Like Brother Like Sister

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
~Next morning~
When I woke up, I was extremely sore. I realized that I slept on the sofa. I looked next to me, but didn't see Chanyeol or Seunghyun. Maybe he took her home after the movie and headed to bed.

I looked down and saw Kris, Minseok, Tao, Lu Han, Joonmyun, and Jongdae all spread out on the floor. I also noticed that the TV was . The Grudge 2 was playing. I remember during debut days, Kris had us watch this movie. It was pretty good, but there were a few parts that freaked me out.

I got up and without stepping on anyone, I made my way to my room. When I stepped in my room, my eyes widen. Seunghyun was under the covers with Chanyeol in his bed!

I trust Chanyeol, but this is too much! Can't they wait till after marriage!?

I really hope they didn't do what I think they would do...

I walked over and lifted the covers off of them. I sighed in relief. Thank goodness their clothes were still on. I take it that they didn't do anything after all.

Seunghyun slowly opened her eyes, "B-Baekhyun Oppa?" she started stretching.
I gave her a warm smile and put the covers back over her and Chanyeol. "Shh, Seunghyun, just go back to sleep." I whispered.
She closed her weak eyes and rolled over with her back towards Chanyeol.

Since no one was awake, I decided to take a quick shower.

When I came back, I saw Chanyeol who was wide awake, playing with Seunghyun's hair as she continued to sleep in peace.

When he saw me, his eyes widen, "Hyung, I swear, we didn't do-"
I chuckled, "I know. I trust you, Chanyeol. I know that you guys wouldn't do that sort of thing."
He looked over at my bed and hesitated, "I was gonna let her sleep in your bed. Honestly. But you had papers and books spread out on it."
I shook my head, "It's fine, Chanyeol."

Seunghyun started and started stretching again. Chanyeol rolled on his side and gave her a kiss on her cheek, "Good morning, Jagi."
She slowly opened her weak eyes, "Good morning-Oh, Baekhyun Oppa." she nervously started laughing when she saw me. "It's not what it looks like."
I rubbed the back of my neck, "I know. I trust you guys."

"What time is it?" she asked looking around.
"It's only 9AM. Why? Do you have a schedule today?" asked Chanyeol with a worried face.
"No, it's not that. It's just that Minah, Soyun, and Mihyun are supposed to be back at the dorm today. I wanted to see them."
"Oh, well your car is still parked out front." said Chanyeol.

She looked at me, "Do you guys have a schedule today?"
I shook my head, "Not that I know of."
She slowly got out of the bed, "Okay."

Your POV
I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. When I opened my eyes, I saw Chanyeol laying next to me and Baekhyun looking down at us. I was extremely embarrassed right now. Chanyeol and I have never slept in bed together. But Chanyeol and I have our limits. We haven't gone any further than kissing.

I got out of bed and went to the mirror. My hair was actually looking really good. It's all because of Chanyeol. ^_^
He always combs my hair with his fingers.

"Well, I'm gonna head on back to my dorm and get cleaned up." I walked over to Chanyeol who was now sitting up in bed. I leaned down and kissed him, "I'll see you sometime this afternoon? Maybe we can all go walk down by the river or something."
He smiled, "All right. Drive carefully, Jagi."
I smiled and headed towards the hallway, "I will. Thanks for letting me stay the night." I waved at Baekhyun, "Bye, Baekhyun Oppa. I'll see you later."
He smiled, "If you need anything, we'll be here for you."

When I got in the living room, I gathered my belongs and quietly stepped around the members who were asleep on the floor. I looked up at the TV and saw The Grudge 2 playing. Creepy movie.

When I got out to my car, my phone vibrated.

"Hey! So I guess I'm the only one at the dorm? - Minah"
"I'm coming back right now. - _____"

I put my phone away and started driving back to the dorm.

When I walked in, Minah threw her arms around me, "_____! How are you? I missed you so much!"
I smiled and hugged her back, "Unnie! I missed you too! I've been doing well."
She led me over to the sofa, "How are you and Chanyeol doing?"
"We're doing pretty good. We had a little incident yesterday, but we made up by a movie night. We borrows The Notebook from Jongin."
Her eyes widen, "Whar did Chanyeol think of it? Did he like it? What about those scenes?"
I felt my face getting warm, "I don't know if he finished the movie. I fell asleep halfway through. However during the firsf scene, I think Chanyeol felt a little uncomfortable watching it."
She shrugged her shoulders, "Jongin felt the same way too. But hey, we're all gonna do it sometime."
My eyes widen at what she said. "I'm willing to wait until marriage."

Minah changed the topic, "Anyway, so what was the incident?"
I sighed and told her about the while photo-shoot incident yesterday.
Her eyes widen, "Rokhyun was your high school crush?"
I nodded, "Mhm. Chanyeol seemed to be really upset about it."
She my hair, "I understand how you feel. The same thing happened to Jongin. One time, I was chosen to do a photo-shoot with Taemin. It just so happened that Jongin, Baekhyun, and Kris showed up at the photo-shoot. Whenever Jongin saw Taemin getting really intimate to me, he was very sad."
I sighed, "Well, guys will be guys. But hey, I think you'd probably feel the same way if you saw him with another girl in a photo-shoot."
She rolled her eyes, "That's true."

"You wouldn't happen to have a schedule anytime soon, do you?" I asked.
She shook her head, "Not that I know of. Why?"
"Just wondering if you'd like to go to shopping or something."
She bit her lower lip, "I'm sorry, _____, but Jongin and I messaged each other last night and kinda wanted to hang out today."
I gave her an understanding smile, "Oh, that's all right."
She pulled me in for a hug, "Thanks for understanding, _____. Soyun and Mihyun should be here soon."
"Well, I'm gonna go get cleaned up. I'll talk to you later?"
She smiled, "Of course."

Chanyeol's POV
After I got a shower I got myself something to eat in the kitchen. When I closed the fridge, I saw Joonmyun standing in front of me.

"YAH!" I yelled holding my chest. I slapped his arm, "Don't do that! I'll have a heart attack!"
He chuckled, "Hey, at least you didn't watch the horror movie last night."
I scoffed, "Absolutely not. The Grudge was bad enough. Don't think I could handle the second one."

He patted my shoulder, "Anyway, manager called. He said you and a few of the other members have a photo-shoot in a few hours."
"All right."

I went to my room and pulled out my phone.

"Hey! ^^ A few of my members have a photo-shoot soon. Wanna come along? We can all grab some lunch together. - Chanyeol"
"Hey! ^_^ I'd love to. Who's all going? - Seunghyun"

I stepped out and saw Kyungsoo walking past me. "Hey, Kyungsoo, who's all going to the photo-shoot?"
"Kris, you, Baekhyun, Lu Han, Jongdae, and myself."
"All right, thanks."

I texted Seunghyun back.

"Jongdae, your brother, me of course, Kyungsoo, Kris, and Lu Han. You should invite Mihyun. I'm pretty sure Kris would want to see her. - Chanyeol"
"She said that he invited her this morning. Are you guys gonna come pick is up? - Seunghyun"
"We can if you'd like. - Chanyeol"
"Sounds good! ^_^ See you all later! - Seunghyun"

As soon as I put my phone away, Baekhyun came in the room. "Hey, Hyung, is it all right if your sister and Mihyun come to the photo-shoot with us?"
He nodded, "I don't see why not."

Your POV
"Mihyun Unnie!" Minah and I ran to greet her at the door.
Mihyun threw her arms around us, "I missed you guys so much! Soyun called me this morning and wanted me to tell you guys that she'd be staying an extra day with her family."
"We'll throw our leader a welcome home party tomorrow." Minah winked.

*Phone vibrates*
Minah looked down at her phone, "Oh, that's Jongin. I'll see you guys later." she said as she headed out the door.
"Bye, Unnie." I yelled to her.

After she left, Mihyun smiled at me, "You ready to go to our boyfriend's photo-shoot?"
I nodded, "Of course. Did Kris tell you that we're all going out to lunch afterwards?"
She nodded, "Yep!"

*Phone vibrates*
Mihyun pulled out her phone, "Hello? Oh, okay. Yeah, we're ready. No, Minah left for her date with Jongin a few minutes ago. All right. All right. Love you too, Jagi." she hung up and smiled. "They're almost here."
I smiled, "All right."

"How are your and Baekhyun doing?" she suddenly asked.
"What do you mean?" I tilted my head.
"Well with you and Chanyeol being together for this long, he still doesn't seem to have a problem with it?"
I gave her a nervous laugh, "Unnie, we're not in high school anymore. We chose to stay friends. We like each other like a brother and sister."
She smiled, "Aw, that's so sweet!"
I was about to respond, but I saw EXO's van pulling in.

As we walked out and got in the vehicle, Mihyun went to go sit in the second row with Kris, and I took a seat with Lu Han and Jongdae behind them. I wanted to sit with Chanyeol, but he was already sitting in the back with my brother and Kyungsoo.

"Hi, _____!" Lu Han and I started speaking in Mandarin to each other.
I gave him a warm smile, "Hello, Lu Han and Jongdae!"

"How was the horror movie last night?" I asked Lu Han.
"Good. I still think the first one was better."
I chuckled, "Do you like horror movies that much?"
Jongdae spoke up, "I think what was really scary about the movie last night, was when that guy squeezed those pair of keys in his hand, and blood started coming out of his hand."
I shut my eyes and covered my face with my hands, "Ah! I don't want to hear anymore!"
Jongdae chuckled, "There were more scarier parts than that, but that scene freaked me out."
Lu Han smirked at me, "We're gonna watch The Grudge 3 sometime. You sure you don't wanna come over, _____?"
I shook my head, "Absolutely not!"
Lu Han put his hand on top of my head, "You know, I'd be right next to you the whole time." he winked.
I pushed his hand away, "Yah! You'd probably be next to me SCARING me!"
The three of us started laughing in the back. As I looked up, I saw Kris looking back at us shaking his head.
I gave him that "What did I do?" look. He looked at Chanyeol and then looked at me.

Ugh! Kris is probably gonna tell Chanyeol that I was flirting! -_- Curse you, Kris, for knowing Mandarin!

When we got to the photo-shoot, we saw the photographer standing with her laptop. Mihyun and I took a seat next to the set while the EXO members got changed.

Baekhyun's POV
After the car ride, I noticed that Chanyeol was real quiet. Kris kept looking back at Seunghyun and Lu Han. He didn't look happy about it either. I wish I could speak Mandarin! Was Seunghyun flirting with Lu Han? *Sigh* She knows how much this bugs Chanyeol. -_-

After the members and I got changed into our outfits, we headed out onto the set. There was a giant white background. There was a girl standing next to the photographer too. When she turned around, my eyes widen.

It can't be! Kim Chaeyoung!? I thought I'd never see her again after high school! She's a model!?
Her eyes widen, "Byun Baekhyun?"

First, Seunghyun's photo-shoot incident, and now Baekhyun's! Like brother like sister! Kekeke!! ^_^
Who could Chaeyoung be to Baekhyun?

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD