
You're Special

Days have passed, Yoonmi hasn't talked to Lu Han nor Sehun- which bothered them both alot.


Once the bell rung to head home, Yoonmi grabbed her bag and ran quickly outside. She muttered apologies as she bumped into some people.

Lu Han blinked as Yoonmi ran past him. He furrowed his brows and looked at her direction- seeing her run forward. Lu Han bit his lip and looked around him. 

He then breathed in and ran to her. "Yoonmi!" He shouted- making Yoonmi widen her eyes. She then bit her lower lip and ran faster- lungs burning.

Lu Han ran even faster- reaching up to her. He grabbed her wrist- making her gasp abit.

"Yoonmi! Stop!" He shouted. 

Yoonmi stiffened and looked at Lu Han. "L-Lu Han..." She mumbled.

"Stop it! Why are you doing this?!" Lu Han shouted at her- making tears blur her vision.

"I... L-Lu Han..." She started to say but tears fell. Lu Han tightened the grip on her wrist. "Why... Why are you avoiding me...? Did I do something wrong?" He asked- slowly calming down.

Yoonmi sniffed and shook her head.

"W-Why are you avoiding me then?" Lu Han asked, stepping closer to her.

She looked up at Lu Han and more tears fell. She felt weak- she just couldn't lie to other people- it didn't feel right. "I... L-Lu Han... I-I'm sorry..." She cried as she hung her head low.

Lu Han lightened the grip on her wrist and cupped her cheeks- making her look at him. "Answer me... Why are you avoiding me?" Lu Han asked softly, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. 

Yoonmi felt her heart beat faster. "L-Lu Han... I'm sorry... That I'm a bother..." She whispered.

Lu Han blinked and furrowed his brows. "N-No... Yoonmi, you're not a bother to me! You're weren't ever a bother to me!" He told her and moved her bangs to the side.

"Who told you that? Who told you that filthy lie... it's not true... it just isn't true." He whispered and looked into her eyes. Yoonmi gulped and looked down.

"But... I am bothering you... you always waste your time with me... how about your dreams? Goals? Aren't I interfering?" She sniffed and looked back up at Lu Han.

Lu Han widened his eyes and shook his head. "No! You aren't bothering me with anything! The reason why I'm with you is because I want to be with you." He cried.

Yoonmi's heart did that flip-flop thing. "B-Because you want to?" Yoonmi blinked and looked at Lu Han.

Lu Han softly smiled and nodded. "Yes. I'm not bothered with it... I like being with you." He said but then reddened at his choice of words.

Yoonmi pinked but smiled sincerely. "Th-Thank you... Lu Han..." She said as she hugged Lu Han. Lu Han widened his eyes and felt his heart jump up and down.

Lu Han then smiled, cheeks tinted in red. He wrapped his arms around her. 

"Please... don't avoid me ever again... Please..."

Lu Han walked Yoonmi to her home. 

She glanced at Lu Han and blushed. He... likes being with me... he's not bothered with me...

She then looked away and blushed harder. She suddenly felt this warmth in her body when she's around Lu Han... just... what was it? 

Lu Han then glanced at her. He smiled and felt his heart pounding hard against his chest.

When she looked back at Lu Han- who also was looking at her- they both widened their eyes and looked away, reddening. 

Lu Han awkwardly coughed while Yoonmi placed her hands on her cheeks. "Y-You're not bothered... right?" She asked quietly.

Lu Han blinked and looked at her. "Of course I'm not, don't worry..." He whispered and softly smiled. Yoonmi unknowingly smiled and nodded. "Th-Thank you..."


Once they reached Yoonmi's home, Yoonmi waved goodbye and walked closer to her home. 

Lu Han bit his lip and felt something he wants to get out of his chest. "W-Wait! Y-Yoonmi-ah!"

Yoonmi blinked and looked behind her, seeing Lu Han walk up to her awkwardly.

Yoonmi looked up at him and stared at him. "Y-Yes Lu Han?" She quietly whispered.

Lu Han reddened and leaned closer to her- making her blush and widen her eyes. "L-Lu Han," 

Lu Han swept away her bangs and placed a warm kiss on top of her forehead- making Yoonmi's eyes almost buldging out of her sockets.

He then slowly moved back- his face all red. 

"H-Have a good night..." He whispered and turned his back to her, walking away.

Yoonmi stared at Lu Han's figure, fading away.

She then touched her forehead, making her heart beating hard against her rib cage. 

Please... don't avoid me ever again... please...

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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)