"I'm The Boyfriend"

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Chanyeol's POV
I honestly just wanted to break that guy's face right now. Who does he think he is? I saw that Seunghyun tried rejecting him, but the photographer kept pushing her.

Suddenly, Seunghyun caught me standing next to the wall. She could tell I was very pissed off right now. I'm not afraid to deny it either. -_-

"All right, great job, you two! Thank you so much for coming down, Rokhyun. You did great!" the photographer complimented the guy.

So his name is Rokhyun. -_-

Seunghyun came running over to me. I gave her a weak smile and held my arms out.
She wrapped her arms around me, "Chanyeol, I'm so sorry abou what you saw back there. This was all for a photo-shoot. I had no choice." she rested her head on my shoulder.
I smiled, "Jagiya, I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't be the guy up there, but I'm happy that you haven't forgotten about me."
She pulled away and looked at me, "Forget about you? Of course not! You're the only one I love."
I smiled and pecked her forehead, "Why don't you go get changed and then we'll head out to get something to eat."
She gave me a weak smile, "Okay."

As she walked away, Rokhyun put his shirt back on and came over to me. He smiled,  "EXO, right?"

Can I just break his face now?

I gave him a fake smile, "Yeah. Park Chanyeol imnida." I bowed.
He bowed, "Kim Rokhyun imnida. I'm from 100%."
"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

We awkwardly stood there in silence. Thankfully he broke it, "Wanna check out the photos?" he pointed over at the computer.
"Sure." I followed him over.

As he pulled up the photos, he looked at me, "I take it that your the boyfriend?"
I nodded, "I am."
He smiled, "_____ and I went to high school together. She's so different from now."

I gritted my teeth. I take it that this is the person she had a crush on in high school. -_-

"In all respect, how did you guys meet? If you don't mind me asking." he asked.
I kept giving him a fake smile, "I don't mind. And we met when she was a trainee at our company. She and her members were very experienced so they got to debut early. We sort of just developed feelings for each other. And, you know, we fell in love."
He chuckled, "Interesting. I never knew _____ wanted to be a singer."
"Did you guys ever talk in high school?" Crap. I didn't mean for that to slip out of my mouth.
"I honestly never spoke to her in high school. We never had any classes together. I just knew that she was an Underclassman. I also heard a rumor that she had a giant crush on me. But that's all in the past."

I balled up my fists in my pockets. So he was the one who she had a crush on.

I gave him a weak smile, "Of course."

I really loved looking a all of the photos of Seunghyun. She is so beautiful.

*Phone rings*
Rokhyun looked down at his phone. "I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Chanyeol."
I gave him a warm smile while I was mental doing a happy dance in my head, "You too."
Before he walked away, he looked at me, "By the way, I'm sorry if we were too intimate up there. No hard feelings?"
I shook my head, "Of course not."
He smiled, "Great, see ya."

A few minutes later, Seunghyun finally came out. She came out in her comfortable clothing. She reached out for my hand, "Ready?"
I smiled, "Yep."

Your POV
When we got to the restaurant, I noticed that Chanyeol has been real quiet. I hope he still isn't upset.

I looked at him, "Chanyeol, are you all right?"
He gave me an assuring smile, "Of course I am. I'm still a little upset about how close you and Rokhyun were. I never knew that he was your crush in high school."
I sighed, "Chanyeol, that's all in the past. He's nothing but a friend to me. I promise. No one can ever replace you."
He gave me a warm smile and pulled me in for a kiss. "I trust you, Jagiya."

After eating, Chanyeol seemed to be back to himself. It really hurts me whenever I see Chanyeol sad. Sadness doesn't go well with my Happy Virus. ^_^

"Are you doing anything this evening?" he asked me as I was driving him to his dorm.
I shook my head, "I'm free. Why?"
"Wanna watch a movie at the dorm tonight? I'll let you pick the movie since I chose last."
I smiled, "All right. Is there a certain time you want me to come over?"
He shook his head, "Anytime. Just message me when you're on your way."
I smiled, "Will do."

Before he got out of my car, he gave me a quick peck on the lips, "See you later, Jagi."

Chanyeol's POV
As I walked inside the dorm, I kept seeing images of Seunghyun and Rokhyun together. I'm being way to paranoid right now. I know that Seunghyun would never leave me. I'm just over-thinking things.

"Hey, how was your date?" asked Lu Han greeting me at the door.
"Fine." I said with no expression on my face. "Where's Baekhyun at?"

"What's going on?" asked Baekhyun who came from the living room.
"I need to talk to you." I told him.
"Oooo, looks like someone's angry with the Ex." Lu Han mumbled under his breath.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Grow up, Lu Han."

I honestly could've just punched Lu Han in the face right now. I bet Baekhyun was thinking the same thing too.

Baekhyun and I went in our rooms and I shut the door. "Everything okay?" he asked.
"I don't know." I threw myself down on my bed.
Baekhyun had a worried look on his face, "Did you two fight?"
I shook my head, "It's not that. It's just that, Seunghyun was really-and I mean REALLY close to Rokhyun from 100%. During her photo-shoot, the photographer wanted the concept to be y & Cute. Seunghyun didn't like the idea, but the photographer kept pushing her. I came to surprise Seunghyun, but when I walked in on her set, I saw them being really intimate with each other. Then, when Seunghyun was changing, Rokhyun and I formally met each other. Did you know that he was her crush in high school?"

Hmm, yeah I remember Seunghyun's Appa saying something about a high school crush. I didn't know it was Rokhyun from 100%. Surely she couldn't possibly still have a crush on him. Thought Baekhyun.

"You're just over-thinking things, Chanyeol. Would you like me to talk so her about it?"
My head shot up, "No, don't. It's fine. *Sigh* I'll get over it. She's coming over to watch a movie with me, anyway."

"Just continue to love and care for her like you always have. If something like this happens again, confront her about it."
I sighed, "But, Hyung, I'm the boyfriend though. I should be the one doing all of these photo-shoots with her."
"It's part of being an idol though. You're gonna have to learn how to get over it. Seunghyun will be doing some photo-shoots with many idols. You remember when Minah did a photo-shoot last month with Taemin?"
I nodded.

How could I forget that day. Jongin went to pieces that evening.

Sehun, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Tao, and I were just playing video games in the living room. Suddenly, Jongin came bursting in the door with Baekhyun and Kris.


All of our heads quickly looked over at him.

Sehun: What happened?
Jongin: *Sigh* Minah and Taemin Hyung were chosen to do a photo-shoot together. They were really intimate. Especially Taemin Hyung.
Baekhyun: He's over exaggerating. It isn't as bad as you think.
Jongin: But that's my girlfriend, Baekhyun Hyung!
Kris: You're gonna have to get used to it! I'm pretty sure that Mihyun will have to do a photo-shoot like that too. Will I be jealous? Of course I will! But that's what will happen when your an idol. Besides, Minah only has eyes for you and no one else. If you think about it, Jongin, she probably feels the same wy whenever she sees you with other idols.

~End of flashback~

I nodded, "Yeah, Jongin was really upset that evening. I now know how he feels."
Baekhyun nodded, "Rokhyun knows that you two or together, right?"
I nodded, "Yeah."
He shrugged his shoulders, "You have nothing to worry about then. Just forget about what happened today and enjoy your time with her this evening. Don't make her feel bad, Chanyeol. Besides, she was told to do the photo-shoot."
I sighed, "All right."

Don't you just love seeing a jealous Chanyeol? ^_^

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD