Better Than The Movie

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

No ones POV
~Weeks later~
Chanyeol decided to play-along with Chaeyoung. He and Seunghyun have never spoken to each other since the night of their break-up. 
Every once in a while, they'd run into each other, but they wouldn't talk or acknowledge each other. This was killing them both on the inside.

Chanyeol really believes that Seunghyun ended everything and moved on. While Seunghyun is heart-broken because Chanyeol happily went into the arms of someone else after finding out that she didn't love him anymore. Chanyeol has no idea that Seunghyun is following orders from Chaeyoung, and Seunghyun has no idea that Chanyeol is obeying orders from Chaeyoung. So much drama, right? ^_^

EXO and _______ have had so many busy schedules these past few days. Seughyun gives her best at all of her performances and Chanyeol continues to give his best at all of the EXO performances.

Baekhyun's POV
"We're all going to celebrate tonight. You coming, Baek?" asked Jongdae.

The EXO van took us to this big restaurant. We won the Album of the Year Award, so all of the managers wanted us to go out and celebrate for the evening.

It's been days since I've heard from Seunghyun. I mean, we still talk and everything, but she's very brief. Chanyeol seems to be the same old Chanyeol. But what bugged me was that he and Chaeyoung were together. No one but EXO and Seunghyun's band knew about this.

There are some days when I just wanted to break Chanyeol's face. He would be smiling and laughing with Chaeyoung. I'm not jealous, but it bothers me when my sister isn't by his side anymore. She really took the whole I never want to see him again thing seriously. Does she hate him that much? It also bothers me for the fact that Chanyeol took about a day to get over their break-up. He's all happy now that Chaeyoung is by his side. I can't believe he just forgot about Seunghyun just like that. After all that they've been through together, Chanyeol and her just threw it all away.

The waiter poured us all some drinks. My drink was a funny color and it smelt very strong. This is my first time drinking alcohol. I've never drank in my life! I know many of the other members have, but that was very rare. I remember Chanyeol used to tell me that he drank in high school, but stopped because it made him sick.

I looked around and saw everyone drinking. I took a small sip and spit it out. This stuff is so nasty!

I slowly pushed the glass away from me.

I looked over at the end of the table and saw Chanyeol taking a glass. Sehun tried drinking a bit, but Lu Han pulled his glass away.

I really didn't wanna be here if all we're gonna do is drink. I miss my brother-sister movie nights with Seunghyun. If I get back to the dorm this early, we could watch a quick movie.

I pulled out my phone and messaged her.

"Hey, are you doing anything right now? - Baekhyun Oppa"
"Hi, Oppa. ^_^ I'm not. Just organizing my room a little bit. Why? - Seunghyun"

As I started texting back, Jongdae's head landed on my shoulder. He was really drunk. He saw my phone and laughed, "Woah, Hyung, I didn't know you had a girlfriend?"
I shrugged him off and pushed him on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Want to have a brother-sister movie night at the dorm? Everyone's out doing stuff right now. I'm exhausted and just want to relax by fall asleep watching a movie. - Baekhyun Oppa"
"Sure. I'll head over right now, Oppa. - Seunghyun"

I put my phone away and told the manager who wasn't drinking, that I was gonna head back to the dorm. On my way out, Lu Han, Jongin, and Sehun, who weren't drunk, followed me out.

"Where are you headed to, Hyung?" asked Jongin.
"I wanted to head back and watch a movie with _____. You guys can come if you'd like."
Lu Han sighed in relief, "Thanks. I thought we'd never leave that place. I've never seen Kris so drunk in my life!"
Jongin agreed, "I never knew a lot of the members drank either."

Chanyeol's POV
Oh my goodness. Alcohol...

I haven't drank since high school and here it is in front of me. I took one small drink.

Kris' head fell on my shoulder and he began laughing like the joker. I hope the managers didn't drink. Cause we need a safe ride home.

Baekhyun's POV
When we walked back to the dorm, I saw Seunghyun spread out on the sofa on her phone. When she saw me and the others walk in, she gave me that "What are they doing here?" look.

Sehun and them went to go get changed into some comfortable clothing. Before I went to go change, I walked over to Seunghyun and whispered, "They followed me out."
She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't mind. Just make sure that you guys sleep on the floor. I want the sofa to myself."
I scoffed, "Hey, you're a guest here!"
Before she could respond, Sehun came out and sat on the floor in front of us, "Are you guys already fighting?"

Seunghyun and I rolled our eyes. She went back to her phone and I went to go change out of these outfits.

Your POV
Sehun handed me a movie, "Is this okay to watch?"

I tilted my head, "A horror movie?"

He nodded, "Lu Han Hyung said it was a good movie to watch."
I scoffed, "Of course he did." -_-

When Jongin, Lu Han and Baekhyun came in, Jongin, sat on the floor next to Sehun, and Baekhyun, and Lu Han came and sat on each side of me on the sofa. Ugh! I wanted the sofa all to myself so I could sleep! -_-

I hit Lu Han's arm. He yelled, "YAH! What was that for!?"
I sighed, "Of course you picked out the movie."
He chuckled, "It's only a movie. You have us here, so nothing will happen to you."
I stuck my tongue out at him. Then, I tried laying on the couch, "Scoot over, will you? And if you scare me, you're SO dead!" I playfully pushed Lu Han.
His eyes widen, "What the-you can't tell me what to do! This is our dorm!"
I looked over at Baekhyun, "Could you please scoot over, Oppa?" I mouthed Oppa so the others wouldn't hear me.
He sighed and moved over a little bit.

"Hey, _____, can you hand me the pillow behind you?" asked Sehun.
Ugh! I just got comfortable, now I have to move again. I grabbed the pillow behind me and threw on Sehun's face.
"What the-"
Lu Han chuckled, "See? I told you she was violent!"

Jongin began the movie and Lu Han turned the lights off and cranked up the volume. I slowly started drifting off to sleep.

~Hours later~
I suddenly flinched in my sleep and woke up. Lu Han gave me a weird look, "You all right?"
I nodded and looked around the room. Everyone was awake watching the movie. I notice a few of the members were back and decided to watch the movie with us. I didn't see Chanyeol anywhere. Maybe he was already asleep in his room? Or maybe he was out with Chaeyoung. -_-

I looked next to me and saw Baekhyun who had a serious look on his face. He was really getting into the movie.

After a few seconds of thinking, I leaned over and whispered something to him, "Would it be bad if I were to talk to Chanyeol right now?"
Baekhyun looked at me with wide eyes and whispered, "Are you sure?"
I gave him a weak nod.
He gave me a weak, but understanding smile, "I understand. Go, talk to him. I'll be right here if you need anything."
I smiled, "Thanks, Oppa."

I suddenly got up and headed to Chanyeol's room.

Baekhyun's POV
"Where's _____ going?" asked Lu Han.
I sighed, "She wants to talk to Chanyeol."
He frowned, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "She misses him, Hyung."

I saw Lu Han give a weak smile. He sat back and continued to watch the movie.

Lu Han, I thought, You don't like Seunghyun, do you?

Your POV
I slowly approached Chanyeol and Baekhyun's room. When I stepped inside, I saw Chanyeol listening to music. When he saw me, his eyes widen. He yanked out his headphones and sat up.

"Listen, I-" we both spoke in unison.
"No, you first." we continued speaking in unison.
*Awkward silence*
I just stood there and folded my arms. He stood up and slowly came over to me closing the door. "I-How have you been?"
I gave him a weak smile, "Lonely." I gave him an honest answer.
He had a hurt look on his face, "Me too."
I looked down at my feet, "You have Chaeyoung though. How could you be lonely?"
His eyes widen by what I said. "I don't love her, Seunghyun. I'm still in love with you."

I felt my heart beating rapidly. I didn't know what to believe. A part of me wanted to believe him, but the other part of me wanted to walk away. Suddenly, the image of Chaeyoung threatening me, appeared in my mind. I quickly looked away, "Chanyeol, I told you before, I don't-"
"Seunghyun, quit saying you don't love me when deep down, I know you still do. It really hurts me-" he cupped my face. 
I cut him off, "Hurts you? HURTS YOU!? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HURT ME FIRST, CHANYEOL!" I raised my hand up to slap him on the face, but he quickly stepped closer to me, backing me up to the door, grabbed my arm and pinned it to the door. I raised my other hand up, but he pinned that one against the door too. 
"I'm so sorry, Seunghyun." he lowered his head.
I scoffed, "Sorry for what? For being a total -" he crashed his lips onto mine. I really missed his kisses. But why do I taste a little bit of alchohol on his lips? Has Chanyeol been drinking!?

Tears began to fall from my face. Suddenly, the kiss started to get very passionate. He brought his hands down to the hem of my shirt too. Chanyeol and I have never gotten  this passionate with our kissing. I've never seen Chanyeol like this before. I didn't like it at all. I kept turning my head away, but he kept kissing me! As he continued with his kisses, they started to get more rough.

"MMM-Chanyeol-MMM-S-STOP-" every time I tried to speak, he'd only kiss me harder. My lips were getting really sore!

Images of he and Chaeyoung kept appearing in my mind. With all my might, I got out of his grip and shoved him away from me. I opened the door and started to head towards the front door.

"SEUNGHYUN, WAIT!" Chanyeol yelled and reached for my wrist.

Baekhyun's POV
"SEUNGHYUN, WAIT!" yelled Chanyeol.
All of our heads shot towards the hallway. Seunghyun was running to the front door with tears in her eyes. I saw Chanyeol following behind her. I quickly jumped up and went over to them.

"Woah! What's going on?" I asked running up to Seunghyun. I looked closer and saw that her lips were a little bruised.
I shot my head at Chanyeol who looked down in shame.

I grabbed Chanyeol by his collar held him up against the wall causing a loud noise.

All of the members came running in to see what was happening. Sehun ran up to me and tried pulling me away, "Hyung, stop!"
Seunghyun ran up to me and tried pulling me away too. "OPPA, DON'T! STOP IT!"
I ignored them and slammed Chanyeol against the wall, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!?"

The whole room filled with silence. I turned around and looked at everyone in the room. ! I forgot that everyone was here.

"Oppa?" asked Sehun.
"S-Sister?" Lu Han stuttered.
Kris chuckled, "This is way better than the movie."

*Suspenseful music playing*

I love Kris' comment at the end! ^o^

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD