
You're Special

Lu Han stared at Sehun awkwardly.

Sehun just stared back with a big smile on his face. 

"Uh..." Lu Han started to say but awkwardly coughed.

Sehun blinked and tilted his head. "What is it hyung?" He asked, poking Lu Han on the forehead. Lu Han nervously smiled and shook his head and hand. 

"It's just that... Sehun... I don't really know how to... confess." Lu Han admitted- making Sehun blink.

"O-Oh..." Sehun mumbled and scratched his head. "You... don't know..." 

Lu Han just nodded and nervously chuckled. "Yeah... s-sorry, Sehun." 

Sehun just sighed and shrugged. "Well... It's okay!" He smiled and attacked Lu Han with a hug. Lu Han widened his eyes but then smiled. 

But at the same time... he felt a pinch of guilt. He didn't know why... Why did he feel guilty? He didn't do anything wrong... right?


Yoonmi put on her jacket and wore her thin mittens. She bit her lower lip and held out a piece of paper infront of her. It was Lu Han's home address. How did she get it? Lu Han had given her his address when he was with her. 

Yoonmi nervously breathed in and out as she stepped out of her home.

"...Insu... I hope you're home." She mumbled and started to walk.

She looked around and saw some snow falling. Winter is coming soon... The heating bills will rise... 

She bit her lower lip and rubbed her arm. "I think... I should wear my coat and winter clothing when I'm inside the house too... so the bills won't go up..." She whispered to herself.

She then looked at the piece of paper again and sighed. She looked around to where she is walking and put her hood up her head. She looked down at her feet as she was walking.

Little did she know, she walked passed a happy Sehun while walking.


The girl nervously knocked on the door. 

A women opened the door and looked at Yoonmi. "Uh... Hello...Do I know you?" The women asked- which is 90 percent Insu's and Lu Han's mother.

Yoonmi looked at her and swallowed. "I... I..." 

"Whose there, mom?" 

Yoonmi and the women looked behind and saw Lu Han staring at Yoonmi. "...Yoonmi?" 

Lu Han walked down the stairs and went beside his mother. "Mom, she's a classmate. She's my partner for that project I told you about weeks ago?" 

Mrs. Lu just nodded and smiled. "Well.. come in! Don't be shy." Mrs. Lu smiled. Yoonmi awkwardly entered the home and looked around. The house wasn't so small but also... wasn't so big.

Lu Han blushed and looked down at his feet. "S-Sorry about my mother..." Lu Han mumbled and nervously chuckled. Yoonmi blinked but shook her head immediately.

"N-No! She seems really nice." Yoonmi awkwardly said.

Lu Han chuckled and shrugged. "If she's in a good mood."

Yoonmi smiled and looked at him. "Uh... I didn't mean to bother anyone- I-I was here to see how Insu was doing... I haven't seen him in awhile." 

Lu Han looked around the house and chuckled. "I think he's upstairs. Do you want to see him?" He asked.

Yoonmi nodded slowly. Lu Han softly smiled and took her hand, leading her to Insu's room. Yoonmi blushed and looked at the hands. 

"Insu!" Lu Han cried and a jumpy Insu appeared. 

Insu smiled widely as he saw the girl. "Princess noona!" Insu happily shouted and attacked her with a tight hug around her legs. Yoonmi widened her eyes but smiled.

"Insu... how are you?" Yoonmi bent down and patted Insu's head.

Insu smiled sheepishly and gave her a thumbs up. "I'm good! But since you're here, I'm even better!" Insu squeaked. Yoonmi chuckled and shook her head. "You're so silly, Insu."

Lu Han stared at Yoonmi and Insu- that same feeling came back. The feeling that felt weird, horrible, and... spiky. He frowned and looked away as Yoonmi chuckled with Insu.

Insu grinned and got picked up by Yoonmi. 

"As always, Insu gets the gwirls!" He grinned and did the victory sign. Lu Han blushed due to  embarrasment and facepalmed. Yoonmi smiled and shook her head.


"Cookies!" Mrs. Lu shouted, making Lu Han's and Insu's ears perk up.

Yoonmi blinked and watched Insu run away cutely to the door and going downstairs. Lu Han chuckled and looked at Yoonmi. "Let's go," Lu Han said and helped her stand up.

They both went downstairs and stared at the cookies in awe.

Mrs. Lu saw Yoonmi stare at the cookies alittle to intensely. Mrs. Lu chuckled. "Yoonmi dear, why don't you go ahead and eat one?" 

Yoonmi blinked and blushed. "Th-Thank you, Mrs. Lu..." She said and took a cookie.

Right when she took a bite- rainbows filled her mind.

"Wow... These are great, Mrs. Lu! T-Thank you..." Yoonmi said and took another bite. Mrs. Lu chuckled and patted Yoonmi's back. 

"Anything for my son's girlfriend."

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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
There's so much that made me laugh lol :) I loved this fic and idk why I didn't read it b4 <3
The foreword reminds me of Kimi Ni Todoke but anyway I'm still going to read this <3
Chapter 58: Kyaa!! Thia couple is so cute.. i love the way luhan care for her.. glad sehun juz think her like a sister. Kekeke..
I'm managed to finished this in a day. I love this ^^
Chapter 59: Where is the sequel
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod!!! Insu is really cute~~ I want to keep him in my pocket(≧∇≦)/
14 streak #6
Chapter 59: I didnt even know that was the last chapter... so all the drama happens in the sequel.. can't wait to start reading the sequel xD
Similar to the nime "Kimi ni Todoke" omg!! I luv the anime!
Chapter 58: I didn't even realize that was the ending.. I'll be off to the sequel now! ^^
Me and Yoonmi are both born on the 20th of June ;)