Best Friends Don't Keep Secrets From Each Other

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
"Wow! You and Seunghyun did a great job on picking your house." I said as I looked around the house.
"Hyung, this place is huge!" yelled Sehun.
"The pool is the best part!" yelled Joonmyun who headed out back.

When we all headed out to the back, I was amazed by the pool. It was huge and it even had a small waterfall!

"Hyung, we're gonna get changed into our suits." yelled Jongin heading up the stairs with Sehun. The rest of us just followed them upstairs.

"Woah!" I said with wide eyes, "Which room is yours? You guys have so many rooms up here!"
"This one." Chanyeol pointed down a few doors and walked in.

I really liked this bedroom. I think the walls should be painted a different color. (Kekeke ^_^ Like brother like sister! Remember Seunghyun making this comment when her and Chanyeol were looking at this house for the first time?)

Jongin and Sehun came in and began looking around the bedroom. They climbed up on the bed and began jumping like little kids. -_-

"YAH! GET OFF THE BED!" Chanyeol pointed his finger at them.
They ignored him and continued to jump. I thought of something to make them get off. "Jongin, Sehun! Are you sure you wanna be on that bed? Remember when Chanyeol and Seunghyun had their little fun night? Yep, right there." I said pointing on the bed.
Sehun's and Jongin's mouths dropped in disgust and quickly hopped off.
Chanyeol chuckled, "Thanks, Hyung."

The whole evening, Chanyeol cooked us a good meal while we were all out in the pool.

Your POV
~Early the next day~
Since I didn't swim the other day, I decided to head down to the pool for an early swim by myself. I really loved this pool. I couldn't wait to get in it.

I carefully climbed in and began swimming on my back all around the pool. This was like paradise. I could stay here forever.

Suddenly, as I turned a corner, I noticed that the water was rippling a lot. Even at the far end of the pool. I'm way down here. There's no way that could possibly be me. I looked up and began looking around to see if anyone  was in here with me, but there was no one. I shook it off and continued doing backstrokes around the pool.

"WHAT THE-HEY!" I was suddenly pulled underwater by my feet. As I quickly came back up, I came face-to-face with an annoying, CHILDISH Lu Han. -_-

He began laughing like a hyena.
My eyes widen when I saw him and I began hitting him on the head. "YOU, IDIOT, LU HAN! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? WHY ARE YOU DOWN HERE WITH ME!? UGH! YOU'RE SUCH A STALKER!"
Lu Han continued laughing and swam over to the wall plopping himself on the edge of the pool. "When EXO usually goes to a hotel, I always get up early and head to the pool. Kyungsoo, Joonmyun, and Jongin usually does it too. I never knew you were down here until I walked through the door. I wanted to scare you and what do you know? My plan worked, Loudmouth." he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and swam away from him.

He chuckled, "I never knew you could swear in Mandarin that well." he said folding his arms.
I stopped and turned around, "Well it comes in handy. You're the only one I actually use those words on."
He brought his hand up to his chest, "Well don't I feel special."

I just glared at him. -_-
A big smirk formed on his face, "You like what you see?" he moved his hands down his sides.
I felt my face heating up a bit and I just turned around and began swimming away, "Of course not. Besides, Chanyeol has a better body than you."
He began swimming over to me, "You're comparing me to Chanyeol? You're such a good friend. Speaking of Chanyeol, did you listen to Sukira the other day?"
I turned around and shook my head, "I tried, but the browser wouldn't open."
"Chanyeol and your brother sent you a message." Lu Han said as he swam over to where his clothes were located. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the Sukira recording.
I swam over to him and he handed me a headphone.

Ryeowook: Is there something you'd like to say to your wife on Sukira?
Me: Tch, Seunghyun, Jagiya, your Happy Virus misses you a lot. Me and the rest of the K members give you and the others our best. I hope that you, your members, and EXO-M are having a good time in China. I can't wait for you to return home to Seoul. I love you so much, Park Seunghyun.
Ryeowook: That was so sweet. Chanyeol-shi  must really love his wife.
EXO-K: Yes.
*Fast forwards*
Ryeowook: Anyway, Baekhyun-shi, would you like to send a message to your sister?
Baekhyun: Ah, yes. *Clears throat* Seunghyun-shi, your Baekhyun Oppa loves you a lot. I hope you and the others are doing well in China. Continue to work hard. Oppa is very proud of you. I miss you, but I think Chanyeol misses you more. Remember, if he treats you bad, come to Oppa and I'll beat him up for you, showing no hesitation.

I smiled and handed Lu Han his headphone. "I loved that."
Lu Han put his phone away and climbed back in the pool. "I think my favorite part was Baekhyun being overprotective. Remember, if he treats you bad, come to Oppa and I'll beat him up for you, showing no hesitation." Lu Han imitated Baekhyun.
I couldn't hold my laughter back. That was one of the funniest things I've ever heard!

"So, yesterday during that photo-shoot, you did the right thing. If I had someone tell me something like, I'd walk away too." said Lu Han with a serious face.
I lowered my heads, "You don't think I was too harsh, do you?"
He shook his head, "Absolutely not. You told that photographer you wanted to keep it on. Chanyeol bought that ring only for you. You have every reason to keep it on since he's your husband."

He swam up closer to me and whispered in my ear with a big smirk on his face, "So I heard you and Chanyeol enjoyed your first time."
I felt my face heating up, "YAH! ERT! THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?"
He pulled away and chuckled, "I have my sources."
I shoved him, "Seriously, who told you that?"
"Relax, Loudmouth. Sehun told me. He said that Chanyeol told everyone about it." He whispered, "I bet you really were a loudmouth with him. Look at all the marks on your neck! Thank goodness you had make-up covering all of that during the show."
My face was flushing all shades of red.

He chuckled but then got serious again. "But really, during the show, were you serious about when you said you'd pick your own brother to be in a relationship with, than Chanyeol and I?"
"Yes." I lowered my head in shame.
"Why?" he shrugged his shoulders.
I kept looking down in embarrassment. Before I could answer, Lu Han chuckled, "Don't worry, your reason is safe with me. Besides, best friends don't keep secrets from each other."
I looked up at him with a nervous face, "It's just that Baekhyun was the first guy who caught my attention when I first became a trainee. We fell for each other and developed feelings for one another. But that was when we had no idea that we were related. He made a confession to me and I accepted it. We shortly became a couple after that, but when he found out later, he ended things. I was very heartbroken when he ended things, but when I later found out we were siblings, I realized that he did it to protect the both of us."

Lu Han swam over and sat on the edge of the pool. I swam over to him and rested my back against the wall beside him. He rubbed the back of his neck, "I understand. Was Baekhyun your first love?"
I shook my head and then paused, "No-Well, actually yes. In high school, Rokhyun from 100% was my high school crush. I never confessed because I was always too shy. So I moved on after that with no hesitation. Then Baekhyun came along. There was something about him that I couldn't make out. I would always get this strange feeling when I was around him, but in the end, we were siblings."
"Do you still see him as your first love?"
I shook my head, "Not anymore. I don't see him anything more than a brother. The one I know I'm in love with, is Chanyeol."
"I understand." he smiled. "As long as you're happy." he gave me a weak smile.

He tapped my shoulder, "Let's wake the others up for breakfast. I'm starved!" he said climbing out of the pool.
I rolled my eyes and got out of the pool too, "You're always hungry, ert!"
"Hey, I'm a growing boy." he laughed.
We both headed out of the pool room together.

No ones POV
The whole time there was a paparazzi taking photos of Lu Han and Seunghyun without them knowing about it. The photographer went back to his office and looked at all the photos. "These photos will make millions!"

He printed out a large photo of a photo of Lu Han whispering to her which looked like he was kissing her.

Hmm, now for the headline... Thought the paparazzi.

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD