A Special Date

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Chanyeol's POV
"How are you feeling?" I asked Seunghyun as we drove home.
She signed, "I honestly feel like a zombie."
"Well, you're still beautiful." I winked at her.
She chuckled, "Thanks, Jagiya."
"Anytime. I'll be in charge of dinner to night. You need your rest." I gave her an assuring smile.
She shook her head, "I don't mind, Chanyeol. I-"
"Park Seunghyyn." I raised a brow, "I love you. Please, let me take care of you tonight. You're sick. I'll try my best to take care of you."
She reached her hand up and began caressing my cheek, "Thank you, Chanyeol."

When we got back to the house, I noticed that she was weak on her feet so I carried her in my arms up to our bedroom. She sighed, "I really don't want you to get sick because of me, Chanyeol. Go hang out with EXO. Have a guys night out. I'll be fine."
I placed her gently on the bed, "You're not fine. You're sick. My wife comes first. I'll go make you some dinner. Please, stay in bed and stay hydrated. We can watch a movie tonight."
"All right, Jagi. Thank you." she gave me a warm smile.

~Few days later~ (Sorry for the time jump)
As the days went on, I stayed home with Seunghyun taking care of her. Today is the day when we both head back to work with our members. We will always see each other when we get home from performances/recordings/etc.

"So, what's on _____'s schedule today?" I asked walking into the kitchen for breakfast.
"Well, we have a photo-shoot this morning, and then we have a radio broadcast to attend. How about you?" she asked.
I walked over and pecked her on the lips, "We have a photo-shoot and a concert. So, are you free tonight?" I tilted my head.
She nodded, "I should be. Why?"
"Because I want to take you somewhere special." I smiled at her.
"All right." I chuckled.

After we ate breakfast, we got cleaned up and drove to our members' dorms. Seunghyun decided that she'd take her car separately. She said that her photo-shoot was located a few minutes outside of Seoul.

"Chanyeol!" yelled Tao and Seun as they ran to greet me at the door. "Welcome back, Hyung!" said Tao.
"Chanyeol!" yelled Joonmyun running towards me. "We all missed you! How does it feel to be back?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "All right. I missed my members."

As he gave me a hug, I saw Baekhyun standing behind us glaring at me. I walked over to him and held up my arms. "What's wrong-Wait, are you still mad at me? That was days ago, Hyung."
He sighed, "Seunghyun shouldn't be pregnant at all. It's way to early. And, she has a band too. Where in the world would she find time to take care of one? She can't just have our parents take care of it!"
I groaned, "Hyung, I'd be there right next to her taking care of it."
"This is serious, Chanyeol." he raised a brow. "A child is a big responsibility."

"Baekhyun," said Jongin and Minseok walking in, "Just leave Chanyeol and Seunghyun alone. Chanyeol is finally back and you're still mad at him? Just be happy that Seunghyun isn't pregnant now."
Baekhyun looked over at them and sighed, "I am, it's just-" he ruffled his hair, "I don't know."

Your POV
"Jagiya, are you home?" I yelled out in the house.
No response.
Maybe he's still with EXO.

I decided to sit in the living room and read. Before I knew it, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

~Minutes later~
"Jagiya?" called a familiar voice. "Jagiya, wake up."
I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. Chanyeol was sitting next to me on the couch rubbing my back.

I smiled and sat up pecking his lips, "When did you get home?"
"Roughly a few minutes ago. I would've been home earlier, but we had to go to the SM building after we performed." he gave me an apologetic look.
"That's fine." I chuckled.

"So, are you ready to head out for our date tonight?" he asked.
"Absolutely." I smiled nodded.

When I got in his car, he had me put a blindfold on. I sighed, "Is this really necessary, Chanyeol?"
"Yes, it is." he chuckled.

When the car stopped, he helped me out of the car. I heard a lot of little kids in the background. Were we at a children's school?

"You can sit down, Jagia." he whispered in my ear.
I carefully sat down. I felt a hard metal surface under me. Chanyeol removed the blindfold. As I looked around, I realized that we were at a playground.
"Remember this place?" Chanyeol gave me a warm smile.

This was the place that Chanyeol was my shoulder to cry on when Baekhyun ended our relationship last year. The two of us were sitting down on the merry-go-round.

I looked at Chanyeol and gave him a warm smile, "I remember this place."
He leaned his back up against the middle handle and pulled me into his arms, "This was the first place I wanted to confess to you, but you were heartbroken by Baekhyun. I decided to wait. You ended up hearing my confession in the SM practice room."
I looked up at him and kissed him, "I remember, Chanyeol. Thank you for bringing me here. You made me feel so much better that evening. And I remember you had all of those bags-"
"Bags of food?" he reached behind him and pulled out a few paper brown bags of food. "This is our dinner for this evening. I had Kyungsoo, Minseok, and Yixing help me prepare it."
"You're so sweet, Chanyeol." I chuckled.

We pulled out the food and began eating. We enjoyed watching the little kids playing on the swing set and playground.

"You're pretty, Unnie." said a soft voice.
Chanyeol and I both looked to our sides and saw a little girl standing next to the merry-go-round.
I looked up at Chanyeol and he chuckled. I looked at the girl and gave her a warm smile, "Thank you, Sweetie. You're so nice. You're very pretty too."
She gave me a sweet smile, "Unnie? Who is Oppa?" she asked pointing at Chanyeol.
"I'm her husband." he chuckled.
"You're so lucky to have a pretty girl like Unnie." the girl chuckled.
I gave Chanyeol a small smile and he lifted my chin with his finger. "I'm a very lucky person." he said placing his lips on mine.
"Chanyeol," I chuckled pulling away, "Not in front of the girl."
The girl and Chanyeol laughed.

Chanyeol looked down at our food and looked up at the girl, "Would you like this? You're a very sweet girl. Take this as a gift from your Unnie and Oppa." he said as he handed her a small apple.
The girl took the apple and a big smile formed on her face. She looked at the both of us and bowed, "Thank you so much, Unnie, Oppa." she ran over to her parents and began eating the apple.

"You're very good with kids." I looked up at Chanyeol and gave him a warm smile.
"I love kids. They're adorable. When we have our own, I promise to be the best father to them." he smiled.
I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. Our hands were locked together.

"Good-bye, Oppa! Unnie!" the little girl bowed to us and left with her parents who were smiling and waving at us.
Chanyeol and I both smiled and waved back.

After a few minutes of just sitting in silence and watching the little kids play on the playground, Chanyeol looked down at me, "I love you, Park Seunghyun."
I looked up at him and smiled, "I love you too, Park Chanyeol. With all my heart." I pressed my lips onto his.
He suddenly pulled away, "Oh, I forgot about desert." he said reaching in one of the bags.

He looked in one of the bags and closed it. "Jagiya," he looked up at me and smiled, "I have a game."
"What is it?" I tilted my head.
"It's a guessing game. You have to guess what food I'm feeding you." he said as he moved to sit across from me. "Here." he handed me the blindfold, "Wear this."
I did as I was told and put the blindfold on.

I could hear him going through the bag.
"Okay, Seunghyun, open your mouth." he said.
As I opened my mouth, I felt something sweet in my mouth. I've had these before...but where...
"Do you know what it is?" he chuckled.
"Um, I do, but, I don't know what it's called." I said moving my hand in a circular motion trying to think of the name.
"Do you give up, Jagiya?"
I can't think of the name, but I know what it is. "The name escapes me, but I know what it is. You, Minseok, and Jongdae fed me this one time at the dorm. Jongdae told me what it was, but I can't remember it!" I took off the blindfold and saw what it was. I felt really dumb now. I used to eat these all the time when I was a trainee! I would always go down to Mrs. Lee's store to buy some. They were like a cookie/pastry.
Chanyeol nodded, "Yep, that's it."

The two of us continued playing the game for another few minutes.

When we finished, Chanyeol got off and slowly began pushing me on the merry-go-round. "Jagiya, push it really fast and then jump on!" I smiled.
He began pushing it really fast and then jumped on next to me.

We were acting like such little kids screaming and laughing. "JAGIYA!" he wrapped his arms around me and laid down on the merry-go-round.
We continued to laugh. "Yah! I'm so dizzy!" I held my head.
As the merry-go-round slowly came to a stop, he looked over at me. "You still dizzy?"
"Just a little." he chuckled.
"Will this make it better?" he leaned over and pressed his lips on...my nose.
"Chanyeol?" I laughed. "That's my nose. Are you dizzy too?"
"Oh, sorry." he laughed.
I leaned forward and placed my hand on the back of the head and pushed his lips onto mine. "Thank you so much for taking me out on such a wonderful date. It was really special."

When we got home we decided to watch movies until we fell asleep. That was probably a bad idea on my part because I had an early schedule tomorrow, but my husband is worth it. ^_^

"Jagiya? What are you thinking about?" Chanyeol plopped himself up on his elbow and looked down at me. He began playing with my hair.
"Just thinking about us. How much I love you. I had a really great time." I smiled up at him.
He took one of his hands and began caressing my face. "You're so beautiful, Park Seunghyun. I'm happy to have you in my life."
"I'm happy I found you." I smiled up at him.

I laid back down and he continued running his fingers in my hair. He began to massage my shoulders, "I'm next." he chuckled.
"All right." I chuckled.

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD