
You're Special

"Noona!" Sehun cried, and ran up to Yoonmi's side.

Yoonmi blinked, and looked at Sehun. "Oh hello Sehun." Yoonmi mumbled quietly, and looked around- seeing girls' glares at her. Yoonmi looked down, and rise her shoulders. 

Sehun stared at his noona- feeling uncomfortable. He smiled, and placed his hand on her head. "It's okay noona, they're just jealous of how pretty you are." He whispered and grinned.

Yoonmi pinked, and hid her face behind her binder. "S-Sehun- sh...!" Yoonmi whispered, and was the color of a tomato. 

Sehun his lips, and shook his head. "You're so silly, noona." Sehun chuckled, and looked around him- seeing girls staring at him and Yoonmi. He gave them a smile- which made some girls squeal.

"Oh, Lu Han hyung!" Sehun brightened up even more, and smiled- waving his hand.

Lu Han blinked, and then smiled. "Hello Sehun, hello Yoonmi." Lu Han said, as he walked near the two. 

Yoonmi rised her head up abit, and looked at Lu Han. "H-Hello Lu Han." She mumbled, and took the binder away from her face.

Lu Han raised a brow, and chuckled. "Did Sehun do something silly?" He whispered- leaning towards Yoonmi's ear. Yoonmi blinked and shook her head lightly. "N-No." 

Lu Han smiled, and nodded. "Okay then." 

Sudden whispers were heard- making Yoonmi more uncomfortable.

"Is Lu Han oppa and Sehun oppa blind?!"

"That witch does have powers... She's using them!"

"That... !" 

The last one shot Yoonmi. Her lips started to quiver. She closed her eyes, and looked at Lu Han- who was worriedly staring at her.

"Yoonmi... are you alright?" Lu Han asked her.

Yoonmi nodded, and took a deep breath. "Y-Yeah... I-I am." She mumbled, and nodded again.

Lu Han bit his lip- but then slowly nodded. "Okay... But if you need me... I'll be there for you." Lu Han whispered and smiled.

Yoonmi blushed, and nodded. "Th-Thank y-you... Lu Han..." 

Lu Han smiled, and stared at the girl.

Sehun, on the other hand, was staring at his noona and hyung. He bit his lip, and sighed. 

"Yoonmi noona!" Sehun said loudly, and waved at her.

They were currently walking home, back from school.

Yoonmi smiled, and waved at Sehun- making him smile widely.

"Hey noona~" Sehun said cutely.

"Hello Sehun." She said, and smiled.

Sehun's cheeks were tinted in a light shade of pink. "Hello noona." 

Yoonmi raised a brow slightly, and started to softly chuckle- making Sehun blink and widen his eyes abit. "Sehun... you've already said that." Yoonmi smiled, and looked at Sehun.

Sehun blinked, and blushed- this time, due to embarrassment. "O-Oh.. yeah... right.." Sehun nervously chuckled.

"Where's Lu Han?" Yoonmi asked, as she looked away from Sehun and infront while walking.

"He's at soccer practice... But why do you ask...?" Sehun his lips.

"Oh. It's nothing really..." Yoonmi mumbled.

Sehun blinked, and pouted. "Noona, do you like Lu Han hyung?" He blurted.

Yoonmi widened her eyes, and shook her head and hands furiously. "N-No!" She said- louder than her regular talking volume.

Sehun nodded- slightly relieved, and looked up at the sky. "Do you like anyone, noona?" He questioned.

Yoonmi shook her head. 

Sehun pouted, and nodded. "Oh... Would you like someone?" He asked.

Yoonmi furrowed her brows, and looked at the boy. "Hm?"

"Would you like to have someone... to... um, like?" He asked, and blushed.

Yoonmi chuckled, and looked away. 

"I... I don't know."


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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)