Overprotective Appa, Overprotective Oppa, And Overprotective Godfather?

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Your POV
~1 year later~
"Chanyeol, our daughter just called. They're on the way." I said as I walked into the kitchen to gather the plates.
No response.
"Chanyeol?" I called again. I walked in the living-room and saw him pacing back and forth. "Jagiya, did you hear me?"
"He heard you, Seunghyun." said Tao laughing.
"Hyung, don't worry. You need to let her be happy with her boyfriend." said Sehun.
"She's too young, Maknae!" Chanyeol said as he pushed his hair back in frustration.
"Chanyeol," Baekhyun spoke up folding his arms, "Don't you think you're taking this a little bit out of proportion?"
"Baekhyun, you were probably the same thing with Umma." Minkyung folded his arms.
"Do you not like him, Minkyung?" asked Joonmyun.

Minkyung sighed, "It's not that I don't-It's just-I-I don't want to see Miyoung hurt. I mean, he's a nice guy, but it's just-"
"Then you have nothing to worry about." said Jongdae. "As long as he's a nice guy, that's all that matters."
He sighed, "I guess you're right."

"Hey, Loudmouth," Lu Han came into the kitchen and began helping me with the food.

Yes, after all these years, we still call each other by our nicknames. -_-

"Do you like your daughter's boyfriend?" he asked with a worried look on his face.
I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Not you too, ert. Don't listen to what Chanyeol says. We've never even met the boy. This is our first time meeting him. From what Miyoung tells us, he sounds like a nice gentleman."
"What about Minkyung? He doesn't sound too fond of the guy." he tilted his head.
I sighed, "Minkyung is just one of those overprotective Oppas who cares for his sister. It's understandable."

My eyes widen, "Oh! That must be them!" I hurried over to the door.
I walked over to Chanyeol who looked tense. "Yeobo, relax." I whispered to him.

"Umma! Appa!" Miyoung threw her arms around Chanyeol and I.
"Honey, I'm so happy to see you! I haven't seen you since you debuted. You look so beautiful!" I ran my fingers through her hair.
"Appa!" she threw her arms around Chanyeol.
"Miyoung, I missed you so much." Chanyeol gave her a warm smile.

Chanyeol and I stood back and saw the handsome young man standing next to our daughter.

(Let's say that Saeryun looks somewhat like this)
The handsome guy bowed, "Kim Saeryun imnida. It's nice to finally meet you Mr. and Mrs. Park."
I walked up to him and reached for his hand, "It's very nice to meet you, Saeryun. Please, come in you two. We all have dinner ready."
As Saeryun and Miyoung walked in, Chanyeol and I followed behind. Chanyeol still looked tense. "Behave, Chanyeol." I whispered in his ear and chuckled.

As we all walked to the table, EXO came and sat down with us. I stood up and went over to Saeryun. "Everyone, this is Saeryun. Please, treat him like family."
He smiled and bowed, "Kim Saeryun imnida. It's nice to meet all of you."

I came back over and sat down next to Chanyeol. Minkyung sat with Lu Han across from us. Miyoung sat with Saeryun at the end of the table with Sehun and Jongin. As we began passing around the food plates, Chanyeol couldn't keep calm. -_-

Chanyeol's POV
I kept paying attention to Saeryun to make sure he was actually into my daughter and not just toying with her feelings. -_- I looked over at Minkyung who was sitting with Lu Han. He seemed to be focusing on Saeryun too.

"*Clears throat* So, Saeryun," I began, "You debuted into _____, Miyoung tells us?"
He nodded and smiled, "Yes. We just made our debut shortly after Miyoung's group debuted."

Before I could respond, Jongin spoke up, "Congratulations on debuting! Minah and I came to your debut. Who was the person who had a solo dance at the beginning? I was really impressed."
"That was me. I am the main dancer and visual of my group." he smiled.
"I like him already, Mimi." Jongin winked at Miyoung.

I wanted to get deeper with this guy. -_- "So, have you ever had a girlfriend before?" I asked.
"Appa!/Chanyeol!" Miyoung and Seunghyun looked at me with wide eyes.
"What? I just want to know, Jagiya." I looked at Seunghyun and held my hands up in defense.
"No, that's all right, Mrs. Park." said Saeryun. "And, no. I have never had a girlfriend in my life. I had a crush in high school, but she chose one of my closest friends. I decided to be just friends with her."
"That's good." I nodded and continued eating.
I kept receiving glares from Miyoung.

"How long have you two been together?" I asked.
"Four months." Miyoung answered.
"Have you two kissed yet?" Minkyung began teasing them.
"Park Minkyung!" Seunghyun set her utensils down and glared at him.
"What?" Minkyung asked with an innocent face, "I'm just wondering!"

"Relax, Loudmouth. He just wants to know." Lu Han rolled his eyes. "Besides, I'm sure Chanyeol would love to know too."
"In fact, I would." I folded my arms.
"Appa!" Miyoung covered her face in embarrassment.
Seunghyun glared at Lu Han, "Really, Lu Han? The nicknames continue even when we have a guest over? You're unbelievable."
"Hey, you'll always be a loudmouth. Besides, my goddaughter doesn't mind, right Mimi?" he looked over at Miyoung with an innocent face.
"Lu Han Sunbae is your godfather?" Saeryun looked at Miyoung with wide eyes.
Miyoung sighed, "Yes, yes he is."
"So, have you two kissed before?" asked Lu Han folding his arms.
"Maybe..." Miyoung blushed.

I clenched my fists under the table. Suddenly, Seunghyun noticed me and stepped on my food causing me to wince in pain. "We're all very happy for you two, Seunghyun." she smiled.

After we finished our meal, we all headed out to the pool. I noticed that Saeryun and Miyoung were really getting intimate with each other. "Chanyeol, relax, man." Baekhyun swam up next to Seunghyun and I.
I groaned, "Hyung, they're too close to each other." I complained and pointed over to them.
"Jagiya, relax. Our daughter is happy. Let her be with the one she loves. Saeryun seems to really care about her." Seunghyun wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.
"She's right, Chanyeol. Miyoung looks happy."
"But, Hyung, you were this way whenever I dated Seunghyun, remember?" I looked at him and raised a brow.
He sighed, "I see your point. Does Minkyung not like him or something?" he asked looking over at Minkyung and Lu Han who kept looking over at them.
I sighed, "Minkyung and-"
"Like father like son." Seunghyun rolled her eyes. "You boys need to let Miyoung love on her own. If she gets heartbroken, she will come to us. It's the only way she will learn."
I shook my head, "That's what I'm trying to prevent. I don't want to see my daughter heartbroken!"

Suddenly, my eyes widen when I saw Saeryun and Miyoung. Saeryun began to wrap his arms around Miyoung. Before I could say anything, Lu Han swam up behind them and splashed both of them. "What are you two love birds up to?" he asked.
"YAH! LU HAN!" Miyoung yelled at him.
Saved by Lu Han! ^_^

Lu Han swam up to Saeryun, "Remember, Saeryun, if you make my goddaughter cry, or hurt her in any way, shape l, or form, I'll break your face." he threatened.
"LU HAN!" Miyoung covered her face in embarrassment.
"I promise, Lu Han Sunbae. I love Miyoung." he smiled and pulled her into his arms.

I love Miyoung. After hearing those words, I suddenly relaxed. At least I heard him say the words. Baekhyun looked at me, "See, Chanyeol? He loves her. You have nothing to worry about."
I sighed, "Okay. But I'll still have Minkyung keep an eye on him."
"CHANYEOL!/JAGI!" Baekhyun and Seunghyun hissed at me.
"Hyung, we're going to go talk to her and Saeryun." I said to Baekhyun.
He nodded and swam over to hang out with the other members.

Seunghyun wrapped her arms around me and I began swimming towards Saeryun and Miyoung. "Miyoung." I said as we approached them. I noticed that Saeryun quickly took back his arms.
I chuckled, "I don't mind, Saeryun. You love our daughter. I trust you."
He gave me a warm smile, "Thank you, Chanyeol Sunbae."
"Please, just call EXO, my wife and I by our first names. No need to be formal. We're all family here." I smiled.
He wrapped his arm around Miyoung's waist, "I promise to love your daughter with all my heart.
I KNOW I'm in love with her. Miyoung is a very important person to me."
"We know you will." Seunghyun and I smiled.

After another hour of swimming, Saeryun and Miyoung had to head back to their dorms along with EXO. We all said our goodbyes at the door, "Remember, Saeryun, if you hurt my little Mimi, you'll have to go through me." said Lu Han who towered over Saeryun.
"Lu Han!" hissed Seunghyun.
"I understand, Lu Han." Saeryun smiled.
"Bye, Mimi." Minkyung went up and ruffled her hair.
"OPPA!" she pushed his hand away.
"I'm sorry." he laughed and then pulled her in for a sweet hug.
"Miyoung," Seunghyun and I pulled her in our arms. "You have a safe ride home. Appa and I will attend one of your concerts sometime. We'll be right there in the front row." Seunghyun missed her cheek.
"Thanks, Umma." Miyoung smiled.
"It was very nice to meet you, Saeryun. Chanyeol and I wish you two the best." she smiled.
"Thank you, Seunghyun." Saeryun smiled.
"Miyoung," I stepped forward and pulled her in my arms, "I love you, you know that? I want you to be careful out there. You and Saeryun continue to work hard. Your bands have so much to look forward to. Always be there to support each other. Umma and I will always be here to support you too. We love you, Mimi."
She wrapped her arms around me, "I love you too, Appa. I know Saeryun will take good care of me."
I pulled away and pointed at him, "Well, he better. It's like Lu Han Hyung said, if he makes my Mimi cry, or hurts you in any way, shape, or form, come to us and we'll make sure that boy-"
"Park Chanyeol!" Seunghyun hissed at me.
I chuckled and pushed Miyoung back to Saeryun, "Take good care of my daughter, Saeryun. You're a great guy for her."
"I promise, Chanyeol. I will always love her." he smiled at me.
They walked out with EXO leaving behind him.

"A little overprotective, don't you think, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun patted my back.
"That's my daughter! I have every reason to be!" I said with wide eyes.
Baekhyun looked down at Minkyung, "You too, Minkyung. You're an overprotective Oppa to your sister!"
Seunghyun began laughing, "Now you know how I felt, Baek! That's how overprotective YOU were!"
He laughed, "The apples don't fall far from the tree. I guess it runs in the genes."

As I saw Saeryun and Miyoung walking down to their car, Saeryun leaned down and kissed Miyoung on the lips. Before I could say something, Seunghyun covered my lips with hers. "Let it go, Park Chanyeol."
I sighed and just smiled, "I love you, Park Seunghyun. I love you so much." I pressed my lips onto hers.

We watched as Miyoung and Saeryun drove off. Our son and daughter have a great life ahead of them. Seunghyun and I will be sure to support them in whatever they do. That's how much we love them.

I love seeing Chanyeol so overprotective! Now he knows how Baekhyun felt! Kekeke! ^_^
So, that's the end! *Cries* I hope you all enjoyed the sequel! Comments are greatly appreciated! ^_^ This has honestly been the best story and sequel I have ever written. I hope to write better in the future! Thank you, everyone! ^_^

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD