So Cold

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
"Hyung?" Chanyeol came up to me. "I'm so sorry what I've done to Seunghyun."
I gave him a glare, "Yeah, you should be sorry. You won't believe how long she has been sad. It was all because of you!"
He sighed, "I know, I know. And I'm sorry. I was doing everything for her though."
"Why didn't you let me in on the secret?" I shrugged my shoulders.
He shook his head and looked away, "I-I couldn't. Chaeyoung kept threatening me if I told anyone. I couldn't risk telling anyone."

I looked over and saw Chaeyoung talking with Seunghyun's members. I smiled, "Well I'm glad everything worked out between you all."
He nodded, "Me too. I'm glad that Chaeyoung and her are friends. Seunghyun has such a kind heart. She forgives way too easily."

I looked around, but I didn't see Seunghyun anywhere. Maybe she was with Lu Han right now.

"Hey, Baekhyun." Chaeyoung smiled as she came up to Chanyeol and I.
I gave her a weak smile, "Hey, great party."
"Aw, thank you. Seunghyun and I are great friends now. Your sister is such a Sweetheart."
Chanyeol spoke up, "Well that's good to hear. Do you know where she is? I thought she was with you." he asked looking around the room.
She shook her head, "She's probably walking around the house with Lu Han. I saw them walking together a while ago."

But, Seunghyun is my date, not his. Thought Chanyeol.

Your POV
"HELLO? SOMEONE HELP ME!" I kept banging on the door, but it was no use. I've been screaming for so long now. No one can hear me. My hands and arms were so cold! I should've brought my cardigan or something.

I rested my back against the door and brought my knees up to my chest.

Was it just me, or was it getting a lot more colder than it already was? I turned around towards the door and starting hitting it again, "SOMEONE HELP ME! PLEASE LET ME OUT! IS ANYONE OUT THERE? SOMEBODY! CHAEYOUNG?"

I don't know how cold it was, but I'm in a freezer, it's probably below normal freezing temperature. With it being this cold, my body isn't functioning properly.

Chanyeol's POV
~Minutes later~
Ugh! Was she still with Lu Han? Why in the world would she go with him when I specifically told him that she was MY date?

I sighed and went to go sit over with Minseok and a few of the other members.

No ones POV
"Hey, Sehun, wanna go look around this house with me? This place is huge!" Kyungsoo asked Sehun.
He nodded, "Sure. I kinda want to know what's in this place. This is like a giant hotel."

The two of them got up and left the dining room.

"Woah, check out these old paintings." said Sehun pointing to the paintings on the wall.
"They look really old. How old is this place?"
"No idea, but the whole interior of this place looks pretty old."

They both walked passed a giant kitchen. "Hyung, is this a kitchen?" asked Sehun pointing in a room.
Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders, "I guess it is. It looks like one."
"But, we just passed a kitchen a few rooms ago! I saw some chefs coming out of it. How many kitchens does this house have!?" asked the Maknae with wide eyes.
"Let's go around and see which one is the biggest." said Kyungsoo as they began looking for all of the kitchens in the house.

They passed about five kitchens. As they went in the last one, Kyungsoo began wandering around checking out the stove.

Kyungsoo shot his head at Sehun who knocked over a lot of cooking pans on the floor.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, "Aish! Be careful, Maknae! Let's not break the kitchen!"
Sehun nervously laughed, "Sorry, Hyung."

"Hey, are you ready to-"
"SHH!" Sehun threw his finger up to his lips.

"Sehun, what's wrong?" asked Kyungsoo with a puzzled face.
"I thought I heard something. Hyung, be quiet." he said as he began walking around the kitchen trying to find out where the voice was coming from.

" someone there?" the voice muttered again.

"Hyung, did you hear that?" Sehun asked with wide eyes.
Kyungsoo nodded, "I did. It's coming from the pantry!"

Sehun ran over to the pantry and when he opened it, he saw something on the floor and his face fell in horror, "SEUNGHYUN!"

Kyungsoo was terrified too. He quickly followed behind Sehun and leaned down next to Seunghyun's cold body.

"SEUNGHYUN!" yelled Sehun as he scooped her up in his arms and brought you out into the kitchen.
"S-S-S-Se-hun-hun-it's-s-s-so-c-c-cold." Seunghyun stuttered.
Sehun looked at her in horror.
"Sehun, take off your jacket and wrap it around her." said Kyungsoo handing his jacket to Sehun so he could wrap it around her.

Suddenly, Seunghyun closed her eyes. "NO! SEUNGHYUN! STAY WITH US! SEUNGHYUN! _____! HANG IN THERE!" yelled Sehun.
"She's so cold!" said Kyungsoo as he felt her face.
"Hyung, what do we do? We need to get her to the hospital or something! We nee to find Baekhyun!" said Sehun as he began feeling her forehead.

Kyungsoo pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance, "Hello? There's been an accident! Yes, we're at the house on ________ Street. Our friend here was trapped in a freezer in the kitchen. She's not moving or anything. Please, come quick! We don't know how long she's been in here. All right, thank you."

Kyungsoo stood up, "Sehun, come on! We need to tell the others!"

With Seunghyun in his arms, he followed Kyungsoo out of the kitchen and ran towards the dining room.

Chanyeol's POV
"Yeah, Hyung, I remember that too." I laughed at Kris.

Suddenly, an out of breath Lu Han came running up to us, "Guys, have you seen Seunghyun anywhere?"
My eyes widen, "Chaeyoung said she was with you walking around the house."
His mouth dropped, "WHAT!?"
Before he could answer, Sehun and Kyungsoo came running in with faces full of horror.

I looked in Sehun's arms and there was Seunghyun wrapped in their jackets.

"SEUNGHYUN!" everyone in the room yelled.

Baekhyun's POV
I saw the dining room doors open and in came Kyungsoo and Sehun. I looked in Sehun's arms and saw my sister unconscious. "SEUNGHYUN!" I yelled and ran over to Sehun. As I reached my arms out, Chanyeol and Lu Han beat me to her.
"I've got her, thanks, Sehun." Chanyeol said to Sehun, but Lu Han reached his arms out in front of him.
"No! I'VE got her, Sehun."
Ugh! These children! -_-

I walked over and pushed all of them away, "I'M her brother. I'VE got her. Thank you, Sehun." I held my arms out and Sehun carefully passed her on to me.
"Is she going to be all right, Hyung?" asked Sehun with a worried face.
I shook my head, "I can't answer that. What happened? Where was she?"
"We found her in a freezer." said Kyungsoo.
"WHAT!? A FREEZER!?" I yelled.

Suddenly, a lot of medical people came running into the dining room with a stretcher. "I'll take her, Son." said one of the doctors holding his arms out. I carefully passed her on to them.

"Which one of you is with her?" asked a doctor.
All of EXO and Seunghyun's members raised their hands.
"All right, you all can follow behind us to the hospital. Is her guardian here?"
I quickly stepped up and went to him.
"You should ride with us."

Chanyeol's POV
All of us ran out and got in the EXO vans.

Lu Han scoffed, "This is all your fault, Chanyeol!"
My eyes widen.
"Lu Han!" hissed Mihyun.
Lu Han ignored her, "You shouldn't have left her alone with Chaeyoung! I know she's the one behind this!"
I glared at him. Was he really mad at me for this? "Now before you jump to conclusions, Hyung, Chaeyoung came back and told me that you were with her! Why did YOU leave her!?"
Lu Han gritted his teeth, "What the-I was no where NEAR her this evening! SHE WAS WITH YOU! DON'T BE BLAMING ANYONE BUT-"
"GUYS!" yelled Jongin and Soyun, "SHUT UP!"

Chaeyoung lied? Lu Han wasn't with her at all this evening!? Ugh, that ! I was furious now.

Baekhyun's POV
I sat next to the doctor and observed Seunghyun's body on the stretcher. I reached up and held her hand. My eyes widen. She's so cold! "Hang in there, Seunghyun. We'll get you through this."

As we pulled up to the hospital, the doctors came up and rolled Seunghyun's body inside. One of them came up to us, "You guys will have to wait in the waiting room until further notice. We don't know what happened. Are there any witnesses?"
We all shook our heads, but Kyungsoo and Sehun stepped forward. "We were the ones who found her."
The doctor nodded, "You two come with us. The rest of you can head to the waiting room."

No ones POV
"Kyungsoo-shi, Sehun-shi, what happened?" asked the doctor.
Kyungsoo spoke up first, "We don't know how she got in there. We just found her. Both of us were just exploring the house, when suddenly we came across a kitchen. This was the fifth kitchen we've seen in the whole house. As we walked in, Sehun began hearing someone's voice. He noticed that it was coming from the pantry."
Sehun spoke, "That's right. I could hear a very soft voice coming from somewhere. I noticed that it came from the pantry. As I opened it, I saw Seunghyun's body lying on the ground. I looked at the surrounding and realized that this was a freezer that she was in. Seunghyun was in a freezer! I quickly leaned down and picked her up in my arms. She slowly started to lose consciousness. Then that's when we called an ambulance."
The doctor nodded her head as she was taking notes on paper, "Do you know how she got in the freezer?"
They shook their heads, "No. We have no idea. Only Seunghyun would know."
The doctor smiled, "All right, thank you boys. You guys can go out and wait with your friends."

Sehun and Kyungsoo both bowed and headed out in the waiting room.

Baekhyun's POV
As Sehun and Kyungsoo came out, all of us stood up waiting for them to speak. "What happened to her?" asked Chanyeol running over to them.
Sehun and Kyungsoo told us everything that they knew.

Everyone looked down in horror. I looked over and saw Yixing comforting Soyun. I saw a few tears run down her face and her members went up to her. Soyun wiped her face, "As a leader, I wasn't able to look after our Maknae. I feel terrible."
"Unnie," said Minah, "This isn't your fault. You're a great leader and Seunghyun thinks so too. No one is to blame here."
"Except for Chaeyoung." said Lu Han glaring at Chanyeol.

I looked at Chanyeol and he just lowered his head in shame.

~30 minutes later~
All of us were just sitting quietly in the waiting room. Jongin, Yixing, and Kris were calming their girlfriends down. They were all worried about Seunghyun as much as we were.

Suddenly the doors opened and a doctor came out with a folder in her hand. She came over to us and cleared , "Who is with her tonight?"
Everyone raised their hand.
The doctor sighed, "What I mean is who is the relative/guardian?"
I quickly stepped forward, "I'm her brother."
"Please follow me." she walked towards the back.

She brought me over to her desk and showed me some different photos of Seunghyun's body. Before she could speak, I quickly spoke up, "She's alive, right?"
The doctor sighed in relief, "Thankfully she is, but her condition is critical."
I signed in relief and relaxed my shoulders.

The doctor began holding up different images, "She fractured a few bones. Since no one seems to know how she got in the freezer, or how long she's been in there, it seems like she took a pretty hard fall on the ground. Her body heat is very critical. She is below normal body temperature. She must've been in the freezer for a long time. Everything seems to be good except for one thing that we're looking at right now."
My eyes widen in horror, "What is it?"
The doctor lowered her head and gave me a worried look, "When she fell, she hit her hard on something hard. We can't figure out what it was. We concluded that it could've been either the door or the floor. We really don't know. But there's been some memory loss."
My face fell in horror. I covered my face with my hands. I looked up at the doctor with teary eyes, "It's not permanent, is it?"
The doctor began looking through some papers and sighed.

I'm happy that Kyungsoo and Sehun came to her rescue! ^_^ Sorry that I didn't have Lu Han save her!
And the results are.................

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD