Childish Chanyeol

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Chanyeol's POV
"How was your members' tour with f(x)?" I asked Seunghyun and she got in the car.
She smiled, "Very good. They had a hard time getting out of the airport with fans and everything. How was EXO in china?"
"They did a good job I heard. However, it rained during their concert, so they had to be real careful on stage. Other than that, they had a great time." I smiled as we continued driving home.

When we got home, Seunghyun headed to the kitchen, "Chanyeol, are you hungry?" she called.
I followed her into the kitchen and pulled out some fruit from the fridge. "I like smoothies." I smiled.
She chuckled, "All right. I'll make some smoothies. Would you like to swim? I sat the while time at the dorm. I need to get up and move around."
I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, "We can. I did a lot of sitting too. I'll be upstairs. I need to organize my schedule for next week."
She gave me a warm smile, "All right."

Your POV
~1 Hour later~
"Mmm, those tasted so good. You did a good job on those." Chanyeol smiled as he finished off his smoothie.
I smiled and pecked him on the cheek, "Glad you enjoyed it. I'm gonna get changed into my swimsuit. I'll see you outside in a bit?"
He pinched my cheek and smiled, "Of course."

After I got changed, I headed outside in the back to the pool. I slowly paced back and forth along the sides of the pool. I'm ready for tonight.

"JAGIYA!" I heard a loud voice. Before I could turn around, Chanyeol wrapped his arms around me and jumped in the pool.

I came up and wiped the water off my face. I chuckled, "With that deep voice of yours, how are you so quiet!? I always hear you, but you still manage to sneak up on me anyway."
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Hey, I want to try something new. I'll race you over there to the waterfall." he pointed at the waterfall across the pool.


I shrugged my shoulders, "Oh, um, okay GO!" I quickly started swimming to the other side before Chanyeol could get ready.
Before I got too far, he quickly grabbed my ankle, "Now hold on just a minute, Mrs. Park. I wasn't finished." he smirked.
I gave him a pouty face and swam back over to him.
He came up to my ear and smirked, "As I was saying, I wanted to try something. If you win, what would you like? I'll give you whatever you want."
I tilted my head and began tapping my chin with my index finger, "Hmm, um, what do you want if you win?"

I knew she'd say that. Thought Chanyeol. All according to plan! ^_^

He pecked my cheek and whispered in my ear, "A kiss."

My eyes widen. A kiss? That's it? I could give him one right now. Why so simple?

I looked at him with a puzzled face, "Oh, a kiss?."
"Not just any kiss. I would like a passionate one. Would ten seconds be all right?" he asked smirking.
My face flushed red. I wasn't used to passionate kissing with Chanyeol. I gave him a shy smile, "All right. And if I win, I get to push you into the pool three times." (Couldn't think of anything better.)
He scoffed, "All right, deal!"

We both got into a starting position. "One, two, THREE!" he counted. As we both kicked off from the wall, I was ahead until Chanyeol grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me back so he could get ahead. -_-
"PARK CHANYEOL!" I yelled.
He was laughing so hard as he swam all the way across the pool. He began cheering as he reached the waterfall.
I swam over there and playfully shoved him, "YOU JERK! YOU'RE SUCH A CHEATER, CHANYEOL!"

He got down on his knees in the pool and began tapping his lips while smirking, "Jagiya, come here."
I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. He opened his arms and I swam into them. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck resting my forehead on his. I leaned forward and pressed my lips onto his. The kiss got passionate real quick. I slowly removed my arms around his neck and cupped his face.

Yeah, this went way over ten seconds... -_-

Suddenly, Chanyeol began nibbling on my lower lip. It caught me by surprise so I flinched. I bit his lower lip too causing him to moan. As we both opened our mouths, our tongues went into each other. For some reason, I couldn't pull away. This is our first make-out. I didn't expect it to be this...good. After a few minutes, Chanyeol pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
I chuckled, "You do know that that was way over ten seconds, right?" I smirked.
He chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss again. He rested his forehead on mine, "I really liked it."
I gave him a shy smile and looked down in embarrassment, "I did too."

Chanyeol's POV
That was our very first make-out. For some reason, it felt so right. I never expected it to feel so good. I could tell that Seunghyun enjoyed it too. ^_^

For the next few minutes, Seunghyun climbed on my back and I just causally went around the pool. She rested her chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek, "You know, Chanyeol, I talked to my members today, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm ready whenever you are."
My eyes widen by what she said. She's ready? I carefully placed my arms on her sides and pulled her in front of me. I sat her down on my knee and looked in her eyes, "Me too. I'm ready when you are."
She cupped my face, "Would you like to get cleaned up first?"
I gave her warm smile, "That'd be nice."

We both climbed out of the pool and headed inside to our bathroom.

When we got in the bathroom, she the shower and began taking her swimsuit off. She seemed a lot more comfortable now around me. I took of my swimsuit and took both of our suits to be laid out in the bathtub.

As I climbed in the shower, Seunghyun was washing her hair with shampoo. I grabbed my shampoo and began scrubbing my hair. "Hey, Jagiya?" I called her.
"Hmm-YAH!" she shrieked as I rubbed some foam on her nose.
I began laughing. She poked my chest, "So childish, Chanyeol!" She then got some foam out of her hair and placed it on my cheek.
She covered with the back of her hand and started laughing, "Gotcha!" she stuck her tongue out.
I closed my eyes and chuckled. I looked up towards the shower faucet and let the warm water run down my face getting the foam off.

After showering, we stepped out and got changed in our sleeping clothes. I noticed that she put on the lingerie her members gave her. I guess she really was ready.

After she combed her hair, she decided to blow-dry it. While she was doing that, I walked in the bedroom and pulled out my phone. I saw a message from Baekhyun.

"Make sure you guys know you are both ready. - Baekhyun"

He sent that when Seunghyun and I were out in the pool. I took a glance in the bathroom and saw that Seunghyun was still blow-drying her hair. I'll call Baekhyun real quick to tell him that everything will be just fine.

*Phone conversation*
Baekhyun: Hello?
Me: Hyung, hey, sorry I didn't answer your message. We were out in the pool.
Baekhyun: Oh, I see. You'll have to invite the members over some time for a pool party! Have you and Seunghyun made your decision yet?
Me: Yeah. We're planning on tonight. We're both ran it by each other earlier and we're both ready.
Baekhyun: That's good. Where is Seunghyun right now?
Me: She's drying her hair in the bathroom.

"Jagiya?" said Seunghyun walking in the bedroom.
"Hey, your brother is on the phone." I said to her.

Your POV
"Baekhyun Oppa?" I asked him.
Chanyeol nodded, "Here, just a second." he looked back at his phone. "Yeah, Hyung. She just came in. She's right next to me. Okay."
He handed the phone to me, "He wants to talk to you."

*Phone conversation*
Chanyeol: Hi, Oppa.
Baekhyun: Hey Seunghyun, I just wanted to check on you guys. Did you have fun swimming?
Chanyeol: I did. You guys should come over some time when neither of us have a schedule.
Baekhyun: Yeah, I was talking to Chanyeol about that. We'll come over sometime. Oh, hold on, Lu Han is next to me. He wants to talk to you.

I began speaking in Mandarin.

Baekhyun: Seunghyun?
Chanyeol: Hey, Lu Han! How was visiting China? Chanyeol told me it was very rainy during your concert.
Baekhyun: It was all right. I slipped once, but I'm okay.
Chanyeol: *Chuckles* And you call me clumsy.
Baekhyun: Yah! Have you and Chanyeol done it yet?
Chanyeol: *Blushes* We're going to tonight. But guess what?
Baekhyun: What?
Chanyeol: We had our first make-out in the pool this evening because he cheated in a game. He was being childish like you!
Baekhyun: *Scoffs* Your first make-out? Seunghyun, step it up! You should've done that when you two were still dating!
Chanyeol: *Face-palms myself* Yah! Lu Han!
Baekhyun: Well, your brother wants to talk to you. You and Chanyeol have fun tonight. See you soon?
Chanyeol: *Nervously laughs* We will. And yeah, I'll see you sometime. Bye, ert!
Baekhyun: Seunghyun? It's Baek. I have to go too. We've got an early schedule tomorrow. You and Chanyeol be safe tonight. Make sure he doesn't hurt you too much. If he hurts you a lot, tell me. The members and I will come and beat him up.
Chanyeol: *Chuckles* Don't worry, Oppa. We'll be fine. Get some rest.
Baekhyun: All right, you two too. Love you.
Chanyeol: Love you too, Oppa. Goodnight.

I handed the phone back to Chanyeol, "All right, all right, Hyung. We will. All right. Talk to you tomorrow." he hung up the phone.

As he put his phone down on the nightstand he looked at me and smiled. He sighed, "Your brother cares about you a lot. He's threatening to have my head if you get hurt tonight."
I chuckled and reached up to cup his face, "I trust that you'll take the pain away from me."
He leaned forward and kissed my lips, "I promise, I will."
I pushed his hair out of his face and smiled, "I know you will."

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD