The Notebook

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Your POV
"Hey. ^_^ I'm leaving my dorm right now. - Seunghyun."

I messaged Chanyeol as I sat in my car. Before I drove, I waited for him to respond.

*Phone vibrates*
"All right. See you soon! ^^ - Chanyeol"

When I arrived at their dorm, I brought along the giant fluffy blanket Chanyeol bought for me. Every time when we do a movie night, we always cuddle in this blanket. ^_^

"Hey, _____!" Minseok greeted me at the door.
I bowed, "Hello, Minseok."
He pointed a finger at me, "We get the TV after you guys watch ONE movie."
I rolled my eyes, "All right, all right. Better not be anything scary."
He chuckled, "You and Chanyeol don't have to watch it with us."
I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess it'd be okay. I'll have Chanyeol next to me the while time."
He ruffled my hair, "All right, enough of that. Come in. Chanyeol is waiting for you."
When I walked in, I saw so many movies laid out on the floor. I almost stepped on one just trying to get over to Chanyeol.

"Hey, Jagi!" he smiled at me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his head. I laid my belongings on the floor next to the window and then took a seat on the floor next him.

He clapped his hands, "What would you like to watch this evening?"
I bit the insides of my mouth, "Tch, how about this one?" I held up an American movie.

(I just chose The Notebook because my friend from America said that it was a common romance/drama movie that everyone enjoys.)

Chanyeol tilted his head, "The Notebook? What is it about? There are Korean subtitles, right? I can't understand English."
I nodded, "It's a drama/romance movie. Kind of sad, but also very good. I watched it with Minah when she had Jongin over at our dorm. I'm pretty positive that there're subtitles for this. I'll go ask Jongin."

I got up and went to look for Jongin. I walked down the hallway trying to figure out which room was his. I saw him at his desk writing something.

"Hey, Jongin?" I knocked on his door.
He turned around, "Hey, _____. Everything all right?"
I nodded, "Yeah. I was just wondering if Chanyeol and I could borrow the movie, The Notebook for this evening."
He got up and went over to his shelf, "That movie was good. It sure made Minah cry." he pulled out the movie an handed it to me.
"Yeah, but she likes movies like that. Thanks, Jongin!" I said walking out.

When I came back in the living room, I saw Chanyeol spread out on the sofa with my blanket.
I pointed my finger at him, "Yah! Don't be hogging the blanket!"

I walked over to the TV and put the movie in. Thank goodness this movie has subtitles! Even though I can speak some English, I still don't understand most of it.

Chanyeol's POV
~Minutes into the movie~
"Hey, what are you guys watching?" asked Baekhyun walking into the living room with Sehun.
"Woah, why are they laying in the middle of the street?" asked Sehun who sat down in the chair.
Seunghyun and I made room for Baekhyun. He sat at the other end of the sofa.

"I'm taking this is a movie from Kris? It's all in English." said Baekhyun.
I shook my head, "We actually borrowed it from Jongin since he and Minah watched it. Seung-" Baekhyun elbowed my side.
I looked over and forgot that Sehun was with us. "I mean, _____ picked it out."

~Minutes later~
I don't think I've ever seen this much kissing in my life. Noah and Allie can never separate from each other!

I looked down and Seunghyun was smiling in my arms. I couldn't help but smile either. I love cuddling with her in this blanket. We could fall asleep like this and never wake up. As she was watching the movie, my fingers began to play with her long hair. She loves it when I do this! ^_^

I leaned down to her ear, "Jagi, are you enjoying the movie?"
She looked up at me and smiled, "I am. Noah and Allie are so adorable together."
I leaned down and pecked her nose, "I think we're more adorable than them."

(I had to do some research about this movie. For those of you who have seen the American movie, The Notebook, the first scene is about to happen)

My eyes widen at what was about to happen. This isn't a Rated movie, right? I looked over and saw that Sehun was sound asleep in the chair.

The two characters were getting very intimate in the movie.

"Yah!" Baekhyun whispered to me, "Are you sure Seunghyun should be watching this?"
I looked down at her and she caught me starring at her. She sat up and looked at Baekhyun, "What was that?"
He leaned over me and whispered to her, "I said, are you sure you should be watching something like this?"
She looked over at Sehun who was sound asleep and then looked back at Baekhyun and whispered,  "It's just a scene, Oppa."
"What is this rated?" asked Baekhyun who began looking at the movie case.
"Relax, Baekhyun Oppa. It's PG-13." she said and laid back down in my arms.

Baekhyun's POV
I know. I'm being an overprotective Oppa. -_-
I was a little thrown off by the scene in the movie. Every once in a while I'd glance over at Seunghyun and Chanyeol. Mainly Chanyeol because I couldn't see Seunghyun's face. I could tell that Chanyeol found the scene a little too much for him. I noticed that he kept looking away every once in a while.

Thankfully Sehun was asleep. The Maknae needs to keep his innocence! ^o^

~1 Hour later~
I was still almost asleep, when someone nudged my side.

"Hyung, are you still awake?" whispered Chanyeol.
I gave him a weird look, "I am?" Why is he stuttering?
"Seunghyun is sound asleep, and-ACK!" he groaned, "And-And her elbow is crushing my arm! I-I'm losing feel in my arm! Without waking her, can you lift her up for a second?"

I got up and walked over in front of Seunghyun. I carefully put my arms under her back and lifted her up. Chanyeol sighed in relief, "Thanks, Hyung."
I sat back in my spot and started to drift off to sleep.

Chanyeol's POV
"Yah! Chanyeol, is the movie over-" Kris came in with his loud voice.
I brought my finger to my lips, "Shh, you'll wake her up." I whispered.

Aside from Kris, Minseok, Lu Han, Joonmyun, Jongdae, and Tao came in the living room and sat down on the floor in front of Seunghyun and I.

Jongdae pointed at the TV and looked at me, "Can we watch our movie?" he whispered.
I nodded. Even though we didn't get to finish the movie, we could always finish it another night.

Tao handed Jongdae the movie that they were gonna watch.

My eyes widen after seeing the cover, I wanted to leave. There are a few horror movies that I like, but before our debut, Kris had us watch The Grudge. I had nightmares for days! I'm not gonna lay here and suffer through the second movie!

I started panicking a little bit. I seriously wanted to get out of the living room. But I didn't want to leave Seunghyun by herself. Where was I gonna put her? I looked over and noticed that Baekhyun was sound asleep.

I know Baekhyun trusts me and everything, but I don't think he'd want his sister sleeping in bed with me. But the more I think about it, I'd rather have her in my arms than out here with the other members. Especially Lu Han. -_-

I saw a few of the members in front of me and looked for one I trusted. The person in front of me was Lu Han. Heck, he flirts with Seunghyun enough as it is. Hmm, maybe I could have Minseok's help.

"Hey, Minseok Hyung, can you help me?" I whispered over to him.
He came over, "What's wrong?"
"I'm not laying here while you guys are watching this. I'm going to my room. Without waking her, can you lift _____ up while I get up?"

He got up and carefully lifted Seunghyun's body up. I quickly got up and held my arms out. "I'll take her. Thanks, Hyung." He handed her to me and I grabbed the blanket and started heading towards Baekhyun's and my room.

Seunghyun is not as heavy as she thinks. She's very insecure about her weight, but I don't think she's heavy at all.

I carefully brought her into our room. I was gonna let her sleep in Baekhyun's bed, but there were papers and books spread out all over the bed. I carefully placed her in my bed. I made sure that she was against the wall and I was on the edge so she wouldn't fall off. I put the bed covers over the both of us. I saw her slowly start to move around, but she wasn't awake.

Suddenly, she quickly flinched and rolled right into my chest with her forehead hitting my chin. I winced in pain, but I didn't wanna wake her. She curled up into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.

I leaned down kissing the top of her head and whispered, "I love you, Byun Seunghyun."

Awwwwwwww!!!! So much fluff between them! ^o^

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD