
You're Special


"Ani. It's a pretty name." Lu Han smiled.

Yoonmi froze, and looked up at Lu Han. She felt her cheeks warm up abit, and looked back down. "U-Uh...Th-Thanks..." Yoonmi mumbled, earning a small smile from Lu Han.

"Is my name pretty too?" Lu Han grinned, making Yoonmi look up, and stare at his face. Yoonmi blushed, and shut her eyes. "U-Uh... y-yes...?" She murmured.

Lu Han started to chuckle, and placed his hand on Yoonmi's head- making her flinch abit.

"I was just teasing you." Lu Han smiled at her. 



School has ended, and students started to leave the classroom. Yoonmi stood up, and began to leave the classroom. She sighed when she saw two girls pointing at her- giggling. Yoonmi frowned, and continued to walk.

"She looks like the grudge!" 

"I heard she's possessed!"

"The ring! Omo!"

She could hear those whispers, while passing by some people. Her frown deepened and she clenched her fists. I-I'm not a monster... 

She bit her lip, and walked out of the school. She blinked when she saw Lu Han waving at her. Girls turned around, smiling- thinking that Lu Han was waving at them- but then glared at a certain girl. Yoonmi.

"Yoonmi!" Lu Han shouted, having a wide smile.

Yoonmi looked up, and saw Lu Han running towards her. She looked around, and felt uncomfortable with the girls around her. 

"Yoonmi! Do you want to walk home together?" Lu Han smiled, and blinked innocently.

Yoonmi was tempted. She was always alone... and nobody would talk to her. But Lu Han- was the first person to do so. Yoonmi smiled abit, and nodded slowly. Lu Han smiled again, and began walking, followed by Yoonmi- who was behind him.

Lu Han frowned at what happened earlier. His thoughts were all over the place. Does she have friends? How come people don't talk to her? Why isn't she in the lunchroom when it's lunch break?

Lu Han pouted, and looked behind him. Yoonmi's head was hung low. She was kicking little rocks, and her hands were intertwined together, behind her. 

She felt eyes on her, and looked up- meeting Lu Han's little frown. Yoonmi stared at him, while he did the same. "Do you need someth-thing?" She murmured. 

"I- N-No..." Lu Han said, smiling abit. 

Yoonmi just slowly nodded, and her head was hung low again. Lu Han frowned and opened his mouth. "That's not good for your neck." He said, making Yoonmi's head shot up. 

"O-Oh..." Yoonmi mumbled, playing with her fingers. 

Lu Han smiled, and stopped walking, making Yoonmi walk ahead of him. Lu Han grinned, and walked beside her- making her widen her eyes abit.

"W-Weren't you i-infront of m-me?" She asked quietly. Her voice was quiet and sweet. Lu Han chuckled. "Were you paying attention?" 

Yoonmi frowned, and continued walking. Lu Han just continued walking also.



When Yoonmi was close to her house, she looked at Lu Han and coughed abit. "U-Uh... my h-house is close... You should um... go home now..." Yoonmi said quietly.

"Nah, i'll walk you all the way, then i'll go home." Lu Han said cooly.

"But why? J-Just go home... i'll be fine." Yoonmi said, smiled abit.

Lu Han pouted, and shook his head like a child. "I want to walk you home! If I don't... something might happen to you..." Lu Han said, biting his lip afterwards.

Yoonmi blushed, and nodded slightly. Lu Han chuckled, and stared at her face, while continuing walking.

Her big brown eyes, smooth white skin, pink kissable lips, tinted-pink cheeks...

Lu Han bit his lip harder, and looked away. Yoonmi turned around, and then started to stare at Lu Han's face. 

His big brown eyes, flawless white skin, small pink lips- with a scar.

Yoonmi then raised a brow, and looked away. What caused the scar?

Yoonmi and Lu Han reached her house, she bowed alittle, and mumbled thanks. Lu Han felt happy, and nodded. When she opened the door, Lu Han took a glance inside. It was quite, and had only 2 pairs of shoes. Does she only have one other family member with her... or?

Lu Han sighed, and waved at Yoonmi. Yoonmi waved back, and Lu Han smiled.

There were many questions they both wanted to ask eachother. What caused Lu Han's lip scar? Did Yoonmi live alone? There were much more in their minds. 




It was again, another day of school. Which means, it was another day of hell. 

Yoonmi was again, walking to school. She sighed when she saw a girl running away from her- pointing at Yoonmi. Yoonmi hated the feeling. Yoonmi hated it when people pointed at her- and laughing or getting scared of her. Why couldn't she just be treated like everyone else? 

Yoonmi frowned, and kicked little rocks. She clenched her fist and bit her lip. Why couldn't she be treated nicely by girls? Why couldn't she eat lunch with other girls? Why... is she different with other girls? Yoonmi herself didn't even know.

"Yoonmi-ah!" She heard a male voice shout from behind. 

Yoonmi stiffened, and walked in a faster pace.

"Yoonmi!" She heard the same voice, shouting for her. 

Yoonmi continued walking, and shook her head. I must be hallucinating... 

"Yoonmi!" A boy ran up beside her, and took heavy breaths. Yoonmi froze, and turned her head to meet Lu Han. She opened slightly to speak- but no words came out.

"Y-Yoonmi..." Lu Han began taking heavy breaths, and smiled alittle.

Yoonmi closed and bowed her head abit-saying hello.

Lu Han smiled, and continued to walk beside her. Yoonmi was confused, and she bit her lip. She furrowed her brows, and looked at Lu Han- who was just listening to music, and bobbing his head to the beat. 

Yoonmi found it quite funny... and abit...cute. She silently chuckled, and covered with her fist.

Lu Han turned around a raised a brow. "Oh..." He muttered, and chuckled. 

Yoonmi was even more confused.

Lu Han took an earbud out, and placed it in Yoonmi's ear. Yoonmi froze when Lu Han did so. 

"Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to listen to it." Lu Han smiled, and nodded. Yoonmi just shook her head, and waved her hands slighty.

"Nono... I-I didn't want to in the f-first place... I..." Yoonmi was muttering words. Lu Han was quiet for a moment, but then spoke up.

"Hm... Might as well just listen to it. You won't regret it, I swear. Music is amazing." Lu Han smiled, making his eyes turn into cresents.

Yoonmi just slowly nodded, and unknowingly, a small blush crept to her cheeks. 


When Yoonmi and Lu Han went inside the classroom, there were only afew students inside. Yoonmi had have returned the earbud to Lu Han. 

She then quickly walked to her seat, and closed her eyes, resting her head in her arms, on top of her desk. She was tired. She barely got any sleep last night- due to Lu Han and her questions about him.

Lu Han walked over to his desk, and greeted the other students - which... are all- well, girls.

The girls squealed when Lu Han's back faced them, and they all were blushing and whispering to eachother. Once he sat in his desk, he turned around, and saw Yoonmi napping. 

Her silky black hair was covering parts of her arms, and her face was hid inside her arms. Lu Han chuckled, and knocked on her desk- causing Yoonmi's head to shoot up.

"I forgot to say this, but- good morning." Lu Han said, and gave her a small smile. 

Yoonmi nodded her head, and muttered a small 'good morning'. 

Lu Han gave her a thumbs up- which made her brows raise. 

After awhile, students began to flood the classroom, and the teacher has arrived, and made the students shut up. Some girls were still whispering and giggling, and some males were still whispering.

"Quiet!" The teacher said loudly- making some girls jump in suprise.

The teacher smiled, and clapped her hands once. 

"Alright. Today, we'll be doing a project. With partners." The teacher explained.

All the girls' eyes landed on Lu Han, and all of them gave Lu Han their best/cutest smiles. Lu Han felt uncomfortable, and coughed abit.

Yoonmi's eyes brightened up.

""Partners... I can't wait..." Yoonmi whispered to herself, and slightly smiled. She never had a partner before. Everyone would avoid her, and she would have to work by herself. 

But since this time, the number of students are even, there will be nobody left out. 

"Alright students. Now... go find a partner!" 



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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)