The Proposal

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Chanyeol's POV
~Hours later~
After I made a withdraw from my account, Baekhyun and I headed to the finest jewelry store in all of Seoul.

"Chanyeol? And Baekhyun Of EXO?" asked the store assistant who saw us come in.
Baekhyun and I nodded and have him a shy smile. "That's right."
"Park Chanyeol imnida." I bowed
"Byun Baekhyun imnida." Baekhyun bowed next to me.
"What can I do for you boys? My children are big fans of you." he came over and bowed to us.
Baekhyun patted my shoulders, "Chanyeol here, is going to propose to my sister."
The assistant's eyes widen, "Really? Congratulations! We have the best rings here. What type of jewelry does your girl like?"
I looked down and then looked over at Baekhyun, "She likes plain and simple. I think she would like a ring that is very simple, but also very unique."
The assistant smiled, "I have some rings that would be perfect for you. We offer different packages. We have a package that comes with the husband's and the wife's ring. Would you like that? The prices are very reasonable."
I nodded, "That would be great. And I'm not worried about the price. My girlfriend is very special to me."
He smiled, "Right, follow me."

~About an hour later~
After looking around for our rings, Baekhyun and I found one that Seunghyun would really like. We thanked the store assistant and headed out.

As we were in the car, Baekhyun kept looking at the rings. He smiled, "She's really going to love these, Chanyeol. You did a great job choosing them."

I looked out the window and began looking at nice houses that were for sale. After we get married, I plan on buying a house for the both of us. Seunghyun is the one I would like to spend the rest of my life with. I want to make sure that she has a good home to live in with me. Maybe we could even start a family later on. Depending on what her brother would say about it. ^_^

Baekhyun noticed that I kept looking out the window. "What do you keep staring at?"
I looked away and chuckled, "For a house for us."
He raised a brow, "Shouldn't you and Seunghyun do that together?"

He's right. I need her input on this too.

Baekhyun's POV
"After I propose, we'll go out and look sometime." he said.

I'm a little surprised about how much money Chanyeol spent on the rings back at the store. In respect, I won't say the price. He's now looking at houses for them. Knowing Chanyeol, he'd probably be the person to look for a giant house. -_-

When we got back to the dorm, Chanyeol gathered everyone in the living room. He knows that Seunghyun is at her dorm alone, so he called Yixing, Jongin, and Kris to bring their girlfriends over so they could be in on the plan too.

All of us sat on the floor in a giant circle with a notebook. We began coming up with ideas for his proposal tomorrow.

Your POV
~Next day: Afternoon~
Earlier this morning I had a recording to go to. As I was walking out to my car, my phone went off.
"My members are all schedule-free tonight. If your members are free, would you all like to go out to dinner? There's a new restaurant I would like to try. - Chanyeol"

So Chanyeol finally decides to message me. He wouldn't return any of my calls the other day, but he decides to message me right now. -_-

I messaged Soyun to see if we had any plans tonight.

"Unnie, do we have anything on our schedule tonight? - Seunghyun"
"Not that I know of. I'm all for the dinner tonight. I have to go. I have a photo-shoot to attend. Yixing called me and told me that they'd pick us up in a couple of hours. Make sure you give yourself some time to get ready. - Soyun"

I take it that Yixing told Soyun and she told the others.

I drove to the dorm and the TV. I called Baekhyun, but he STILL wouldn't answer his phone! -_-

"Seunghyun, they're here. Are you ready?" asked Minah standing outside my bedroom door.
"Almost finished, Unnie." I said as I was fixing my hair.

"Jagiya, don't make me come in there and drag you out." said a familiar voice.
"Chanyeol?" I asked with a puzzled face, "What are you doing here?"
He chuckled, "Your members let me in. Hurry, we have reservations."
I sighed, "I'm still doing my hair though."
I heard Mihyun sigh on the other side, "Seunghyun, you can do your hair in the car. Come on, hurry!"
I sighed and came out of my room.

As I walked out, I walked right into Chanyeol's arms. He kissed the top of my head, "Jagiya, you look beautiful."
I reached up and pecked him on the lips. "Thank you. How are you feeling?"
He blushed, "I feel better already."
We both headed out to the car with the rest of the members.

When we got in the car, we sat in the back with Baekhyun. He looked at me and smiled, "You look beautiful, Seunghyun."
Before I could speak, Lu Han turned around in the seat in front of us, "You look nice, Loudmouth." he winked.
I stuck my tongue out, "Thanks, ert."

Suddenly, I felt my long hair being pulled back. I heard chuckling too. I looked next to me and saw Chanyeol playing with my hair. "Chanyeol, what are you doing?"
He smiled, "I'm doing your hair for you. Since you didn't have time to finish it at the dorm, I just wanted to do it for you. Do you have a hair-tie?"
I nodded and pulled one out of my purse.

When he was done, he pulled out his phone and took a photo of the me.

(He did that hairstyle.)
"Beautiful." he said smiling.
Lu Han smirked, "You should've had me do your hair. I could've done better."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "You'd probably make it look hideous."
He smiled, "Of course I would. I'm childish, remember?"
I laughed and playfully hit his head, "Is that how you would treat someone after they come out of the hospital?"
He chuckled, "Yep, only me."

I tilted my head and looked at Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Lu Han, "Why haven't you guys answered any of my calls and messages? I was really lonely. When I got released from the hospital, I would think that you all would want to see me."
Baekhyun spoke up, "We've had a busy schedule."
I folded my arms, "But you guys always find time to answer your phones. Have schedules been that busy?"
Chanyeol nodded, "You'd be surprised. Rehearsals have been rough."

Before I could speak, we pulled up to the restaurant.

Chanyeol and I walked in hand-in-hand. Baekhyun walked up to the one of the workers and whispered something. I take it that Baekhyun make the reservations?

"This way, please." the lady signaled us to follow her.

We walked up a giant staircase. When we got up to the top, we went out a door that led to the roof. There was a giant table out in the center with candles all over the table. There was a small group of people playing some soft music.

Chanyeol quickly walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out for me to sit down, "Jagiya."
I chuckled, "Thank you, Sir."
All of our members took a seat around us. Chanyeol sat next to me and Baekhyun sat on the other side of me.

The dinner was going really well. We all ordered a family meal. As we were waiting for our food, we all casually began talking.

I couldn't help but look around at the city. I love seeing the city lit up at night.

Chanyeol's POV
I looked over and saw that Seunghyun looked a little sad. "Jagiya, are you all right?" I asked her with a worried look.
She gave me a weak nod, "I am. I'm just really thankful that I'm here right now. Chanyeol."
As I continued listening to her, I looked next to her and saw Baekhyun pointing to his ring finger. Does he want me to do it now?

The waiter came with our food. There were carts of food everywhere. The waiter came and laid out the dishes on the table. I'll let her eat now.

A few minutes into our meal, she seemed to really enjoy the food. "Jagi, here, try this." I held my fork up to .
She opened and placed the food in . Her eyes widen, "Mmm, this is good. It's a little sweet, but it's also very sour."
I heard Lu Han chuckling across the table, "Hey, just like you, Seunghyun."
She glared at him, "Thanks, Lu Han. That means a lot." -_-
He gave her a fake smile.

While we finished our meal, I noticed that she kept staring over at the city lights. "Jagi, come with me." I stood up and reached for her hand.
She stood up and followed me. I led her over to the dance-floor. We had a perfect view of the city of Seoul.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She rested her head on my shoulder and looked out at the city lights. "So, you're feeling better, right?" I asked her.
She looked up and smiled, "I am. A lot better. How about yourself?"
Our foreheads touched, "I'm doing just fine. I'm with you."
She chuckled, "Cheesy, Chanyeol."
I smiled and pressed my lips on her forehead. I looked over and looked at the city lights. They really were beautiful, but not as beautiful as the person in my arms.

I looked over at the table and saw everyone looking at us.

Your POV
Chanyeol cupped my face with his hands, "I'm in love with you, Seunghyun." his hands went down to my hands.

My heart was beating so fast right now. Was he about to do what I think he was about to do?

My eyes started tearing up as he pulled out a small box from his coat pocket and got down on one knee, "I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Not as your boyfriend, but something more. Byun Seunghyun, would you be my wife?"

He proposed to me...

I looked over and saw everyone smiling at us. Especially Baekhyun. My members were shedding tears. I looked back at Chanyeol and smiled. I couldn't hold my years back any more. "Ch-Chanyeol." I smiled and brought my hand up to my mouth.

I jumped into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Yes, I would love to be your wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Park Chanyeol!"


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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD