." he mumbled tiredly, making Yoonmi soften, "let's go to sleep now, neh?" she whispered, pulling Lu Han's arm gently so he stood up with her. Lu Han smiled and nodded, walking with her to the bedroom, setting the blankets and pillows on the floor beside her bed, "thank you." he whispered warmly, looking at Yoonmi. The girl nodded and smiled, "you're welcome to stay anytime, Lu Han." she whispered back, going to the washroom to wash up and brush her teeth. 

After coming out of the washroom, she found Lu Han cuddling pillows on the floor. Yoonmi smiled and went in bed, bringing the covers up to her chin, "L - Lu Han?" she whispered quietly, hearing Lu Han shuffle a bit. She sighed and blinked, "Good night." she whispered before slowly closing her eyes.

"Good ... night ... Yoonmi -ah ..." Lu Han mumbled softly.


Yoonmi slowly opened her eyes and squinted them, due to the sunlight. She yawned softly and shuffled around, but stopped and furrowed her brows lightly as she felt something warm and strong around her waist. She gasped lightly and slowly turned her head around, meeting Lu Han's sleeping face. She blushed and stared at it, "w - what ... weren't you sleeping on the f - floor?" she whispered, a bit nervous. Lu Han suddenly furrowed his brows and slowly opened his eyes, meeting Yoonmi's surprised expression. Lu Han slowly blinked and broke out into a small smile, "good morning."

Yoonmi reddened before touching Lu Han's arm that was around her waist. "wh - what are you doing?" she asked in a quiet voice. Lu Han just smiled and hugged her a bit tighter, "cuddling with my girlfriend." he whispered softly, staring at the beautiful girl infront of him. Yoonmi blushed and blinked, "b - but we never did this before ... i - it feels w - weird ..." she stuttered. Lu Han blushed and blinked, "th - then we should cuddle often so you can get used to it." he whispered, a childish smile appearing on his face. 

Yoonmi blushed madly, "L - Lu Han ..." she muttered, making Lu Han peck her cheek quickly, "it's nothing bad." he said reassuringly, making Yoonmi blush and chuckle a bit, "I - I know ..." she whispered. "It's just that .. I've never done these things ... like ... i - in bed. .." she mummbled and reddened, making Lu Han widen his eyes and redden also, "O - Oh." he blinked and swallow, "don't worry. Cuddling won't hurt you or anything, okay? I'm not those kinds of boys." he said the last line quietly, his cheeks red. Yoonmi blushed but softly smiled, holding onto his arm, 

"I know. And th - thank you." 


Sehun glared at the girl infront of him. "What do you want?" 

Juhee raised her brow and smirked, "me? I'm not doing anything." she said, stirring her coffee. Sehun sighed, "why'd you tell me to meet you here? I don't have the time." he said firmly, making the girl scoff, "then why'd you come here the first place?" she muttered, taking a sip. Sehun rolled his eyes, "It's called I want explanations?" he said as if the girl was dumb. Juhee sighed and crossed her arms, "about what?" 

Sehun rolled his eyes again, "you were the one who invited me, so tell me what you want to tell me first." he said, eyes burning holes into her skull. Juhee sighed, "You and I want to talk about the same topic, don't we?" she said, propping her arms on the table, "'Lu Han and Yoonmi." she whispered. 

Sehun stiffened, "what about them?" he asked, a bit annoyed. 

Juhee held her cup tightly, "they're ... dating, am I correct?" she asked, looking at Sehun.

Sehun nodded as it was a fact, "yes. If that's the thing you wanted to ask me, I may now take my leave." he said, standing up. Juhee blinked and grabbed his wrist, "wait!" 

Sehun furrowed his brows, "what?" he shook her hand off of him. Juhee swallowed and looked up at him, "You ... you like Yoonmi, don't you?" she asked carefully. 

"No. She's like a sister to me." he answered, proud and almost immediately. 

Juhee's face paled, "You ... you don't like her? th - then why ..." 

"I don't have time for this." Sehun cut her off and glared at her with dark eyes, "I will now take my leave." he said firmly, turning around and walking away from the girl who mistaken things between Sehun and Yoonmi and whose plan was now ruined.

"Sehun! You - " 

"I'm awesome? I know. Bye." Sehun cut her off again, not bothering to look at her and just put his hand up. 

Juhee furrowed her brows. 

"Damn it, Sehun." 


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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)