
You're Special

Yoonmi was walking to school. It was really early. She usually walked alone, and nobody would walk this early like her. She was looking around the neighborhood while walking. It was quiet. The only thing she could hear was the wind, the leaves, and her footsteps. 

But while hearing those, she could hear another person walking. She looked, and saw a boy- about her age- waving his arm wildly, smiling. Yoonmi remained silent, but looked at him.

"Hey! Do you know where Yeon highschool is?" the boy smiled, and ran up beside her. Yoonmi stiffened. 

She just nodded slowly, and pointed at her uniform. The boy nodded, and spoke up. "Can you maybe walk with me there or something...? I... I kind of don't know the way..." He scratched the back of his neck.

Yoonmi nodded, and the boy smiled.

"You're nice." He said, looking at her.

Yoonmi just stood silent. Lu Han just silently chuckled. "Thanks for walking me there" Lu Han spoke up, smiling. Yoonmi just nodded again. 



As Yoonmi and Lu Han reached the school, Lu Han smiled and thanked her again. Yoonmi- again, nodded. They realized that they have the same classes.

As school began, students began to fill the classroom. The teacher has came in, and has gotten the students' attention. "Class! Take a seat please!" The teacher said in a loud voice.

Everyone started to sit in the empty desks, and Yoonmi chose the desk in the back, near a window. She loved looking outdoors.

"Class. We have a new student in our school!" The teacher began to speak up. Whispers started to fill the room. 

"Is it a boy?"

"Is it a girl?"

"Are they good looking?" 

"Silence!" The teacher said loudly. Students immediately shut up. The teacher smiled, and looked at the door direction. When the door opened, it revealed a boy. 

He had honey-blonde hair, and a babyface. His skin was flawless and smooth. He smiled, and looked around the classroom- his eyes stopped at the familiar girl.

"Hello. My name is Lu Han. Please take good care of me!" Lu Han spoke up, earning smiles from girls. Lu Han smiled back.

"Lu Han... Please sit... infront of Yoonmi." The teacher said. Lu Han nodded, and began walking over to the seat infront Yoonmi. 

Yoonmi looked over at Lu Han, who was smiling. "Hello Yoonmi. I'm Lu Han." He smiled at her. Yoonmi gulped, and looked out the window. "Hello..." She mumbled. 

Lu Han smiled again. "Hello."



"Lu Han~" A girl walked up to Lu Han, smiling. Lu Han smiled back. "Yes?" He replied. The girl blushed, and giggled. The girl was petite and had short black hair, and big eyes. 

"You're really handsome oppa!" She blurted, touching Lu Han's arm. Lu Han mentally frowned, but faked a smile in reality. "Um... thank you." He said, fake smiling. The girl blushed. 

Yoonmi began to walk to her locker- but instead, she found Lu Han and a girl near her locker. She raised her brow alittle, and went closer. Yoonmi went to her locker, and opened it, frightening Lu Han, and the petite girl. Yoonmi looked at them, and stared at them. Yoonmi's eye twitched, and the petite girl hugged Lu Han's arm- making Lu Han confused. 

"Lu-Lu Han..." The petite girl began to say. Yoonmi looked away, and took out books from her locker. The petite girl then dragged Lu Han far away from Yoonmi. 

Lu Han furrowed his brows. "Um... Is there something you... need?" Lu Han began to say, making the petite girl jump. "She's..." The girl began to say, making Lu Han confused.

"Yoonmi?" Lu Han said. 

"Don't go near her... she's scary!" The petite girl began to say, hugging Lu Han's arm. Lu Han frowned, and wiggled her arm off of him. 

"Nonsense." Lu Han said looking at Yoonmi from far distance.

Yoonmi hung her head low, and had books in her arms. She looked up, and turned around, meeting Lu Han's gaze. Lu Han shook his head and looked away. 

"Nonsense..." Lu Han whispered, and walked away from the petite girl- whose mouth was slightly open. 



Lu Han was sitting in his desk, blowing his bangs. He heard the door open, and he looked over at the door. Yoonmi was standing there, with books in her arms. Bangs covering her eyes, since she was looking down.

Lu Han smiled, and waved at her- but obviously, she didn't wave or smile back. She then walked over to her seat, and sat down, placing her books into her desk.

"Yoonmi." Lu Han spoke up, making her look up. 

Lu Han smiled again, and turned around to face her since her desk was behind his.

"Yoonmi." He said again, making Yoonmi frown abit. 

"Yoonmi." He said one more time. Yoonmi sighed, and looked at Lu Han. "What." She said rather coldy. Lu Han's smile faded abit. 

"Is there something wrong?" Lu Han said, watching her put her books into her desk. She sighed and shook her head. "S-Sorry..." She mumbled. Lu Han raised a brow.

"Why are you apologizing for?" Lu Han chuckled, making his eyes turn into cresents. Yoonmi looked up, and watched him chuckle. "F-For... answering rudely..." She said quietly. Lu Han smiled, and stared at her.

"It's fine. I'm sorry too." Lu Han spoke. Yoonmi was confused. "Why are you s-sorry too...?" She looked down, and said it quietly. 

"For saying your name alot- it must made you annoyed." Lu Han chuckled.

"N-No.. it's fine...but why? Did you n-need something?" She answered, her voice still quiet.

"Ani. It's a pretty name." 


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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)