
~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Your POV
MC: What about the scandal that's going around about you and EXO-M's Lu Han?
Me: S-Scandal?

Everyone's eyes widen on stage as the MC said that. Especially mine and Lu Han's. He looked over at me and gave me a puzzled look. What scandal was the MC talking about!? There is no scandal. Baekhyun and the others are watching right now. I bet they're as surprised as us.

MC: There's been a lot of fans saying online that they've seen you and Lu Han together a lot.
Me: I can honestly tell you that those are all just rumors. Lu Han and I are just best friends. Even though he's a lot older than me, I see him as my little brother. And he sees me as his little sister.
MC: Oh, so that's it? Lu Han, what do you have to say about this?

The MC looked down at Lu Han on the other end. He looked really speechless right now.

Lu Han: I really don't know what to say right now. It's like Seunghyun said, we only see each other as siblings and nothing else. I consider her as one of my best friends. Occasionally we would go out together and grab a quick meal when we have a free schedule, but we're just friends. There's nothing going on between us. She has a husband and I respect that.
MC: Tell us, Lu Han, many fans said that a few months ago, you attended a party with Seunghyun, bringing her as your date. Was this while she was with Chanyeol?

I was really embarrassed right now. Was this MC trying to ruin Lu Han's and my image or something? Why was he doing this? Lu Han and I have nothing to hide! There's nothing going on between us! I love Chanyeol! I could tell Lu Han was really shocked by all of these questions the MC was asking him. He looked really uncomfortable too.

Lu Han: That was months ago. And yes, I brought her as a date, but we were just friends. Neither of us had dates and we decided to go as good friends. There's nothing going on between us.
Me: Lu Han's right. It's just rumors that you're hearing. Lu Han is one of my best friends.
MC: This is very interesting. A few fans just sent in some comments on our website. Lu Han, before Seunghyun and Chanyeol got married, would you would've taken Chanyeol's place?

My eyes and his eyes widen. We couldn't believe this was happening right now.

Lu Han: Absolutely not. I knew that Chanyeol and Seunghyun loved each other. I never interfered with any of them. I would never do that to my band member and best friend. Seunghyun and I only see each other as brother and sister.
MC: What do you have to say about this, Seunghyun? Have you ever developed feelings for Lu Han?

Baekhyun's POV
MC: What do you have to say about this, Seunghyun? Have you ever developed feelings for Lu Han?

All of our eyes were widen by what we were seeing and hearing. Especially Chanyeol. I couldn't tell if he was angry or upset. I have a feeling this was all out of the script. Seughyun and Lu Han looked like they were about to run off the stage and cry. Especially Seunghyun. She looks really uncomfortable.

Seunghyun: Lu Han and I have been best friends ever since my trainee days. One day, I was chosen to shadow Super Junior. Ryeowook was the one who picked me up to take me to Super Junior. I learned a lot from him and the other Super Junior Sunbaes. A few days later I was to shadow EXO. Lu Han was the one to pick me up and take me to shadow EXO. Lu Han and I easily became friends because I am fluent in Mandarin. I communicate with him, and the other EXO-M members in Mandarin. Lu Han was great Sunbae to me. And he still is, along with everyone else. I haven't looked at Lu Han more than a friend.

I remember when I danced with Seunghyun at Chaeyoung's party, she told me that she was falling for Lu Han. But I know that she doesn't like him like that anymore. She would never do something like that to Chanyeol.

I took a brief look over at Chanyeol and he looked a upset. He had his arms crossed and he was biting his lower lip.

The MC continued to look down at his electronic device.

MC: We just received another question. Seunghyun, a fan would like to know if you and Chanyeol weren't married, and you and Baekhyun didn't know that you were siblings, which member would you pick to have a relationship with? Baekhyun? Lu Han? Or Chanyeol?

I looked over and saw that Jongin and Sehun tried so hard to contain their laughter. I hit them both on the back of the head. Joonmyun's and Chanyeol's mouths were wide opened in shock by the question. I just shook my head in disappointment that the MC was doing this to my sister and band member.

Seunghyun: I wouldn't know who to choose. What are you trying to say?
MC: When you first joined SM, who would you pick out of the three of them? Be honest.
Seunghyun: In all honestly, if Baekhyun and I weren't siblings, I would've chosen him because he was the first guy who came up to me during my trainee days.

My eyes widen in shock by what Seunghyun said. But honestly, if the MC asked me that question, I'd honestly say Seunghyun. I mean, before we found out we were siblings, I fell for her. But I don't see her like that anymore. I only see her as my sister and nothing more.

MC: That's an interesting answer. Well, let's move on to our next event.

I looked over at Chanyeol, "Are you okay?"
He didn't say anything and just nodded his head continuing to watch the show.

Your POV
It felt like my body was frozen after receiving those questions. I wasn't comfortable at all. I did not like how personal those questions were. I'm even more upset that I had to answer them on live TV. I really hope Chanyeol isn't mad.

After the MC went around and asked the other member's their questions, we moved on to our games. I was a little upset that the MC didn't ask the other people personal questions like that.

But then again, I guess I was the only one who had secrets.

~After show~
When we all went backstage, my members came up to me. "Seunghyun, are you all right? We didn't know the MC was going to ask those questions." said Mihyun with a disappointed face.
I gave them a weak nod, "I'm fine, Unnie."
"You're very brave, Seunghyun." said Minah. "I would've broken down in tears. Those were some pretty personal questions. You handled them very well."
I tried laughing it off, "Oh well, they're only rumors anyway. I'll try my best to ignore them. Are we going out to eat now?"
They exchanged looks with each other and we all headed out to eat with EXO-M. Our manager told us that we head back to Seoul in two days.

I pulled out my phone and messaged Chanyeol.

"Hey. That was the worst show I've ever been on. I'm really sorry you and the other members had to watch that. - Seunghyun"

Chanyeol's POV
*Phone vibrates*

I bit my lower lip and read her message.

"Hey. That was the worst show I've ever been on. I'm sorry you and the other members had to watch that. - Seunghyun"
"No, you did great. We were all just shocked by the personal questions. I'm glad you answered them honestly. How do you feel? - Chanyeol"
"Well, I feel really weak. I'm still trying to take in what just happened on the show. I knew the MC was going to ask me about Baekhyun's and my past, but that whole scandal thing, that caught us all by surprise. Lu Han and I are just friends. Nothing more. He's like a brother to me. - Seunghyun"

I trust her. I know that she would never see someone behind my back. Especially my own band member.

"I understand, Jagiya. ^^ Don't be too hard on yourself. I know I'm the only one in your heart and your the only one in mine. Let's forget about what happened tonight. Just enjoy yourself and have fun in China. - Chanyeol"
"Thanks, Yeobo. I love you and miss you so much. I'm glad you liked the pictures I sent you today. I have to go now. We're all going out to eat. By the way, I'm coming home in two days. Can't wait to see you. - Seunghyun"
"Love you too. Can't wait to see you too! Have fun! ^^ - Chanyeol"

I put my phone away and laid down in my old bed. I miss Seunghyun so much.

Your POV
"Hey, are you all right?" Lu Han took a seat next to me in the restaurant.
I gave him a weak nod and scooted over so he could have more room. "I am. I'm still trying to take in what happened back at the show."
"Me too." he nodded. "I didn't expect those questions at all. In the script, I saw where it said you have to talk about yours and Baekhyun's past. I didn't expect the MC to interrogate us."
I nodded, "Yeah, I know. I just hope Chanyeol isn't upset with me. I messaged him on the way here. He seemed fine, but I have a feeling he's upset about this."
Lu Han shook his head, "I highly doubt that Chanyeol would be upset. Besides, it's not your fault. The MC just threw threw questions at us. It caught me completely by surprise."
I gave him a weak nod and looked down, "I know."

After we all ate, we headed back to the hotel for the night. On the way, our manager told us that we had a photo-shoot with EXO-M for a magazine. Our manager said that the show made so much money, we were asked to do a photo-shoot together.

As Minah and I got in our rooms, we got changed into our sleeping clothes and headed to bed.

*Phone rings*
"Seunghyun, your phone is ringing." said Minah who the light.

I was sound asleep until she shook me, "Seunghyun, it's your brother."
I slowly opened my weak eyes and groaned. I got out of bed and answered my phone in the hallway.

*Phone conversation*
Me: Hello?
Baekhyun: Seunghyun? I'm sorry, did I wake you?
Me: N-No, you're fine, Oppa. I was just watching some TV. What's up?
Baekhyun: I just wanted to see of you were okay. We all watched the show. I'm very disappointed that the MC asked those questions. He got carried away. Did you know he was going to ask those?
Me: I read the script before the show, and it said that I was to talk about yours and my past. But that was it. Nothing else. I didn't expect him to read those fan comments. I also didn't know there were rumors going around about Lu Han and I.
Baekhyun: What was the scandal with Lu Han?
Me: Oppa, it's not what you think! It was just rumors made up. Lu Han and I are just friends and nothing more. Please believe me, Baek. I promise, there's nothing going on between us.
Baekhyun: *Sigh* I know. It just caught us all by surprise. Especially Chanyeol. I'm out on the terrace right now because he's my the room playing loud music.
Me: Is he mad, Baekhyun? I messaged him earlier and he said he was fine, but I feel bad for some reason. I have a feeling he's still bothered by what happened.
Baekhyun: *Chuckles* You're just paranoid, Seunghyun. Chanyeol isn't mad at all. He was a little concerned when the scandal was brought up, but after you explained it, he was fine.
Me: *Sighs in relief* That's good. I don't want him getting mad at Lu Han and I. We're just friends. And honestly, he's been the only one I've been hanging out with in China. He helps me with my Mandarin when we're all out.
Baekhyun: That's good. Just don't ever leave the hotel alone. It's not safe.
Me: I know, Oppa.
Baekhyun: So are you guys going to do more touring tomorrow? When are you guys coming home?
Me: We come home in two days. We have a photo-shoot tomorrow with EXO-M. I don't know what's on the schedule after that.
Baekhyun: Sounds like you all are having a good time.
Me: *Sigh* Yeah, I guess.
Baekhyun: Well, I'm gonna let you get your sleep now. Don't worry about what happened tonight. Just forget about it.
Me: All right, Oppa. Love you.
Baekhyun: Love you too, Seunghyun.

After I hung up, I just covered my face with my hands. I really hope Chanyeol isn't mad at me.

I just thought I'd make a few updates before I go for my early morning jog. ^_^

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD