
You're Special

Hearing loud snores, Yoonmi's eyelids slowly lifted. Her eyes slightly widen as she saw Sehun sleeping on the floor. She slowly sat up and looked out the window, "It's late..." She whispered to herself and looked back at Sehun's sleeping face.

She reached her finger down and poked Sehun's nose lightly- making him scrunch his nose cutely. Yoonmi silently chuckled and took her thin blanket off herself- placing it on Sehun instead.

"I know it isn't much... but I guess it'll warm you up abit." She whispered and stared at him. Obviously he didn't say anything. 

Yoonmi slowly got up from bed and tippy-toed her way out of her room, trying to close the door without making any noise. She then headed to the kitchen and looked around.

"Maybe... I'll cut up some apples..." She mumbled to herself and took two apples from the counter. She then took a knife and began cutting them up as quietly as she could. 

"Hopefully he likes apples..." She sighed, smiling.


"S-Sehun?" Yoonmi whispered as she poked her head in the room. Sehun snored loudly and brought the blanket up to his chin. 

Yoonmi smiled and closed the door behind her quietly, sitting beside Sehun's sleeping figure. "Sehun?" She whispered again.

Sehun furrowed his brows and his eyelids slowly lifted up. "H-Huh...?" He rubbed his eyes cutely and slowly sat up, scratching his arm. He looked at Yoonmi and widened his eyes, "O-Oh! How long did I sleep?!" He started to panic.

Yoonmi softly chuckled and shrugged, "I'm not so sure... but it's okay since we don't have school tomorrow." She whispered. 

Sehun blinked and breathed softly, "Y-Yeah..." He mumbled and blushed in embarrassment. 

Yoonmi nodded and smiled, placing the plate of apples inbetween her and Sehun on the floor. Sehun blinked and stared at her.

Yoonmi took an apple and took a small bite. "Go ahead, eat some." She said and smiled. Sehun smiled back and grabbed an apple, "Thanks noona!" He happily said and looked at the apple. The apple was cut out like a little bunny rabbit. He smiled and took a bite. *Sweet and cute... like me!* Sehun thought and sheepishly smiled.

Yoonmi chuckled as she saw Sehun sheepishly smile. She swallowed and smiled at him,

"You're welcome."

"Did he have plans today?"

Lu Han sighed and tossed his phone on his bed. He then walked downstairs to the living room and plopped himself on the couch. 

He blinked as he heard someone munching on chips. He slowly turned his head to the right and saw Kai standing there with a bag of chips in his hands. 

"Wh- Wha - When did you come here?!" Lu Han shouted and pointed at Kai.

Kai kept chewing and grinned. "Spare key."

Lu Han frowned and threw a pillow and Kai. Kai grinned and sat beside Lu Han, looking at him weirdly. "Lu, why are you just staring at the T.V when it's not even opened...?" 

Lu Han blinked and just shrugged, "U-Uh... Not sure. Where's the remote?" 

Kai moved his bum side-to-side on the couch and stood up, getting the remote and handing it to Lu Han. Lu Han made a face but then laughed.

Kai laughed along and sat back down. "I farted on it." 

Lu Han shrugged and opened the T.V. "You farted basically everywhere in my home before." 

Kai smiled sheepishly and took more chips out of the bag. Lu Han elbowed him and stared at the chips, "K-Kai, do you need to offer me something?" 

Kai raised his brow and looked at Lu Han. "Offer what?"

Lu Han looked at the chips and then back and Kai. Kai nodded and threw the bag of chips to Lu Han- making Lu Han frown.

"You little..."

"Last time I checked, weren't you shorter than me?" Kai grinned.



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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)