Uncomfortable Photo-Shoot

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
I looked up and Chanyeol came walking into the room. I put down the magazine I was reading, "Hey, how was you date?"
All he could do was smile. He came over and threw himself down on his bed. He turned his head towards me and smiled, "Hyung, I think I'm in love."
I chuckled, "Of course you are. How did the date go?"
He sighed, "Very good. She liked the gift I gave her."
 "We'll that's good. Did you have any trouble taking her back to her dorm?"
He shook his head, "No. Although, she's by herself for the night. She told me that her members are visiting family right now. I offered for her to stay over at our dorm, but she said she had to get up early for a photo-shoot tomorrow."
"She could've stayed at our dorm if she wanted to."
Chanyeol shook his head, "Eh, I'm actually sort of glad she didn't. Lu Han would probably be flirting with her the hole time."

I covered my face with my pillow and started cracking up.
Chanyeol sat up and looked over at me, "How's that funny?"
I slowly pulled the pillow down to my nose and looked over at him, "All right, don't get mad, but I lied earlier about Lu Han flirting with her."
Chanyeol was about to throw his pillow at me, but I held my hands out, "WAIT! Before you hit me, know that I did it to help her. While you were taking forever getting ready, she wanted me to get you to hurry up so you two wouldn't be late for the dinner reservations she made."
Chanyeol face-palmed himself and then chucked a pillow at my face, "YAH! YOU MADE ME ATTACK LU HAN HYUNG FOR NO REASON!?"
I hid my face under my pillow again. I nervously laughed, "Maybe? I didn't expect you to actually hit him."
"Aish! Hyung!" Chanyeol rolled on his side with his back facing me and went to sleep.

Your POV
~Next day~
"All right, _____, turn around a little more."
"Great, now tilt your chin up a little bit."
"Wonderful, _____." said the photographer.

After taking a lot of photos, and wearing so many different outfits, it was time for my break. I headed over to one of the coolers and grabbed myself a water bottle. I can't wait for my lunch date with Chanyeol!

"Hey, _____, if you could, could you bring a water bottle over here to our new model?" asked the photographer.
I grabbed an extra water bottle and headed over towards the photographer. "WOAH!" being the clumsy person I am, I didn't notice the camera cords and computer cords lying on the ground, and tripped over them. Thank goodness I don't fall completely!

"_____, are you all right?" asked the photographer running over to me.
I nodded and stood up, "I'm fine."
I looked up an saw the model standing next to the photographer.

Oh my goodness...

It can't be! ROKHYUN!?

Rokhyun and I both made eye contact with each other and our mouths dropped.
"_____/Rokhyun?" we both asked in unison.
The photographer gave us a puzzled look, "Wait, you two know each other?"
Rokhyun looked at the photographer, "We were in high school together."
I nervously looked at the ground, "Yeah, what he said."
The photographer nodded his head and went over to talk with a few of the staff.

In case you're wondering who Rokhyun is, he was my high school crush. I never had the courage to talk to him because I was so shy around him. And yes, he was the crush I fell in front of on Valentine's Day. -_-
How embarrassing.

Rokhyun gave me a small smile and shook his head, "Same old _____, huh? Still falling over things?"
I playfully hit his arm, "Yah! I didn't mean to!"

He chuckled, "Wow, you're an idol now?"
I nodded, "Yeah. You are too?"
He nodded, "Yeah. I'm in the band, 100%.

I don't think I've heard of that band before.

I smiled, "That's cool. I'm in ________."
His eyes widen, "Oh really? You're under SM Entertainment?"
I nodded, "Mhm."

Before he could respond, the photographer came over to us. "It's a good thing that you two know each other." The photographer looked at me, "_____, Rokhyun will be modeling with you for this shoot."
Rokhyun held out his hand at me, "Well, I'll be looking forward to working with you." he winked.
I nervously laughed, "Y-Yeah, me too."

Seeing Rokhyun again totally threw me off. I never would've expected to see him again. He's changed so much! Last time I remember, he was the quiet and a shy boy. He's become so handsome! ^_^

As we followed the photographer to the next room, he turned to me, "_____, and Rokhyun, go over to my staff members. They will prepare you for this next shoot."
I nodded, "All right."
Rokhyun tilted his head, "What's the concept?"
The photographer looked down at his phone and then back up at him. "Cute & y."

My eyes widen, "Wait, y?"
He nodded, "Mhm. SM said that you'd be perfect for the photo-shoot."
I bit my lower lip, "Oh, um, okay."

As I headed back towards the staff, I was really nervous. I have a boyfriend. And honestly, I'd rather have him do the photo-shoot with me than Rokhyun. I'm gonna be really uncomfortable doing this photo-shoot.

When I came out of the dressing room, I was wearing a tank and some short-shorts. I saw Rokhyun and the photographer talking. Rokhyun looked at me and smiled, "You look nice."
I nervously looked away, "Thank you."

The photographer smiled, "Great, now that you two are ready, go over and sit down on the bed in the center. Remember, you guys need to make I look like you're an actual couple-"
I cut him off, "I'm sorry, Sir, but, I already have a boyfriend."
Rokhyun's eyes widen and he looked at the photographer and then back at me.
The photographer looked down at his computer, "Don't worry about it, _____. It's just a photo-shoot."
I bit my lower lip, "Yeah, but still, I-"
Rokhyun spoke up, "Sir, if she's uncomfortable with this, then we can just change the concept. Is that all right, _____?" he looked at me.

That made me feel a little comfortable, but before I could speak, the photographer spoke up, "No, I'm sorry you two, but we're already in the process of working on the magazine. We need these shots."
Rokhyun and I sighed. Rokhyun put a hand on my shoulder, "It's just for a magazine, _____."
I sighed, "All right."

The photographer led us over to the bed placed in the center of the room. He left us there and then ran over to his camera.

"Okay, remember like I said, guys, make it look real. _____, have a seat on the bed with your legs hanging off the edge, and Rokhyun, kneel down in front of her like you're gonna propose."

Rokhyun and I both complied and got in our positions.

"Excellent!" yelled the photographer. "Now, both of you lay down on the bed and act like you guys are reading this book together." he handed us a random book as a prop.

Rokhyun and I both laid down on the bed with the book. He put his arm around me and put the book in front of us. Being this intimate with someone who isn't my boyfried, is very uncomfortable for me. I'd rather have Chanyeol here instead. We could make these photos a lot more real.

"So, how have you been, _____?" Rokhyun asked as he looked down at the book.
"I've been good. Very busy." I nervously laughed.
He looked at me and gave me a warm smile, "I never knew you wanted to be an idol."
I nodded, "Yes. I did. I love singing."
"What's your role of the group?" he asked.
"I'm the Maknae, and the main vocalist."
His eyes widen, "That's impressive."
"What about you?" I asked.

"Great!" shouted the photographer, "Now, Rokhyun, play with her hair a little bit."

Rokhyun moved all of my hair on one side of my shoulders and started twirling it with his fingers. I couldn't help but blush. This is one of Chanyeol's favorite things to do when we cuddled.

"I'm the main vocalist of my group." he said looking down at me.
I nervously laughed, "That's cool."
He caught me by surprise when he brought his hands down to my face and moved some hair out of my face. "We never talked much in high school."
Crap. "We never had any classes together."

"Come on, guys," yelled the photographer, "Make it y!"

He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but back then, there was a rumor going around that you had a crush on me. I also remember you falling down in front of me on Valentine's Day."


My face started heating up like crazy. I looked away, "That was so embarrassing!"
He chuckled, "No, I think it's cute."

He really threw me off by bringing his  face down in my hair. It felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest.

"You guys are so perfect for this shoot!" yelled the photographer. "You guys have mastered the cuteness, but we need more iness!"

Ugh! What does this photographer want us to do!?

Chanyeol's POV
"Hey Hyung, I'm gonna head out now." I told Joonmyun.

Hmm, maybe I could surprise her by showing up at her photo-shoot. She takes the best photos! SNSD Sunbaes have taught her well. ^_^

"Have fun, Chanyeol!" he teased me as I walked out of the dorm.

On the way to her photo-shoot, a few fans crowded around me.

"Chanyeol Oppa!" one of them screamed.
"Hello." I bowed to her.
"Chanyeol Oppa! You're so handsome!" another one yelled.
I smiled, "Thank you."
"_____ is a lucky girl to have you!" another girl yelled.
"You two are so good together! I wish you guys the best!" said another fan.
I bowed and continued on walking, "Thank you everyone. I'm happy to have her. You guys are great fans!"

As I got to the studio, I was greeted by a lot of the staff members. I stopped one of them, "Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find, _____?"
The lady smiled, "Oh, she's down three sets, Mr. Park."
I bowed, "Thank you."

I take it her set was all the way at the end of the building.

As I approached the last set, I saw something that really made my blood boil. Seunghyun was showing a lot of skin. To make it worse, there was a guy with no shirt on who was getting intimate with her. A guy who isn't me.

Your POV
"Rokhyun,take your shirt off. And get behind _____."

Okay, now I'm getting very uncomfortable right now. This was going way too far. "Excuse me, how many shots do we have left?" I called out to the photographer.
"Just a couple more. You guys need more iness! Rokhyun is the only one who is putting in an effort!"

I gritted my teeth. That's because I'm doing all of this with someone who ISN'T my boyfriend! I could never hurt Chanyeol by doing this!

"_____, wrap your arms around his neck."
I did as I was told.

"Great, now Rokhyun, lift one of her tank straps up with your finger."
My eyes widen in shock.


Rokhyun slowly brought his finger down to my tank strap and lifted it up. I didn't want to go this far. I quickly reached up and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry, but this is too much."

The photographer gave me a confused look, "Just one more, photo, _____."
Rokhyun looked down and gave me an assuring smile, "Just one more photo, _____. It'll be okay."

I felt really bad right now. *Sigh* Chanyeol, please forgive me.

I released his hand and looked at the floor. I felt really ashamed doing this.

"_____, look at the camera and give me a y smile."
I gritted my teeth and slowly lifted my head up as Rokhyun lifted one of mu straps up. As I faced the camera, something caught my eye.


I felt a stinging pain in my heart seeing him standing over next to the wall. His arms were folded and his eyes were full of jealousy. I just wanted to break down and cry.

WHY couldn't Chanyeol be the one up here with me?

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD